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Are we snobs?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by caddychris, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. wvenfield
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
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    I knew what you meant. Sorry, I just couldn't resist being silly in this most serious of topics.
  2. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Kevin Lee
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    Yup. Fully agree. I also think the hyper-focused get lumped in with the so-called snobs sometimes. You dont have to really know anything about what you're looking at - car, boat, plane, scale model, house, furniture design, and on and on. Passion is unmistakable.
  3. I hate country music, but there's some mighty fine Fender guitars being played by some very gifted musicians. There's also some mighty fine guitars being played by some punks that have ZERO talent, but because other punks don't know any better, they're making millions.
    This guy has an ORIGINAL '32 Ford pickup! What are his detractors driving- something with more holes than sheetmetal? "Oooh, but it's so kool!"
    Give me (and this poor guy) a break.
  4. I Drag
    Joined: Apr 11, 2007
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    I Drag

    Your friend will discover, eventually, that these people are doing him a favor...when I was younger, I got discouraged if I got turned down by a girl, or didn't hear from a prospective employer. Now I realize these people do you a BIG FAVOR by self-selecting themselves out for you.

    If he feels strongly about the wheels, keep 'em on.

    BTW: the car doesn't have them neon-colored plug wires, does it?

  5. Absolutely!

    Passion and being finatical look like elitism to some.

  6. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

  7. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
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    The thing that I cant understand is when people get upset when they are turned away at an event. If they dont want you there why would you want to be there?
    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX

    Am I a Snob...yes and no...I am mainly a car GEEK....there is a difference...
    I like cars...and that's about it. I also like old houses, and generally old stuff- from distinctly different eras...and my musical tastes are under the category of "ecclectic"

    so, yes and no, it's not that I'm an Elitist...I just really only know about what I am interested in. which is cars.

    I'm "that guy" that when out and about, all I really talk about is cars and the shop...but when I am at a car event, I talk to my like minded buddies about what's new in thier lives....just a dork.

    So, it's not that I hate any thing...I just don't relate to alot of it.
    out of touch with reality, living in the era of go-faster and make it pretty...just a dork.
  9. Yes is the answer!Its turned round now,the billet boys wouldn't talk to the jalopy guys,still don't in England, heard people crabbin all sorts of bullshit stuff.A bone-fide gasser came over recently;the ride height was wrong!The door gaps on the " graffiti Coupe" arn't even.The first Hemi Willys over here got a slating because he couldn.t outrun a rat powered goes on.I must be mixing in the wrong company.The 3 cars I just mentioned are all the b#ll##ks.
  10. mac762
    Joined: Jun 28, 2007
    Posts: 676


    This is my first post. But I am wondering why he doesn't just change the wheels? Hell, my Dad stopped wearing bellbottoms after the 70's. I'm sure his wouldn't mind him changing the wheels.
    Is he scared to change it cause his Dad built it? I bet if his Dad was alive he'd be prouder of him if he built it the way he wants it. Stack the old wheels under a tarp, and don't stop there. Sounds sort of like he's not a car guy at all and he's trying to use what his Dad built to get him in places he doesn't really fit in anyhow.
    I might be a snob, I don't know how, I'm poor as hell. :) Maybe it's reverse snobbery. The billet thing was a bad time for Hotrodders. I'm glad in-progress rides are appreciated now like they should be. On the other hand I can't stand guys distressing their rides on purpose to make em look like...sic (Rat Rods).
    Anyhow, it's not what you buy (or inherit), it's what you build. Later ...Mac
  11. seldom scene
    Joined: Oct 9, 2002
    Posts: 867

    seldom scene

    Yes, we are slobs, can't help it, just gotta live with it.
  12. Expert snobs, people who know what they are talking about,is one thing.I find much of the time most of the comments come from people who don't know there a$$ from there elbow . I have in the past put a micro cassette recorder in the hood scoop of my 55.Yeah I know I 'm just looking for trouble, but some of the comments made by people are so far off sometimes I wonder if they are looking at another car. There is a big differance between construtive criticism and just being a jerk. Oh by the way I wax my car in a Hawiian shirt, But I have a woody err I mean my car is a woody. Carlg:D
  13. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    I think there are alot of assumptions in this thread. What does the truck actually look like? Where are the pics???? I bet if there were pics, IF the "friends" were right, this thread would be 6 pages long of "dude, bitchin car, the wheels SUCK ASS!"

    People are assuming the "haters" are rockabilly kids with no car. Or if they do have a car, it's a rusty Dodge 4 door. Or they automatically have a "rat rod" with no floors.

    ASS U ME.

    In hindsight for alot of us, the visual styling cues of the 80s look HORRIBLE today. Times change. Would I be caught dead in my peach mini truck rolling 14" Boyd wheels in 2007? Hell no!

    Airbags comes down to mechanical. All but the hard core few accept alternators over generators... mechanical. Traditional vs Traditionally STYLED.

