Sure. Richard Simmons is different too. I don't care what you're Merc looks like. Looks like you don't care either,LOL! BTW...I never said you needed to be punched.
what fun is there in building things like they did 50 years ago, be creative and do something different.[/QUOTE] to me it's LOTS of fun building things like they did 50 years's really pretty challenging to build something that's period correct,,,,a lot of the fun comes in hunting down the can still do a traditional build and come up with fresh ideas in my opinion,,,,in fact thats what this website is basically all about.....
Bob, it was me that said someone needed to be punched. I was speaking metaphorically. Besides, I already punched Zeke, the Banjodog. So, I have that out of my system. But, Hotroddaddy, I sure wish you had started with a Gremlin or something. Mercs are custom gold. Your car seems to have been built for shock value. Everyday is NOT Halloween. Or maybe it is for you. But the styles of the past, that you hold in such contempt, is what most of us are about on the HAMB. I see quite a bit of work in your car. It's very sad that you chose to make a clown car. For the same effort you might have had a pretty nice custom. But you sure have a nice ride to go Trick Or Treating in.
I dont hate traditional customs, i do not label myself a rat rodder, im just a custom guy, i like all kinds of hot rods, as far as shock value, maybe a little, but that was not my desired result, the car was in bad shape when i got it, so i figured what the hell, it would have cost too much to make it a true show car, so i practiced different ideas, i am however bored with the lack of creativity in the mercs, it seems most everybody is too scared to step out of the box ,and try a different look.Yeah the skulls might be a little much, but its better than being like a thousand other mercs, mine will be talked about for years, who will remember yours!
I will probably be at "speed week" in Boneville this year,thats kinda close to Cali,mabey you could punch me then. EVIL
This year is not looking good for my trip to Bonne. Besides, I already punched Zeke. But don't rule it out. Never know... hahaha
Nobody's gonna remember your car,but you. There were many famous customs built way before your time,with minimal custom work,and still remembered to this day. Your car is the one that guys will say"I remember this dumb fuckin car with skulls for a grill..." That's how it will be remembered. Sure that's what you were looking for? My opinion,of course. Trick or're funny Phil,LOL! That's're FAMOUS! From now on your car will be known as the "Halloween Merc". You're welcome. Every Merc thread that comes up.I will post your car. See,i'm not all bad!
There hotroddaddy. You are now on the best thread since i've joined the HAMB,"49-51 mercs let's see pictures". You're inshrined with ALL the most FAMOUS Mercs ever built. No thank you's necessary.
Primo, Thanks for all the great pics. I've been going to this show for a long time and this was by far the biggest it has been. I know I did my best to try to promote this gig. I think it's one of the better east coast shows going. There was definately some different cars there, some I liked and others I wondered how they got in. To me it really doesn't matter much. There were some quality cars there. Had a great time and look forward to next year. BloodyKnuckles BigPauly...Sorry 'bout your luck. Keep your eyes open for a PM...
Thanks, I don't mind it when something let's go on the strip, but I hate to be just driving along at 75mph on the highway and shit die. I did make it home with the car on 5 cylinders for the last hour or so of the drive. in that hour I used almost as much oil as gas (11 qts) with a cloud of smoke just pouring out the back of the car. P.S. God job on getting best engine (AGAIN)!
You guys missed the best shit. The '40 Chevy gasser got the OK from the "law" to rip up the street. Pretty nice. BloodyKnuckles
Did any you guys get pics of either the A or the T Sedan? Both were about the same color green primer. Never really got a chance to look at them except for when they drove past me. That blue chevy sounded sooooo nice. Oh yeah Druss, that was Alan's car.
I really "LIKEY" the "gasser"!, among some of the other cars. What was the '40 running for power wize?
any more pics of this car, i believe its a Jersey car, built by a guy name Kevin Danny. I only saw it once at lead east in gray primer Shot with FinePix2800ZOOM at 2007-07-09
Who gives a shit about ripping on others cars, everyone is entitled to there opinion! If your scared about what others think about your ride then STAY home, that fucktard loves his gay ass merc and thats all that matters! Personally I like the skulls for a grill but not in that car! Does the builder give a shit what I like and think about his ride? I hope not cuz I'm full of shit just like You!! Now go in the garage and build something else for us to hate! Thanks for playing....Game Over...Please insert quarter.
Well it is fairly close to Florida, something's gotta rub off. I'll come up there next year and add to the ugly.
Oh Come ON, you Evil man, you. This is a bunch of typical HAMB teasing. How evil can you be with such a thin skin? Primo posted this, I bet, to get a little coverage for the Heavy Rebel Weekender. Not so you can show how insecure you are. Maybe someone can post more pics from the show? Please. And maybe talk about what it was like there. It looks like a pretty fun weekend. Unless it's full of insecure crybabies, looking for a fight. Face it, Evil, we kid around pretty hard here. Perhaps this isn't the garage you should try to hang out in? So far, you ain't passing the hazing part. Phil
here are a few of mine.i got more but it is mostly spring over/spring behind setups and shocktower,headlight mount ideas. i run out of film early