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BEWARE....buying from BLACK HILLS ANTIQUE AUTO in new castle wy.

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by factory rat, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. mpls|cafe|racer
    Joined: Jun 18, 2006
    Posts: 1,323


    How the hell do you type with caps on just the first letters? :rolleyes:

    Since when are cars from that part of the country full of rust? :confused:
  2. 72sst
    Joined: Nov 24, 2006
    Posts: 429


    I Do That Sometimes To Cause...............Im Mental.
  3. 72sst
    Joined: Nov 24, 2006
    Posts: 429


    All hail EGAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  4. the only car i ever took someones word for online told me the truth. car was worth saving but had severe rust issues. being a 60' chevy sedan delivery it was worth the asking price. you always have the option of "PASSING" got burned years ago on a 36' chevy and got bailed out and was thankful.
  5. Toqwik
    Joined: Feb 1, 2003
    Posts: 1,311


    It's no different than calling about a local car, and going to look at it and is nowhere as described. I spent 8 hours driving once for a 66 Nova 2ht. Asked the guy 5 times if it was a ht, even told him how to tell the difference, got there and was a sedan. Was so pissed I left, and after about an hour I realized it was still a good deal for a sedan, but kept on driving...
  6. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
    Posts: 4,995

    phat rat

    I got curious so I went looking, here's the ad on the truck in question. Read it and see the remark about the fist size hole in the frame

    Here's a comment from them about this deal in another ad.

    PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU BID!!! We recently had an idiot buy a pickup from us on ebay, THEN ask for more pictures, THEN started complaining about dents & dings that he didn't see when he bid, THEN found another truck to buy closer to him & asked us to resell the one he bought from us (which we agreed to do), THEN decided to have the truck delivered, THEN claimed we had misrepresented the truck & left us negative feedback! That's Not The Smart Way To Buy A Vehicle Folks! He admitted to us that he should have requested more pictures & asked more questions BEFORE he placed his winning bid but he forgot to mention those minor details in his feedback!!!! This Model A is just what we say it is. It has nothing to hide & neither do we. If you want more pictures of anything or have any questions please feel free to email us
  7. Ole Pork
    Joined: Sep 4, 2006
    Posts: 581

    Ole Pork

    'm really sorry, but I'd have to agree w/the seller here. I can't really see where the seller tried to mislead anyone. Five years ago, my niece and her husband laid out over 20 grand for a "mint" '57 Chev 2dr. ht. It must have been worth it. It had at least 10 grand of Bondo in it. Now they fly or drive to look personally. As my old daddy said" Experience is costly. How much can you afford to learn today?"...Ole Porky
  8. RopeSeals???
    Joined: Jul 2, 2007
    Posts: 444


    Looks like you got what you paid for...
    Where are you going to find all those pieces separately any cheaper?
    Suck it up, and fix it up!
  9. The reason these guys do this, and can do this, is because at least 50% of people who think they're car people, are idiots. The same clowns who will think a car is a useless unbuildable POS because the body's got a solid coat of surface rust and it has 4 flat tires, don't hesitate to shell out the asking price or at least a reasonable offer for the SAME EXACT CAR - dolled up with primer or cheap paint and a set of crappy wide whites thrown on it. They're too stupid to see the potential in it if you don't dress it up and point them in the right direction.

    Proof of this is in my '40 Buick. I had more people who wanted to buy parts off it and told me it was a worthless pile of junk when I first got it. I spent $75 to have a guy paint it with the True-Value store brand equivalent of Rustoleum. Haven't had anyone try to buy parts from it since, and I've turned down a couple of offers because they were shy of what it would take to get me to part with it. I think if I spent a little more time dressing it up, I'd get what I wanted for it - hang the grille in it, put some headlight bulbs in, clean some of the overspray off the glass, maybe cut a plexi windshield for the broken side, etc. And maybe if I stop being honest about it being a recent, quickie paint job to slow down the rust.

    The Willys I have, after I threw cheap primer on it a guy bid it up to $1000 one of it's many trips on eBay, best it did before that was like $300. I'm thinking about painting that like I did my truck - with a roller - just to see if a shiny color makes a difference. You get 20 feet from my truck and you can't tell how bad the paint is anyways.

