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Viva Las Vegas/shifters Car Show ~ Rest In Peace

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by axle, Aug 30, 2007.

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  1. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
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    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Senior Axle, Everyone has enjoyed your great efforts and appreciate it soooooo much. Congradulations on having the feel of when to pull the plug, all your friends and fans here will continue to support any events you are involved in. May all the Shifters stay cool in the shadow of the big ass Tiki-Respectfully submitted-Sololobo/Roadburners of Omaha
    </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
  2. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from Drag City

    I guess some people dont need to do that.

    We want to thank everyone for the kind emails that are flooding in and all of the posts on here. We have been in touch with so many Hot Rodders and car clubs from around the U.S. and Canada, all are in support and have said "Just tell us where & where".

    I know for a fact that many ( Road Rockets & Howard from the Rattlers - just to name a few) have sat down and written heart felt, sincere letters to Tom,expressed how they currently see VLV ,and gave him & the rest of the VLV staff many suggestions to improve VLV and bring it back to where it once was. These were sent out 2,3,4 months ago, As of last week no one had the decency to write these folks back.
    So guys, dont bother writing any letters because you will NOT receive a reply.

    The Shifters and i have been under estimated and refuse to be taken advantage of. We have standards too! And to think, this all could of been prevented. Hmm, oh well.

    The NEW car show will happen folks ,and it looks like its going to be on the same weekend. As of this morning we have been approached by a third corporation to bring the show to thier location. You can bet there will be great bands,DJ's,special guests,and lots of vendors !
    We'll announce everything soon.

    Again, Thanks
  3. FatDaddy
    Joined: Sep 27, 2004
    Posts: 11

    from Las Vegas

    Hey Axle,

    if you need any local support, just give us a shout and we'll be wherever you need us to help get it awn!

    Fat Daddys Ice Cream
  4. lolife
    Joined: May 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,125


    Two rockabilly shows in Las Vegas on the same weekend? I don't get it...

    Oh well, I'm going to Sonic and get a cherry limeaide instead, and save the $85 entrance fee :p

    Money ruins everything...
  5. Knuckles the Creep
    Joined: Aug 31, 2007
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    Knuckles the Creep
    from Sin City

    Money tends to change people. Maybe the VLV people are forgetting where they came from Axle. Either way, the line up for next years Viva doesnt look that good to me. And even though I'm a drummer for a local rockabilly band. My heart belongs to wrenching. And I hope a 62 Studebaker Lark will be allowed. haha. It's what I'm working on.

    Los Creeps
    Sin City
  6. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
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    from Hypocrisy

    It's could have, not could of, Alex, get it straight my man.
    I haven't been to VLV in many a moon but I was there for the first few and I don't think that anything could have topped the first one, it was magic, especially the crashing part.
    I'm just kinda over it, I like sitting in my backyard watching slugs, lizards and birdies
    I love Alex and the Shifters, I like the big Shifter who shared a room with me and told me his entire life story in three hours.
    Thanks for the memories, there are too many to tell.
    The time you crunched yer hand in the elevator when we were carrying speakers up to the parking lot was sweet.....yeah you worked yer ass off.

    Best of luck in whatever endeavor you get yourself into, you poor bastard.
  7. SapienKustom
    Joined: Sep 11, 2006
    Posts: 603

    from Merced, CA

    Axle sorry to hear things didn't work out. We will support your new show. Let us know when you get the details worked out.
  8. Jive-Bomber
    Joined: Aug 21, 2001
    Posts: 3,863


    Evel-- Does that mean we need to find a Tom Ingram Pinata to smack?? :D
  9. Jive-Bomber
    Joined: Aug 21, 2001
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  10. Evolpuss
    Joined: Aug 31, 2007
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    from Arizona

    I have been to all but one VLV so I can't say that I'm surprised this happened. I know many of us have been getting very disappointed with the direction that VLV has taken in the last few years and the crowd that it has been drawing. Many of us were quite surprised at some of the cars that got into the show this year. It's unfortunate that you guys weren't compensated properly or given proper credit but considering who the promoter is, I'm not surprised. I think his main interest has become drawing money, not staying true to the original concept or the people who have supported it. However, I am THRILLED to hear that you are moving it so that I can once again enjoy part of the culture I love without feeling like I'm at an MTV event! Good luck and I will definitely let everyone in Arizona know where the new event will be when you decide!
  11. skratch
    Joined: Dec 18, 2001
    Posts: 867


    i'll have to give it to axle and the shifters..(liven in Texas)i remember seeing a small picture of marky in his truck in a mag about ten years ago,the pic was from viva..and everytime i think of viva.i think back to that pic....

    the shifters have made that show what it was..sure all the people show up.that was great to.." you build it,they will come " but,without all the hard was just a parking's a sad story there's so many jack asses out there too ruin it for all of us..i guess this was the last year of viva for was the best year for me,i left on a high note.

    i should of know..their was something up..when i saw tom ingram on monday wearing... some gay euro shirt,tight shorts,running shoes and a blue tooth stuck in his ear..that was a sign for sure !what Rock-A-Billy promotor dresses like that..?(the old man around the corner that cut's his own hair and wears sandals with socks .doesn't even dress that bad )

    what now Axle..? can we please have that killer early sixties style indoor car show ? that we all dream about....pearls,flake,fades,candy's,white wall slicks,fake fur,christmas tree lighting..bla,bla,bla...and no bullshit ass cars !
  12. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 11,869

    from Hypocrisy

    Fuck you Skratch, I wear sandles with socks and I'm rockabilly as fuck!
  13. converseandbowlingshirts
    Joined: Nov 10, 2006
    Posts: 556

    from Eugene, OR

    I just got this email from the promotor:
  14. SO-AZ
    Joined: Oct 20, 2006
    Posts: 201

    from Tucson

    For the past 3 years I have bought two $75 BS for wristbands for me and my girlfriend to enter my car in the show....Last year I never even picked the damn thing up and in that 3 years I haven't stepped foot in any of the ballrooms...At nite we would just kick back at our cars or go to the lounge and watch the free bands....I already bought the rip-off bands again....Hopefully I can get a refund...Let us all know when and where and we're there!
  15. lolife
    Joined: May 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,125


