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Barn find .. TWO cars ..once in a lifetime

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Big Dad, Sep 28, 2007.

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  1. streetfreakmustang
    Joined: Nov 30, 2006
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    from Ohio

    Does your Mom know you use that kind of vulgar language?
  2. sYc
    Joined: Sep 29, 2007
    Posts: 29

    from Alton, MO

    Lots of excuses why the '69 may be off, but no room for error on Kim's car. Hum..double standard maybe?

    Now..go back and re-read what you just posted “I really don't think Val Harrell expects to make money from her dads name”. That is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Heck, even Pulde admitted she needed the money for lawsuits and to attend shows.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
    Now, for the facts. Yes, I did encourage Val to trademark the DH name, even gave her the money. That was before I knew about the Hall family owning a DHPC in New Mexico. What she gave me was on her own free will, and really should be between she and I. <o:p></o:p>
    Never did I tell the Hope Yenko to register the Yenko name, as when I met her, the mark was already registered to David Heth in Texas. Several years a go at the Gibb reunion I did tell Helen and Connie Gibb that it would be wise to register the Gibb mark, which thankfully Helen did. <o:p></o:p>
    As per trademarks, right before the Funnycar Reunion we all attended, Valerie sent me a proof of the t-shirt she planned on producing, the one with the ’69 cars on the front and back. I suggest she all logos except the DH one (Yenko, Gibb, Nickey) as those were registered. Needless to say, she went ahead and both produced and sold the shirts, with all of these logos. <o:p></o:p>
    The bottom line, if Valerie really wants others to respect her mark, she needs to do the same.

    Now to making a proft..I dare you, or anyone else for that matter, to show where I have made $$$ from the '68 funnycar.
  3. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23


    Tom I will try to answer your post in a point by point format..

    1) as to a double standard...I don't think there is one..all that was posted was simply..I haven't looked at it and haven't seen that many pics.I'll look into it if you like..and give an honest opinion......Where's the double standard??

    2) The money needed for the lawsuit was directly related to the Hall suit..which you were an "expert" witness on for the Halls..please tell the group what you were an "expert" on?? your own didn't even know Rick Hall's place existed??? So for the record...did YOU ever go to Rick Hall's place or even know the guy?? I mean you were one of his "expert" witnesses...This is a matter of public record...the papers are out there to be viewed...Also please tell the group who won the lawsuit....Wasn't Rick Hall was it??? I would bet you didn't become an "expert" witness to Mr. Hall and so named in the suit until AFTER any disagreements between V. Harrel/Pulde and to elaborate?

    3) As far as the comment about V. Harrell giving you permission to use the "Dick Harrell" name for $1.00 BEFORE even seeing the car or knowing what you intended to do with it....Hmmm...So it is "ok" for YOU to post the emails on your own site to try to illustrate her prior approval of your car as being real and to illustrate she knew this (sorry laughing here..)and you are very happy to post this in your defense..yet NOW you think it is a matter only between you guys...The bottom line I would bet with that $1.00 is that V. Harrell wishes she never gave you anything..the "Dick Harrell" name would be off your car like yesterday....and probably not because it is a clone..but simply because of your claims, the way you handled it all, and your TOTAL lack of respect for the families wishes and then the TOTAL thumbing your nose by you and your website (not all..but a good number) at anyone who didn't buy into your drama..Man..there is that double standard you

    4) As far as trademarking these names...I don't know anything about t-shirts...sorry not my thing...It is ALL pretty comical to me as without exposure ALL of these "supercar" names would have faded into the distance..Does anyone not realize that?? So shame on those who saw the opportunity to make money and instead of not meddling..they meddled and now everyone is running around "$" happy looking for their latest opportunity..

    5) You making money on the '68 car...Hmmm..that is interesting...I challenge you to this..Did you not have business cards made up with printed claims saying it was "The 1968 Dick Harrell Funny car" (or certainly something to that affect), claiming it had the original body and chassis? Did you not have an article in a nationally recognized musclecar mag making those claims, along with promoting your website? Did you not make claims on your website to this affect? So "money" doesn't have to come in the form of can also come from exposure...I'm sure someone on your site, who has paid "dues" in the form of actual money for privildges, came there after reading an article or seeing you on Dennis Gage's show discussing your "DH FC"...Tell us why you haven't publicly retracted those statements and asked for DG or the mags to make that it has been shown you don't have what you claimed???

