Anyone else got any? Here's mine, enjoy <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> And don't forget the mud wrestlin'!
I was supposed to be up there with my 66 but that didn't happen. I had to put new headers and exhaust on and the headers never came in (still not here) so I had nothing to even temporarily throw on. Maybe next year....???
see now... every time I think about gettin rid of my 60 sedan.. I go and see a sweeeeeeeeet lookin 60 like this, and think... my GOD, what was I thinkin.. I gotta keep workin on my ride Thanks I needed that.
That Merc makes me want to punch somebody. What kind of drugs was that guy on??? Some of the "Traditional" Brown Acid from Woodstock?? Shit.
I love how everybody is a critic.Why even bother bashing someones car?Why not just move on and look at somethin else?I guess we should all have cars that look the same,and apeal to the "cool" guys. EVIL
Heres a pic of a merc I used to own for you "cool" guys to bust on.I hope you get a chance to punch me some day. EVIL
If you showed up in a skirt and pumps,do you think nobody is gonna say anything! BTW...everybody IS a critic.
That Merc is tastefully done. If racing is your thing,that's on the money.If I was gonna build a race-Merc,that's what I would want it to look like. What did it run?
BBC.I do not own it any more.I sold it to a freind of mine who lives a few miles down the road.I drives a truck for a living,and will lose his job if he gets caught street racing,so I still do all the drivin when its on the street.He does the driving at the track. Bob,I have seen several of you cars you posted,and thought the ones I saw were great.I just wanted to let you guys know that all tho,you personaly may not like this car or that one,it was the owners choice to build the car,and his/her money being spent.I would say that you wouldnt (or atleast I hope) bash someones car to their face,at a why do it here.I would be willing to bet several of the cars posted are H.A.M.B. members,and they might not apreciate some nameless internet poster bashing on them.JMO. EVIL
I have some pics I will try to post tomorrow. I drove home last night and lost the motor in the 64 Impala wagon.
Here's some more might be some repeats but I'm lazy so im just posting them all. These are from my AE1 Canon so I might not have gotten everything in focus. <br> <br> <br> <br> The Loudest car there:<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Some Pinstriping:<br> <br> <br> <br>
Muscle cars don't get much favor here either. Doesn't mean they are bad cars. This is a traditional website. If you post something that doesn't belong here,it's gonna get picked apart. Ratrods,built just to look like a ratrod,skulls, metal cobweb hoods,aren't really what this site is about. Hotrods don't look like those things. Example:Tetanus Shots,Rolfs,and Plowboys Coupes are hotrods.
Just giving coverage of the show so poeple can see what it's like. I may have veered slightly off the mark with a few pictures but at least I left out the S-10 with home-made ferrari side skirts and Lifted late model f-150. There was actually only about 5 cars I truly liked in the show . The caddie and the sport coupe are two, and the sport coupe was fiberglass go figure. I could'nt get over how many cars people just slapped together and rode in for shock affect more than anything else like the so called "Frakenwagon" truck thing and the 67 wagon, I guess its cool to buy an old beater from the late 60's and drive it in and make a sign up saying how your better than people who trailered, but it's still a ugly, stock car. I agree that some things don't belong here so I left out the blatantly obvious.<br> <br> I liked this show alot and hope more people will attend and bring more badass cars in the future so I spread the word now and show what the Saints and others have done for us down south.
Well said!I had a blast and will return next year. BTW....the 62 cad with the flames is my moms car,she thought it was cool to see her car on the net! EVIL
If that's your thing, OK. But I wouldn't punch ya for the flamed Merc. That's kinda cool. But the one with the skulls and diamond plate firewall? I'm mightly offended. Since I couldn't come out there I had to punch the dog. Of course I didn't punch him hard, or anything like that. He's a good boy and he'd never fuck up a cool old Merc like that. But, hey, c'mon out to Cali. I'm a good guy and I must oppose Evil. It's my nature. You can try a bowl of my chili. Might make you come to the Light Side, Evil. It's Gooood. Chili
Hey sorry to hear about the wagon ,pauly, but im glad you made it up. As far as the rest of you who feel the need to punch me, all i can say is bring it on, i can care less what you think about my merc, i did not build it for you, but at least its not built like every other copy cat merc ever made, what fun is there in building things like they did 50 years ago, be creative and do something different.