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Viva Las Vegas/shifters Car Show ~ Rest In Peace

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by axle, Aug 30, 2007.

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  1. eric
    Joined: Jun 4, 2001
    Posts: 1,643


    That would RULE!!!!!!
  2. Evel
    Joined: Jun 25, 2002
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    1. 60s Show Rods

    I'm all about 60's I'm with Skratch,,

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  3. Ken Carvalho
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
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    Ken Carvalho

    If I am ...skratch that... (no pun, sorry skratch) WHEN I ---AM---LIVING DOWN THERE next year, I am all for helping out in any way possible! This has been MY love affair for life!!! 60's style hotrods!!! I have been laughed at, ridiculed, made fun of, but still ROLL 60's style because I love it!!!! I hope you guys are serious about this and it DOES pan out!!! I was born in '67 so didn't get to live the lifestyle, but man that is it!!! Kustoms, Rods, Lowriders, back then guys and gals were in it because they "loved" it, NOT because it was the next kool thing or a fad!! Kinda like what seems Viva was becoming!!! I love Oldies, Straycats, I love latin rap(oldies flavor), and this ALL goes hand in hand!! Kool shit happening with friends who are into the same shit!!! NOT because they saw it on M-TV, or VH-1, do I make sense to anyone??? I am just overly excited about this 60's shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU guys have N O freakin' idea.....Ken
  4. laloszephyr
    Joined: Aug 13, 2005
    Posts: 190


    been to vlv every year and i hope with the new move alot of the better cars and clubs come back to make it a the great carshow as it once was. personally for me i wouldn't mind two events on the same weekend,my friends and i usually take off for acouple of hrs from the casino to get away from all the fake bs people who show up.
  5. chitbox dodge
    Joined: Apr 25, 2005
    Posts: 598

    chitbox dodge
    from dunlap tn

    how about a similar show in a friendlier/cheaper location like reno? i too like the concept of an indoor show. i do also think that the quality of the cars in this past show was dissappointing. you had plenty of stand outs but you had many cars that shouldnt have been on the street let alone at a show. i always look forward to year specific shows myself that way im not wondering past camaros and mustangs just to look at something i do give a crap about. i wish the vegas show didnt have so many problems, but i can understand that its got to be a lot of work to put it on. when it becomes too much like a job then i can see pulling the plug. heres hoping something good will replace it.
  6. rotten03
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
    Posts: 62


    I've never been to to VLV. But I was in a rod shop the other day and a DVD was playing from it. Looked like a bunch of people wanting to be noticed. Tons of chicks posing and trying to get people to take pictures of them. Seemed like more of a fashion show than anything else. I'm sure I would have had a good time though.
  7. gallagher
    Joined: Jun 25, 2006
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    from califorina

    looking forward to the new spot count me in when you got it set up
  8. Joe T Creep
    Joined: Jan 1, 2003
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    Joe T Creep
    Member Emeritus

    There were bands at Viva?

    And to think that I just lived in the parking lot.......

    Good work Axle. Keep it up.
  9. KoppaK
    Joined: Dec 21, 2004
    Posts: 1,517


    Axle I think this could be the best thing that ever happened, Viva was getting tarred with the RatRod brush constantly, this gives you the opportunity for a new start. Good luck.
  10. hemi
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 1,959


    This year truly is the end of an era....
    PunkAssGearhead88 likes this.
  11. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from Drag City

    With great new beginnings !

    Stay tuned folks. This new event is gonna ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!
  12. KIRK!
    Joined: Feb 20, 2002
    Posts: 12,031


    We have been talking about something just like that up here for a few years. I'd love to see it. I'd like to see everone in suits with skinny ties and pegged pants instead of the usual "greaser" costume for a change. It would be pretty cool.

    Good luck Axle. You have my support.
  13. 53chevy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 1,570


    Can't wait Alex! By the way, great DJing @ the Primer Nats. Loved the mixed styles of music and perfect volume. I think the 80's Preppy look or the SoCal surfer look (bust out the Gotcha jacket!)will be in, just watch and see!