    We have a '55 Chrysler New Yorker 4dr with a Hemi that will run and drive, it needs some normal just-out-of storage maintenance - oil change, go through the brakes, and so on. It was on the road just a few years ago, and still has the plates and stickers on it. I am forever getting idiots who expect someone to part out a running, drivable car because they need one or two parts off it. The only thing really wrong with it? The paint is in bad shape, it's flat and the front fenders are showing a lot of spiderwebby surface rust. There's some rust from the trim clips/holes where the white side accent is. There's two quarter-sized holes in the rear quarters. Heck, some of it would buff back out to a shine. These people are idiots, I'd drive it into the ground as a winter rat before parting it out. I mean it's no prize winner, but it wouldn't take much to have a car you could cruise and go have fun with. And it's a sedan, it's never going to be worth a million anyways.

    It's enough to make a guy who sells cars want to set up a paint booth and do quickie paint jobs on every crappy car he tries to sell.
  10. 47bob
    Joined: Oct 28, 2005
    Posts: 625


    I purchased my '47 from Black Hills directly and am very satisfied with what I got for the price. Maybe it's EBAY thats the problem;iv'e seen prices really driven up way out of sight by auctioning. I guess we must pay the price for the ease of shopping for cars and parts......Bob
  11. factory rat
    Joined: Jul 9, 2007
    Posts: 14

    factory rat
    from michigan

    to the guy that just got curious////// i bought this truck on e-bay for 3,750.00 which aint to bad for a 40 that didnt have all the hidden shit that you could not see in the pictures. i know pictures dont tell you everthing/// thats why i called 4 or 5 times and talked to john over the phone before the end of auction. i know these trucks and asked questions about certain spots////it said in item discription that it had a fist size hole in frame, and it needed cab corners and some floor pan work. i knew that.. i asked about back of cab.. asked about hood... asked about the bed... said that was the only problem in the frame was one side in the kick-up area...I ASKED A LOT OF QUESTIONS. now heres the punch line//// EVERY THING I ASKED ABOUT I WAS LIED TO OVER THE PHONE. FOR A DEALER THAT HAS BEEN BUYING AND SELLING STUFF FOR 25 YEARS YOU THINK YOU COULD GET A STRIGHT ANSWER???? RIGHT// the frame is junk.. the hood is junk, pickup bed is junk..the cab so-so back of cab had rust holes through the back and is so oil caned i dont know if my body man can fix it . he knew the condition of the back of the cab because the bed was off the truck when he bought it/// cab roof was walked on...said lower cowl was good... no it wasn'T....ON AND ON you get the idea. I PAID THIS DEALER IN FULL AND PAYMENT WAS SENT 2 DAY AIR MAIL WITH A BANK CASHIERS CHECK. i bet he wished every one paid like this. i did the right thing. i dont care what kind of spin this dealer puts on this or anyone else. i trusted this dealer as talking to him over the phone. thats why i bid to win.. i wanted a 40 ford pick-up. now some good news... i just bought another pickup off a H.A.M.B. member in backerfield calif, a 39 ford pickup off a member scootersnpie very happy can wait to get it home. thanks.
  12. RopeSeals???
    Joined: Jul 2, 2007
    Posts: 444


    Enough already...
    In the total of your 4 posts, all you've done is cry and complain about the seller lying to you, and you go on about your "Buyers Remorse"
    So, this is what you left as feedback...
    "RIPPED-OFF on a 40 ford pickup black hills antique auto is a LIAR CHEAT LOW LIFE"
    You've got a lower eBay Positive Feedback than the Seller does so, who's the one with the integrity problem???
    I don't give a rats about Black Hills, but to use the H.A.M.B. as part of your personal problems with or against anyone is pretty lame...
  13. S.T.P.
    Joined: Apr 30, 2005
    Posts: 315


    Your an Idiot for buying a truck in that DESCRIBED condition anyway I dont care if it is a40 ford or not. Some people have more money than sense. You must be rich!
  14. Dat Dirty Rat
    Joined: Jan 15, 2003
    Posts: 3,505

    Dat Dirty Rat

    After '34 yrs in the auto industry' this is what you have to offer??...Hell, i would say your one of the 'lucky ones' to even have a car to show for off of E-Bay.
    My advice is...You & 'your body man' should go together to look at the next potential project you come across to make sure its something the both of you can handle!