    The bottom line is EVERYONE on ALL the other sites knows the deal with you, your car, and what transpired with ANY lawsuits.....let's not rehash this on here...You want to talk about that cool Nova great...But don't force myself and others to have to come to a new site, set the record straight so others know the REAL story, and cause did enough of that on your own site...
  4. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23


    BTW...I do agree with your comment about V. Harrell needing to respect the trademarks of others...I'm sure she will...That is truly a rationale statement and it probably would have never been an issue in the first place (trademarks that is...)...EXCEPT for one big problem...Opportunist such as yourself, (whether looking to make money, self promote their website, or get in good favor with these people,) who had absolutly no stake in the matter, no direct lineage to these names...Yenko, Harrell, Motion, Nickey, etc..stepped in and screwed it all up with drama...Had these people been able to set down and discuss things as was happening with the Hall/Harrell deal..BEFORE you got involved...then all would be fine and these truly historic cars would have been able to be shown like they were used.......
  5. now she does :):)
  6. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23



    Sorry to cloud up the board with BS....
  7. Rat_Pack
    Joined: Sep 28, 2007
    Posts: 7


    Howie you are welcome!!!.....................RatPack......................
  8. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23


    So Kim...When are you finishing the car? What are you running in it? Is it going to be certified to make more than just "show" passes or are you doing it to 1970-1971 specs? Definitly a cool car...
    Joined: Sep 29, 2007
    Posts: 14

    from tennessee

    :D Well said
  10. Well welcome to the HAMB. For the most part we aren't really into date code, numbers matching, chalk marks, overspray, trademarks, registered trademarks, papers, buildsheets, etc, etc. Interesting knowledge you have on the subject.
  11. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23


    Sounds like a cool site...Definitly the place for me to be at this point in my life...No numbers, documents, no "rarity" hopefully equals no drama....Just fun...
  12. stlouisgasser
    Joined: Sep 4, 2005
    Posts: 673


    LS6man, whoever you really are, that is the smartest statement I've read yet in this thread. That's why I've been here, the fun without the assache of some of the other sites.
  13. Dale Pulde
    Joined: Sep 28, 2007
    Posts: 4

    Dale Pulde

    I have not had the chance to go thru all of this but I will get back to it later today.
    I also agree it has gotten way out of hand. At this point i will ask Tom to address the issues I had asked him in the prior posts. All I did see was a spin put on the whole truth of all matters.
    1 Please name anyone with a Dick Harrell car or any other car that Val or myself has sued. Which BTW Tom. Val had the rights to the name. It was being contested to if she had full rights. You must not have read it all or just another spin to the tale.
    2 Big dad. Not 1 time did I ever mention suing anyone on the Nova.Yet we would like to speak with them. When a car is sold with a name on it , It seems to give the new owner the right to think he can use the name on anything he wants also.
    3 Tom I did not bash your Nova. I just asked if you had any documentation from Bill Thomas. Why would you. He is still alive and you do your best at trying to feed of the families of the deceased.
    4 Arent you the one who threatend to sue Val for all shirts she sold in ILL? while YOU were saying that Your SYC group were going to trademark it for her other than the state of ILL. By the way. Do you remeber how much those shirts you have from Val cost you. Nothing and that what any money goes into from any sales.It goes back into a fund that in turn help support plane tickets and show material for the Dick Harrell group.

    5 Was it not you who was partly involved with Joel Rosen that led to a law suit with Matt Murphy? Hmmm. i cant recall the figure but you had some comming from that also.
    6 Was it not YOU who called up Earnharts and wanted 25 K to register there cars as super cars? That one kills me. Them needing a guy who cant verify his own cars to verify Dale Earnhart cars.
    7Why not take me up on a debate ? No sack without the keyboard?
    8 I will answer the whole riddle on the 02 car colors later today. Just think 67 Yenko car that later had Courtesy on it. Dicks favorite car.
    9 Being a person who has sat in on 3 law suit do to race car incidents I think I have a much better prespective on what the ramifications are by putting a name on a car. In the 90s I was driving a car that blew up the engine. It blew the body right off the car and into the crowd. Guess who got sued. Me ! and NHRA. there were others named on the suit but it never went to trial. Those others were the names on the car.
    A few years back. The Nostagia Top Fuel dragster called Champion Speed shop was in a battle over a wreck. Champion Speed shop had been gone for at least 2 decades. They named the owner of the shop that no longer existed. He was in his 90s. and the crew that worked on the car. It shows anything is possible.
    10. BTW Tom. NHRA has no record of you having a real license that makes YOU legal to run a car of that nature.
    I am out the door. Dale
  14. DeucePhaeton
    Joined: Sep 10, 2003
    Posts: 1,015


    In '81 I was in Ft.Worth and looking for a 58 Impala. The ad in the Star Telegram read - (67 altered wheel base Nova $2000.00 Also 58 Chevy Impala $1000.00.) I never even inquired about the Nova. Bought the 58 for $750.00 and dragged it back to OKC and then to Michigan. Always wondered about that nove though.
  15. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


    I think its pretty sad that a cool post about 2 cars that were pulled out of a garage can deteriorate into a multi page discussion about copy rights and lawsuits.
    Just because one of the 2 has a decal on the door...