    Like it or not, wheels fall under cosmetic. Take two black IDENTICAL deuce 3 windows and park them head to head. Interior and motor is irrelevant for this discussion. One has 17" Torque Thrusts. Or if we're talking the late 80s, one has directional aluminum wheels with swirly black inserts. Remember those? The other has whitewalls and black steelies.

    Which one looks more traditional?

    Which one looks more timeless?

    Which one would get into say Billetproof or the Pileup?

    Which one if posted in a thread here would get more attention?
  14. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 58,193


    I seem to remember that when I got into hot rodding, nobody gave a shit what kind of wheels your car had on it.

    those days are long gone.
  15. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    As in when they cared if it was a 4 door or a coupe?

    Or more like when sex was safe and hot rods were dangerous? :D
  16. lucky_1974
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
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  17. lucky_1974
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
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    Hell my father inlaw talks about when a hardtop was the only thing to have...2 door sedans were for guys who were not quite cool enough:D :p
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
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    There are snobs in all walks of life.

    All you have to do to find them is to enjoy something. Just as soon as you are enjoying something, someone will shit on it.

    It's not even snobbery, its just fucking meanness. People like to be mean.

    There's no escape from it either. You can change that truck all you want to try and fit in, and you'll NEVER get there. Someone will still pick it apart and shit on something you've done. It's just the way people are hardwired.

    The remedy I've found is to get yourself in a position to LOVE what you got. If you can't then change it till YOU love it. When you can defend it in the face of all mean assholes, then you have won. Don't ever rely solely on outside praise though. You'll get some praise, you'll get shit on some. It's just the way it is.

    .....and here's some advice from my little brother. He's public enemy #1 with a foul mouth and a short temper. Quite simply he was only one or two childhood tragedies away from being a serial killer.

    His advice:

    Sometimes you just gotta give 'em a big FUCK YOU!
  19. Lono
    Joined: May 10, 2007
    Posts: 1,656


    I've dropped away from car shows over the last few years. I had a Bloomington Gold 65 vette that I would take to vette meets. I really got tired of pissy pants walking up and looking for things to point out.. it's like it fills them with self esteme or something if they can find that one aftermarket bolt on the valve cover.

    Then there was taking my 58 Porche 356 to an open meet and I parked beside a guy with a 55 Nomad. He looked at my car and said " I didnt know Volkswagen made a Porsche"... what an Ass hole.

    I guess I deal with too many assholes in life that when it comes to enjoying my hobby, I dont want to give them the time of day.

    I've got to the point I just drive my cars, park them where I do and let people look and enjoy them if they want. I think passers by who stop for a quick look and to say hi are far cooler than club jacket assholes sipping their martoonies and polishing fingerprints off their door handles. I dont go out of my way to find car meets or cruizes... I dont have time for snobs.

    I subscribe to the old term.. "lone wolf".
  20. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
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    from Orange, Ca

    We're not snobs...

    But we talk a lot.
  21. 64 DODGE 440
    Joined: Sep 2, 2006
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    64 DODGE 440
    from so cal

    To Quote Chuckspeed....."Show up with anything but a numbers matching ride at a mopar gig and you're considered to be a lesser form of human."

    I've gotten used to that, but there are a lot of folks out there who think their way is the only way.

    Personally, I prefer Hot Rods built like they were in the '60s and I don't really care for the modern billet stuff.

    Different strokes. Build what ya like and ignore the complainers.

    If you ain't having fun, don't hang out with the folks that are, you'll just be bored and piss them off.
  22. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,142


    :D LMAO
  23. But I'm not telling anyone that listens to country or punk music that they're wrong for doing so. I prefer playing and listening to traditional jazz. All these styles of music (and many others) use essentially the same instruments, but differently. It would be a pretty dull world if we all listened to jazz and drove rusty 5-window Ford coupes. Or if we all had the same opinions!
    Rock on!!
  24. eye bone
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    eye bone

    Here's my input… for anyone who cares.

    Above all, I'm an Artist/Musisian, who also has always loved Hot Rods & Custom Cars! This doesn't make me either better, or worse than the next guy, it’s just the skills I was born with and interests I’ve developed. Art does make me qualified to talk about snobs. Let me try to explain. Art is self-expression so I have to follow my creative ideas, wherever they might lead (within reason). That means if everyone ells is swimming up stream and my ides direct me too swim down stream, I just might do that. So that makes me an odd duck in may peoples eyes. I've been a misfit in every thing I've ever tried to participate in, my whole life… Because I’ll always approach anything I do with my own personal spin (been driving "Purist’s" & "Control Freaks" crazy my whole life… Oh well!) That’s how it has to be with an artistic sole. I’ve been ostracized so much; I don't even notice it anymore… I’m immune! Seems many feel I’m an embarrassment (helps me figure out who my real friends are). Like most of you, I've run into snobs in Art (the snob capital of all human endeavors), Music, and everywhere in this car thing, etc.