  15. Lay off this guy. Sure, after looking at the pics I would say the truck is worth what he paid. But, that doesn't make misrepresntation over the phone any better. There are no detail pics, comon sheister tactic. If the buyer asked about certain areas and was lied to, guess what, he was lied to! Like I said,I am local to the seller and have dealt with him. He ain't that bright and has misrepresented things before. Just look at his ads in Deals On Wheels or the other selling pubs...........funny thing, I have never met a person locally that has bought anything of him...............hmmmmmmthat must mean he sells over the phone and internet by deception?
  16. Kustom7777
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 5,187

    from Austin, TX

    i agree with you about your point about the not having any detail pics,,,i asked for additional pictures of the car i bought from them as well, and the pictures they sent me sure DID NOT show the areas that were the worst,,the pictures were taken in the most flattering angles/lighting,,,after i got the car, i went back and looked closer at the pictures to make sure i just didnt look closely enough at them,,and sure enough, the bad areas were not my case, they did not "lie",,they just failed to mention MANY details that would have definitely deterred me from buying the car,,,,(still dishonest, in my book)..i know sometimes if you want something bad enough, it's easy to overlook things and kind of talk yourself into buying it,,,,that was not the case for me,,,the car was flat out misrepresented,,,,,,,,,,ive bought a lot more cars since then, and for the most part people have been honest,,,i have learned to ask a lot more questions though,,,,i've found most car guys to be pretty straightforward,,especially here on the hamb........
  17. Chad s
    Joined: Oct 6, 2005
    Posts: 1,717

    Chad s

    And your an FNG with less than a months membership, why do you have the right to give the guy a hard time?

    Perhaps this guys posts give fare warning to all HAMB'ers to avoid this seller, and it saves other people from going through this guys trouble. Did you look at that side of the situation?

    Sometimes it takes a lot of guts to tell everyone youve been taken advantage of. This guy stepped up to the plate, and made it public knowledge that this seller lies and knowingly mis-represents cars he sells. Good for him. Regardless of weather you guys think its right or wrong to buy a car sight unseen. Ropeseal, let off the attitude....
  18. Bone Head
    Joined: Mar 28, 2006
    Posts: 106

    Bone Head
    from Kansas

    I think that E-bay is great for the seller. But when people fight over stuff in an auction 9 times out of 10 stuff get driven up way more then its worth. I personaly don't try to buy on E-bay because I put what i will pay and someone always comes in at last min. an drives up the bid. And for some reason people get caught up in the moment. Sorry you feel you got ripped off, make the best of it and move on just don't deal with this guy any more. Happy motoring.
  19. Clark
    Joined: Jan 14, 2001
    Posts: 5,132


    Rustynewyorker....are you painting right over the rust???? If so that's really wrong! You're making it look better to sell and hiding it's real problems. You're trying to take advantage of these guys you call idiots.

    Now if you're removing the surface rust then priming or painting OK.

  20. Chill out man, you made a post warning other folks about a shady seller, thats fine. Breaking down into name calling wont help.
  21. S.T.P.
    Joined: Apr 30, 2005
    Posts: 315


  22. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    Clark, do you remember when this guy first started posting here? I DO. His mission was to try and sell us every abandond piece of rusted crap that was left out in the open for decades with the sales pitch about it being a rare oval track relic with lots of racing history. In reality it was nothing more than scrap drive fodder that most would not have bothered with if it were given to them. He continues to peddle overpriced junk and I've not seen a single example of a value buy that he has put up. RustyNYer, the balls in your court, I stand by what I've said.

  23. Zombilly
    Joined: Sep 5, 2006
    Posts: 351


    I havn't read all the posts that replyed to the intial statement but all hes saying is beware, and that the guy flat out lied to him. Yeah there's ways around that, but if this true then there is no excuse for the guy to be a liar. Thanks for the heads up
  24. FoMoCoPower
    Joined: Feb 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,493


    I bought a `53 F100 off of Ebay earlier this year and was pretty much screwed as well.I called and asked specific questions and was flat out lied to,and was given very misleading pictures.When I went to pick it up and found out I was screwed because I already payed with PauPal...the guy was nowhere to be seen,and had his non-english speaking employee meet me there,and the mguy refused to answer my calls.

    It became a big ordeal,with the police being involved,etc.PayPal wouldn`t do anything.I was about to give up,then my credit card company found cause to do the charge-back,so I basically got the pile of rust for free.

    I offred to return the truck and never got a response.
  25. RopeSeals???
    Joined: Jul 2, 2007
    Posts: 444


    Yes, I get it.... After re-reading the whole thread, I found that I neglected to really take into account your first post and instead got wound up over the responses to it...
    Yes, your first post was just a warning and not a personal attack on the BHAA...
    I've never, and still don't want to see the board become a place that is just for personal Beefs, Slams, or Slag Offs...

