I dont know if any of you have heard of these torches, but they are amazing. They reduce the velocity of the gas coming out of the tip by approx 80%, this helps eliminata all kinds of blowout problems. Especially on alluminum. With a regular torch I have trouble welding .050 alluminum, with this torch I was able to weld the .030 alluminum with no problems. You can cut with this torch, and the cuts are unbelieveably nice. It will cut all the way up to 1" plate with no problem. If you use it right the amount of dross on the back side is minimal. I have been playing with this torch for the last two days, and I just cant get enough of it. Anyways, for anyone that is interested in more info the website is www.cut-like-plasma.com Sam
Glad you like it Sam, I have 2 and there are quite a few guys on here that use them or the Dillon. The Henrob was the primary reason I got back into hammer welding. I use the 2nd setup for cast iron and aluminum work. Now quit playing and build something
ive got an older Dillon... same thing as the current Henrob. I still use my regular OA torch more often, but the Dillon/Henrob is great for some things that the regular torch is too much for.
I just picked up a used Dillon MkIV on eGay for a song. Anyone have a copy of the manual? I've got a lot of experience with a regular oxy/acet outfit, but just want to make sure I set it all up right. TIA
Here's a recent post... http://www.jalopyjournal.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=189755&page=&view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1
Thanks - did a search for Henrob here on the HAMB & read through most of them. Just wondering if anyone's got a copy of the instruction/owner manual...
I got the one that came with mine. Not much to it, if you want I can scan it for you. Send me your email address, CharlieLed@cox.net
[ QUOTE ] I got the one that came with mine. Not much to it, if you want I can scan it for you. Send me your email address, CharlieLed@cox.net [/ QUOTE ] I scanned the manual and have it available for anyone who wants the latest version. It's a .pdf file and is 3.6 MB in size. I also included a 2-page tip sheet that the distributor included with my torch.