I can't seem to find the right match for this grille.. I know within 5 minutes someone will say Here it is, idiot. Well I've looked at 40-53 and they are similar but not near as many bars.. So it might not even be a buick..
I have 3 - 54 Buick's, sure looks like it. It should be 2 piece's of chrome diecast, not stainless cap's.
1954 Special & Century are the same size. Super & Roadmaster are the same but a different size. Thats what I was told. I have the first 2 mentioned. Yours is a 54!
The 47 & 48 grilles Pictured are right for those year, in silhouettes 57 post. I have 47 & 48 grille's they have stainless steel cap's over the grille teeth. 1954 is the only one with chrome teeth that has a diecast grille in 2 pieces. 1953 is like the 47 & 48. The same goes for my 46 grille cap's again. I have all these cars up to 57's, that's chrome diecast. Hope this clears up things.
57 Buick and in good shape, I've had 53 and 50 also a 55 and I think it's a 57 pretty sure. I am a Buick guy but I certainly don't know everything. Rags
One more time. Both 54 & 57 are chrome diecast. I just went out and counted my 54 Special/Century's grille teeth. There are 49 teeth. There much thicker, big time. With a little contour. I counted my 57 Super grille teeth. I think I got 115, might of miss some or counted some twice. The big tip off is there's over "ONE HUNDRED TEETH " ! Double the 54's teeth. The 57 grille is more rounded, You can see it . There thin and close together. The ends come more to a point, where the the round part of the bumper ends are.