    In the arts you meet allot of snobs. My gut feeling is it’s because they’ve been told their whole life that what they do is worthless (from an economic point of view). Also you’re usually doing something unique. So many Artists circle the wagons and putdown the outside (non art) world and try to convince themselves that they are smarter then the everyday Joe… I’ve seen this first hand. It’s over compensation, self-defense (the way art is sold "you have to become a "household name" before people will buy it, doesn’t help).

    If you feel the need to build yourself up by cutting another persons efforts down (and that is what a snob is!). It says more about how insecure YOU are, then it dose about the other guy, doesn’t it? I mean your trying to convince yourself and those around you that yours is the only right way, or pure way or… to do something. Witch sort of indicates that deep down your not really sure after all! Are you? The question arises can't one be cool without it being anti anything? If you like a certain look or manner of building a car why dose it have to be a rebellion against some other guys approach? That’s just what you like, so do it and let the other guy be. I’ve been their myself on both sides of it, that’s why I’ve thought about it so much.

    I’ve personally come to the conclusion that to just follow ones ideas and feel good about what you are doing. Takes less energy then any other course I’ve tried. I don’t care what anybody says you can’t control what others think of you (I know I’ve tried, biggest waste of time of my life) in the end only each of us controls what we think (and that’s a good thing!). You don't have to chose to badmouth others to be COOL (In fact, one could argue that you’re cooler if you don’t). Think about it isn't being offended by the other guy’s taste a big waist of energy in the end? They can’t stop you from building your car your way in the end, Can they?

    Finally! If any of the innovators in this hobby worried about what others thought of them nothing new would ever be invented. I can tell you first hand that Ed Roth did not care; he just did what he was into. Then for the most part ignored the shit he caught for it. Look at the last car he built (name escapes me) and the way a certain publisher just dumped on him after he had helped them sell thousands of copy’s of their magazines by having his cars on their covers in years past. But he was working on another one when he passed.

    You can be committed to what you do and still see the other side… and have a good laugh at it all!

    Don't get me wrong! I aint perfect by any means!
  25. toledobill
    Joined: Apr 9, 2003
    Posts: 369


    Comment 1: “His dad built the car for his mother in about '88 or so.”

    Comment 2: “If he was really bummed about not being allowing into the traditional shows, he'd change his car.”

    I keyed in about 1,200 words to MS/Word about how wrong this is, but I had about 12,500 more to go when I became afraid I was wasting my breath.

    If it’s an actual ‘80s rod, why can’t it represent TRADITIONAL rods? What, it’s got that awful diamond-tufted upholstery, or Tex Smith’s solution to IFS that mounts a Corvair suspension under a ’29 A and raises its front end about four inches?

    I fear we’re trying to REDEFINE history – it wasn’t always the way we want to resurrect in our (false?) memories.

    I submit two categories for future judging: (1) the way we’d like to think it was
    And (2) the way it actually was.

  26. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
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    Shifty Shifterton

    Caddychris, just tell your buddy to keep hanging onto that thing just as it is, if that's how he likes in. It's here for the long haul. In the next ten years, the ratrod craze will blow over and hot rodding will return to the same percentages it usually is. Suddenly, there will be so few of us we'll have to stick together, thus forming an uneasy alliance between billet and rust.

    To me, wheels are not something that stick with a car forever. Change it up every now and then. But that's just personal preference.

    BTW, I can't be a snob cause I'm broke. That makes me a jerk instead ;)
  27. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
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    from Chicago

    He said himself because of the wheels... More speculation, without pics.
  28. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
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    from Chicago

    FWIW, I have a brand new set of Torque Thrusts for my car that have never seen a wheel turned in anger. Bought them 10 years ago when I thought that was what I wanted.
  29. dodgerodder
    Joined: Feb 15, 2005
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    It has been my general observation that car enthusiasts in general have a very negative outlook of other car enthusiasts that like a different type/style/era car then what THEY like...........

    It is as if every car builder should ridicule/hate anybody that god forbid has different tastes then he/she does. Tunnel vision of sorts.

    Granted, there are MANY types/styles of cars that I personally don't care for, but I would never disrespect that person(face-to-face, or in an "internet brawl") for what he chooses to build.

    It's funny that we all have the passion of cars running through our veins, but ZERO tolerance of preferences outside of our own.

    That said, I do agree that shows targeted for a certain style/era car understandably should stick to their format. A traditional show should include cars that fit the format.

    OK, I'm off the soapbox-next

  30. In a general sense, I'd be disappointed to see what I consider an 80's rod at what I consider a traditional show...but herein lies the problem. It's MY interpretation of represents the two...just as it's the interpretation of the people running or attending the show that have an issue with the truck. comment in no way meant that he should conform to anyone's standards but his.


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