My '56 has lowered stock suspesion and a 351.Is it just a matter of finding a Vic donor car and the right pulley?
I have 57 with a 351W. I had the original PS which might be similar to the 56, gotta check the frame. Also note the orginal ford PS hard parts for 57 are going for a ton of $$. Hopefully the 56 is not completely dif. Note that I connected the newer PS pump to the orginal ps system on the crossmember, it tend to be a bit fast, but it sound like you can buy a valve that adjusts the speed of the fluid. There are also guys adding R&P steering via a special bracket and I think a newer import rack. Apparently it works great. I would go that route in the long run and it cleaner and easier to work on, also provides a "tight" steering, not "the wanderer" action.
I have a " how to" using 78-80 Granada parts. It was published by the Crown Victoria Association. Looks pretty easy, but I've not done it. Part numbers. If you are interested in a copy (one page), email or pm your address and I'll mail one out.
I recently converted a '54 F100 to PS using a 1980-1984 Toyota 4x4 box. The box is a side steer box, a lot more robust than the original. The owner expressed concern about using "some little mini-truck steering gear" until I showed him the two side by side. We used the mounting bracket and pitman arm from , but the mounting bracket was nothing that couldn't be fabricated. I would suggest spending the $100 on the pitman arm. The box worked good, truck steered nice and easy. My boss just purchased the rack kit from the above place, but hasn't installed it yet. We're trying to figure out what all the components are from as the only "custom" piece is one mounting bracket.
I forgot to mention mine is a sedan. Has anyone ever heard of a company called Gearheader Products that made a steering box thats smaller and has a better gear ratio?Ithink the whole kit was around $1800.I can't find them now.
Jamco just told me they were told a 68-74 F100 box is practically a bolt on,then get a pump that fits my 351 and get hoses made.They are sure enough that they haven't bothered to work on a kit.Anyone tried this?It sounds a lot better than putting the old style on .
I think your thinking about Gearvenders. Advertises a bolt in modifided Saginal 602 box. I just installed one in a 60 Starliner. The box works great but not a "bolt in". I had to cut and weld a notch in the rail to clear the box and the U-joint ends up inside the firewall making mounting the lower colunm a hassle. No big deal if you can fabricate but I hate seeing something advertised as bolt in if it's not. I feel like it was a lot of money (knocking on $3000 with pump,brackets, regulator, hoses ect + labor) for what we got, especially when you add in labor charges if you can't or don't want to do it yourself
I'd like to hear more about the pickup power steering. Here's a link to Gearhead Cruisers that make the $1800.00 kit. Larry T
Thanks,I coudn't find it.If the F100 will work,it could save about $1500!Rebuilt steering box $150,rebuilt pump $45,custom hoses ?$ plus misc.
This is where you need to hit a U-pull-it with some dimensions or photos of your box and a template of how it mounts and see if you can find the F100 in there. Worst case you're out the buck to get in and look around.
here's a how to install fatman's r&p kit from the Yblocksforever website
I used a junkyard '62 Galaxie set up on my '57 Merc. Same thing as the Granada with minor differences. The Granada swap would work on your '56 because its narrower. Just drill and tap 2 holes in your frame for the slave cylinder mount.
I used a f-100 steering box on my 49 Merc that has a 350 Chev engine,also on 53 Merc that has a 390 Caddy. Made all my brackets cost about $150 each. T.C.
What year F100 and was it a "bolt in"? I like this better than the Granada because my box is worn and I think the power box must have a better ratio than the 56 manual.