  14. Thanks Axle.

    I'm so happy that we decided to take the detour from our Route 66 adventure this March/April, so we could attend your Show. You are absolutely right we wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for your show. Sad to hear that Tom Ingram dosen't realize the importance of a quality event such as yours! I guess his 20 years of experience hasn't tought him anything about the people that attend the events. I guess he doesn't wanna pay anything to anyone. Most bands don't even get enough money to cover BEER during the weekend much less cover out of pocket expenses - such as getting to Vegas!

    In closing ... Tom Ingram doesn't speak for EVERYONE ... we came to VLV10 for the Shifters car show ... and we had a blast man! Thanks Axel!

    Kuztom Klaus
  15. DeadSleds
    Joined: Mar 2, 2007
    Posts: 101


    Nachooooooooooo! Fuck it Axle....Find a location and lets cruz.
  16. KoppaK
    Joined: Dec 21, 2004
    Posts: 1,517



    In closing ... Tom Ingram doesn't speak for EVERYONE ... we came to VLV10 for the Shifters car show ... and we had a blast man! Thanks Axel!

    Kuztom Klaus[/QUOTE]

    I'm with you Klaus I went for the Shifters show and Vegas not Viva.
  17. Hey Axel, You know that we are in agreemant about music and cars. If possible, I'll support your show. I also want to add my vote for an indoor show like the ones held at the old Western Livestock Auction, in ELA in the early sixties.

    However, I went to VLV initially for the music. I only went once, to see the Dave & Deke Combo reunion. That, alone was worth the price of admission. I hear that was the year that the car show first had a big asshat population. I still had fun, but I came near to having to sock some clown. Silly shit from me at my age. ha ha

    One of these day, Texas will secceed the Union and THEN we'll see if they matter as much as they claim. I personally think Austin should be in California. That'd make both places just a lot better. It galls the shit out of me that the Bakersfield Sound comes from Texas. FIE!

    Anyway, Axel, make sure to come to the Viper's Pit at the CHRR this year. Got a bowl of good chili for ya. And if that ain't hot enough, we'll be hangin' with the 15oz Coupe this year again.
  18. And Axel, in addition to requiring a pic of the cars for the show, ask for a pic of the pants cuffs. If they are too high, that indicates an OSR tendency and you must refuse them entry. I'll lend ya my Official Cuff Calipers if you need it.

  19. RudYsBAckyArdkUsTOMs
    Joined: Sep 4, 2007
    Posts: 6

    from st pete'fl

    ive always heard of what goes down at VLV. DIDNT WANNA GO UNTIL I HAD SOME THING WORTHY AND ORIGINAL ENOUGH TO DRIVE THERE WITH. im only 23. yea im a "psycobilly" kinda kid.BUT . i was raised in a bodyshop. my ol man owns one. im an automotive painter and i kustomize evrything to look like it belongs in a horror car chase movie. BUT im against drunk people fighting next to our cars . i dont hava problem with the ladies fashion show deal. my ol lady is a model and she will prolly force me to taka few snaps of her with a car. these shows means soooo much to me. i love ol skool rodz and car kulture deluxe. oh yeah i wear my cuffs one inch high. what do i know though, im justa workin class kid making 80 hours aweek painting cars and getting my truck jacked up ,cheaterslicks,flat dark purple pearl three stage paint w/flat clear ..and maybe some radirs if i can afford to.... id buy a pink members only jacket and pose lika pin up model in front of skotychops 30 coupe if i
  20. Tom Branch
    Joined: Aug 25, 2004
    Posts: 148

    Tom Branch

    Alex and the Shifters have my full support with their new show. The only reason I went to the 1st VLV and continued attending every year for 10 years was for the car show.
    The car show started as a sideline to the music show, but quickly took on a life of its own. How Tom Ingram doesn't realize how big of a draw the Shifters car show is, is beyond me. It's his loss, he'll realize how big of a mistake he's made next April. That's when me, my family, all my buddies, and thousands of other people will be enjoying the new "Shifters Vegas Spectacular".
    I got your back buddy!
  21. 52merc
    Joined: Apr 22, 2006
    Posts: 143


    just like these bastards said lets move and by the way is axle scrambled for alex
  22. Axle,

    You know that you and the Shifters have had my, and the Lonely Knights (my club) support for the last Ten years. That's NOT gonna change ! The reason I first attended VLV was because of the Car Show and the reason we keep going back. Hell yeah I love the music, and $85 for the opportunity to see 20-30 bands is a deal, in anybodys book. But the Shifters Show made that week the real deal, far more time was spent with the cars than in the building.