    Seems to me all of this is very far removed from the mindset of the people that made the history in the first place.
    ( or at least, I hope it is...)
  16. Kim Howie
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 7

    Kim Howie

    Me too Greg I was pulled into this period.
  17. wvenfield
    Joined: Nov 23, 2006
    Posts: 5,627


    Boy, aren't those a couple of cool old Chevy's?
  18. 68L35SS
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 3

    from SW

    This trademark debate should be viewed as educational by everyone here. This should show the possible ramifications of putting a name on your cars, especially if the name is used to promote or otherwise profit from the name. Somewhere down the line the truth ALWAYS seems to get lost that it is a tribute car, all in the name of bigger profits.
    This is also about liability if anything untoward should happen with the car, such as happened with Troy Critchley and his PROMOD at a show earlier this year. He has had to file bankruptcy due to the lawsuits from a fatal accident at a show (7 people were killed). EVERY name on that car has been sued, all because they had their name or sponsorship on a car that had a very bad accident.
  19. Kim Howie
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 7

    Kim Howie

    Greg please post the picture of my car purple.
  20. sYc
    Joined: Sep 29, 2007
    Posts: 29

    from Alton, MO

    Dale, let get this striaght. You are saying neither you, Val nor an attroney representing you, contacted (not sued) Dave Belk/Clint Richmond, owners of the Lead Sled, asking for money because their car had Dick Harrell sticker(s) on it?
  21. Kim Howie
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 7

    Kim Howie

    Just because you are named in a law suit you still have to be found liable. Most sponsers are not found liable.
  22. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23


    Thanks...I'm just a fairly young guy (36) who has been messing with these cars since 15...I've been fortunate to own a lot of very rare, original, documented matching cars...Z's, L78's, LS6's, a Mopar or 2 etc..and they were a big part of my car collecting and interest for along time.. I've grown tired of the original cars though and all of the drama with them....Go to ANY of the sites and look how many fake trim tags, fake cars, rebodies, and guys getting screwed there is...Go look at how the term "matching numbers" has evolved and is now pretty much worthless today...20 years ago it was the actual components a car left the respective plant with...15 years ago the same...10 years ago the same...5 years ago it meant nothing more than a dated block and stamped it is "born with" only a matter of time before that is worthless....

    The hobby isn't even a hobby anymore because of the $$$ So give me a nice old car which looks great, runs great, and screams "musclecar"...Something with no guys trying to self promote their status or noterity in the shaky doumentation because some idiot with more money than brains doesn't know POP's were available in 1985 through Hemmings, etc..

    Give me a hot rod any day of the week...although short of Kermit Weeks P-51C I still secretly want a documented, righteous Hemi "E" body 'vert...;)

    BTW...If anyone went to the P51 show this past weekend....think about this...there were roughly 86 'stangs at anywhere from $1.5-priceless (Weeks' P-51C) MILLION dollars (per at least 100 MILLION dollars) out others...Those guys should have had ropes, chains, even guards around them...yet ANYONE could have walked up and touched them with their noses...I did just even to a priceless airplane....It was incredible to find such priceless aircraft yet so so accessible....Yet that is how those guys are..they are enthusiast first...collectors second....Food for thought...
  23. 68L35SS
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 3

    from SW

    I am not greg, but here is a pic of your car ar the Gibb show, and one of how it was ran "back in the day". The colors are NOT EVEN CLOSE.

    Attached Files:

  24. 68L35SS
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
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    from SW

    Even if you are not found liable, it still costs MONEY to defend yourself.
  25. ls6man
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 23


    Kim...I do not think the car is purple....Does it have a purple hue look to me it does...It isn't purple though...I do think it has the wrong hue of candy red on it though and like I stated I would have used the period pics over what was on the car.....

    But you know what....who cares...a color can be is documented which is the more important thing...unlike a fake which is always a matter if every decal, every word, etc is perfect...

    Finish it up and send me some detailed pics...I'm looking forward to seeing them..Take care.
  26. superchargednailhead
    Joined: Jul 20, 2004
    Posts: 245


    Why don't you all have a confrence call then you can bitch at each other rather than do this shit here. I agree ban them
  27. metalshapes
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 11,130


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