    I apologize, and good luck with your new project!!!
  26. ZZ-IRON
    Joined: Feb 28, 2007
    Posts: 1,964

    from Minnesota

    Well it's like this. factory rat You may or may not of been taken.

    phat rat is right on the money! What one guy thinks is junk, is Pure Treasure to another. I seen a lot of California basket cases. I said give me some of those baskets!
    I bought on a 56 Studebaker Skyhawk in Long Beach. It was a tough car, it had DP 40 or something on it. Very old a little bleeding going on. The biggest problem it had two holes in the floor the size of a half dollar. One fender was dented in, some bumpers needed plating. I flew out to Ca, bought a 3/4 Chevy 4x4 & towed home 2018 miles, Why they wanted $1000 to truck it. It didn't run, till I got it home.

    The guy's at home said, man where You get the Stude. That thing is solid as a rock! You stole it. I thought so. Some others saw it and said it was a old piece of junk. I did get screwed, I sold it a few years later for $5000.00. I didn't do much to the car.

    I bought the 49 Buick in Ohio on ebay, it looked OK in the photo's, It was Ok. The workmanship on the sub-framing the disc rear end, Deathwish 8. I came to hate that car. I also got a 500 Caddy & trans from the guy. I was going to put the motor in there. I thought better of it. The cars is gone, I sold it for a 1/3 of what I paid for it. I kept the 500, I'm not that generous. The damn thing burned me day in and out. I put the fire out when I cut it loose. I have done very well on the First good deal and not so good on the 49 deal. It's time for You to win on the next one. The present deal, Maybe You can work something out !

    My Nebraska 56 Buick I paid for and was stolen, I got scammed on a ebay deal he closed the auction. I thought it was still going through ebay. Paypal wouldn't work on the ebay number. That's the one I'm using the FBI Internet Fraud Scam site, I mentioned in a earlier post here. These are some things that happened to me. I put 15,000 miles or more chasing ebay cars, my own find's. It's a hell of a illness!

    I hope You find a solution You can live with. I think this one is said about all it can say! Good Luck factory rat. Were all for You having a good outcome & hope there things posted here You can use.
  27. factory rat
    Joined: Jul 9, 2007
    Posts: 14

    factory rat
    from michigan

    hey david, thanks for the kind words. this has been a real sore spot with me sorry. i just hope i helped somebody out with my post. i would hope no body has to go through what my family has been through financially. factory rat.
  28. ArchangelKustom
    Joined: Nov 15, 2006
    Posts: 193

    from NR/OH

    All I can add to this is that I've been on both sides of the fence - buying and selling on Ebay for the last 8 years. I don't feel I've ever been screwed on a car, although there are always small purchases that I'm not thrilled with - same as the swap meet stuff. But I'm also a cheapskate - don't think I've ever spent over $500 on an Ebay car. But its also because I expect a lot out of sellers, and they don't meet my standards very often. I want clear descriptions, LOTS of good pics, and the sense that the seller gives a damn about his product. When you're talking about spending a few grand over the internet, I get pretty cautious...Which is funny because all the time I'm listing stuff and asking folks to pony up their money! And as a seller, I sell all kinds of parts and a variety of cars - local finds mostly, that I clean up and put on ebay. I've never had a complaint about a car I sell because I hold myself to the same standards - I always have 20 to thirty pics, even on te $300 junkers - I even have a separate website that hosts all my pics so I don't have to rely on Ebay's itty bitty frames. I'm bragging a little here, but I consider it craftsmanship. I want to do as nice a job on an auction listing as I would on one of my cars. But that's me...I just sold cars to two fist time Ebay buyers, out of staters, and very naive. Imagine how badly that could have gone if someone wanted to take advantage... If you've got a car that everyone says is worth $300, and all you do is gloss over it with something shiny and temporary, you might get a lot more money, but you're going to have problems. Now or later. Just like factory rat has. And whether he's right or wrong, it makes a bad stink for Ebay and all of its users. Which makes me even madder because recently Ebay has been cracking down on sellers across the board because of stuff like this, and it makes it harder for me! I don't support one side or the other in this case, but I'll say there's a bunch of folks lost out on this transaction... (stepping off my soapbox now)
  29. ArchangelKustom
    Joined: Nov 15, 2006
    Posts: 193

    from NR/OH

    Sorry, there were paragraphs there when I wrote it...Forgot the html I guess
  30. 1.5%
    Joined: Jun 3, 2007
    Posts: 5

    from NM

    John Crabtree is a crook and a lier. I was going to buy a running stock 29 tudor off him a few years ago. I flew out to check it out without him knowing, I just showed up. Everything he said about it was a lie. Everything he said was a lie about the other things he posted in the papers and on-line.

    There's a saying ''bondo and paint make it what it ain't.'' I would almost think he's the reason for that saying. I way just be his code for business.



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