    Five, Six yers ago we'd hang out in the parking lot all night, it was mellow and fun. Hell, we had more fun at the 3AM than at 3PM. Sure, there was an occasional ass showing by a couple of guys, but that tends to show itself with that much alcohol. But that was it, Two knotheads squaring off over nothin', then you'd see them hangin' out together later when they sobered up.

    The Shifters worked very hard to build that show and became victims of their own success. The Jacket clubs showed up, at least that's what we call them. Twenty or so little punks who all have jackets but only one, beat to Hell, '62 pick-up or '51 Four-door between them. Who's major sport of the evening is throwing bottles at cars passing on Valley View. It has seriously gotten out of hand a couple of years here recently.

    Axle's efforts have been to get it back where it was and restore the quality of cars and quality of experience. I find it repugnant that Tom Ingram and the Gold Coast don't recognize this. They should be the first one's on board to support the Shifters goals towards this end. From the realistic standpoint of liability if nothing else. Some idiot is going to get hurt, or killed out there one of these days, and the deep pockets are the ones who get sued.

    So I say, let VLV and the GC have the drunks and the POS rides. I'll take my ass down the street (in my real Hot Rod Deuce or '40 Coupe) to where the Shifters have set up a place for serious Hot Rod & Kustom guys to hang with those of a like mindset. Hell, we might even listen to a little music and have a few drinks, while checking out each others cars acting like human beings.

    Imagine that ?

    Axle, anything we can do to support you and the boys in the cause, just let us know.

  23. ibcalaveras
    Joined: May 30, 2006
    Posts: 599


    Calaveras Rods and Kustoms has been going to VLV for the seven or eight years now. For us the drive there and back is a big part of the going to the show. Seeing all the cars is icing on the cake. The music is not that important to all of us.
    In the last couple years things have gone down hill as far as I'm concerned 80.00 entery fee, cartoonmobiles , parking lot curfew and flying beer bottles have us wondering if we should go back to VLV.
    So where and when is the show going to be at? Calaveras Rods and Kustoms plans to be there for sure.... Change is good...
  24. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 11,869

    from Hypocrisy

    You go girl!
  25. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    from Drag City

    Branch,Johhnie,Nads,52 Merc,Deadsleds and the rest of you guys with recent posts, Thanks very much. Stay tuned !
  26. With the price of gasoline, I HAVE to stay tuned.
  27. MidCentury_Rod'n'Kustoms
    Joined: Mar 11, 2006
    Posts: 5


    What's up Axle, this is Lalo with the Dead Sleds.. just thought I'd put my two cents...I did VLV in 99 and the second time last year in 07 and there was a noticable difference in quality in several aspects of the weekender.I'm a fan of the rockabilly culture and style nevertheless hot rods and kuztoms it's what it's been all about for me since I don't know when. I'm a mechanic by trade and I love cars, I love driving them and building them so you have my support and the Club's support. I also wanted to mention if you need DJ's I have a decent collection of rocking jivers, stomping boppers and strollers on vinyl. So count my in. later.
    Inland Empire, CA
  28. I just recieved my VLV flyer in the mail today. There was mention of a car show, but not of the Shifters. I know a little about the lead time for the printing and delivery of mass mailers. Axle, you've been hosed for quite a while. It was not a spur of the moment decision by Ingram. You can count on my leaker spotting up the parking lot of wherever you do your show.

    Vipers CC
  29. Wandereryque
    Joined: Jul 26, 2004
    Posts: 120


    hey axle
    i talked to you at primer nats and i agree about getting back to people who build there cars to drive them, me and my club have the shifters back and well be there where and when, Vegas or So cal well make the trip for your show. Thee Wanderers Car Club of Fresno Califas
    (not to be confused with the dumbshit greaser gang from Vegas) we own cars!!
  30. axle
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 4,011

    from Drag City

    Phil, My wife comes from the graphic arts/printing industry and said the same exact thing. We actually received one yesterday too, and that was the straw that broke the Camels back !
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