    He'll be rolling in dough, don't need no stinkin car club "help"...
  16. MilesM
    Joined: May 28, 2002
    Posts: 1,220


    Last year I bought a wrist band so I couud get my car inside but all they needed was a copy of my prereg form and they let me in. Went up to get the wrist band and the line went around and around in the ball room. Never did get a wrist band. Did not need it for anything anyway.

    Heve never went to see any bands or venders inside on any prior events either.
  17. dirthawker1313
    Joined: Apr 18, 2005
    Posts: 647


    hell i live here..whereever you move the show as long as it still here in vegas ill be there.. i always bought the wristband just for the car show anyways.. RDFL.....
  18. desertdroog
    Joined: Nov 16, 2001
    Posts: 1,020


    The Shifters cc Car Show in Vegas was THE premier place to get cars from all states to a neutral ground and enjoy each others rides. California, Arizona, Washington, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma etc.. and All points East... THAT is why I went. The prospects of The Shifters cc hosting a specific event for Cars in Vegas is enough to get me riled up about the trek across the Hoover Dam again. I hope you make it happen Axle!
  19. That is just what I was thinking.

    the last two years I didnt even see a band play. I am down with the Shifters where ever the end up.
  20. As I stated before, I will not get into a slanging match with Alex but I must say that I do reply to every email or letter. The letters Axle refers to I believe were sent to him. Not me. He may have forwarded them to me but I would have thought that was for my information.

    I also want to correct the comment from someone else (not Axle) about what I wore on the Monday. The quote was this:

    "when i saw tom ingram on monday wearing... some gay euro shirt,tight shorts,running shoes and a blue tooth stuck in his ear..that was a sign for sure !what Rock-A-Billy promotor dresses like that..?"

    What is a gay Euro shirt? As anyone who knows me will tell you, I only ever wear 2 types of tee shirts: Viva Las Vegas shirts and Chelsea FC shirts. Neither would be classed as a gay Euro shirt.
    Tight shorts? Never. Yes, I was wearing shorts. Probably surfer type shorts. Why? Because the event does not finish for me on Sunday. Monday and Tuesday are 2 of the busiest days as we pack everything away. It is a lot of physical work and there's no way am I wearing jeans in the Vegas heat while I do that work. And the Bluetooth. Of course. My phone goes non stop all weekend. It's the easiest way to deal with the calls.

    So get your facts straight and if you have a problem with the way I dress, I am sorry but that's how it goes.
  21. skratch
    Joined: Dec 18, 2001
    Posts: 867


    a little comedy relief is a little too much..Sorry Tom.
    you totaly busted me.That's fucking rad !
    ha ha ha
  22. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
    Posts: 8,277


    This would rule......don't forget the tin foil.........
  23. native
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 62

    from sin city

    axle wrote "It would of also eliminated "OSR" type crap from attending as well."

    can you define this please....:mad:
  24. native
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
    Posts: 62

    from sin city

    who the fuck should care the way anyone dresses....damn man...i thought this was about hotrods cars and trucks...if you fags wanna stare at asses mabey ill wear a pair of daisy dukes just for you @ tha next show!
  25. It's always been about the cars,and my friends, with me. Not about the bands. It's fun to people watch too. "Walkabillys" crack me up. Those guys who drive to the shows in their Hondas and Toyotas,then "walk" in and strut their stuff,LOL! I understand if you're into that style,but you look like an ASSHAT drivin around in your Jap shit all tatted-up,HA HA!
    BTW-I'm not paying $85 to get in ANY show,regardless of who's playing...
  26. If you have to ask...
  27. skratch
    Joined: Dec 18, 2001
    Posts: 867


    hotrods cars and trucks

    rockabilly is more of a style or type of music.i more or less consider myself a greaser..since i'm in the shop 15 hours a day..if i'm not there. i'm out.. NOT being a FAG (not that there's anything wrong with gays)but,i've dated some beautiful women..

    that blue tooth comment..really fucks people up !hahaha

    back to the cars..
  28. TexV2
    Joined: Jan 14, 2005
    Posts: 77

    from Nor-Cal

    Skratch is not fibbing. I have in fact witnessed him not being a fag on more than one occasion.

    He has held me tenderly once or twice....but it was in a totally non gay way.

    No eye contact was involved & as everyone knows...

    No eye contact = Not Gay.
  29. LUX BLUE
    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX


    So, I guess Round up next year is gonna be colossal, to say the least...

    See you Crazy Kids there!

    Axle-When in doubt, Whip it out! The community needs bitchin car shows.
  30. HoldFast
    Joined: Jan 24, 2005
    Posts: 816


    who made you the fashion police.

    So if someone drives a non hot rod to VLV they are walkabilly's? Whatever the fuck that means? So 85% of the people that go are "walkabilly's." What about the people that road trip it out there with a group of people to save money and can't bring their own cars...have to drive 14 hours to get there in their jap crap. Who gives a shit what someone drives to the show.

    You go walk up to that asshat in the honda cause his clothing choice doesn't match his car choice for day in and day out driving. Then at the next car show go suck his dick when he gets out of the car that does.
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