Well I think I lost it....this weekend I bought this body and frame. I was told this might be the only one left but who knows.Does anybody know of or even seen the real one (if it exists) the kit was built from in 1968.Or how about pics from old car shows? thanks.......
Very cool! Stuff like this should be saved and built in a more subtle "modern" attitude rather than the standing on the nose cartoon style. The body has such good lines.
I wonder if that came after the model? <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=165 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=left borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ff9999><TD height=2>[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-2]Tom's Inspiration:[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT] </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=left borderColor=#ffffff bgColor=#ffccff><TD height=64>[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-2]Pie Wagon was one of the original designs I did for Monogram. The 'C' cab and body were totally custom designed, and for its day was pretty far out. I combined traditional elements with 'modern', to produce this gem. Kit had decals for "Mothers Pies", as well as "Taco". Truly one of the 'fun' kits of all time.[/SIZE][/FONT] </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> Here's some more info: http://www.showrods.com/showrod_pages/pie_wagon.html http://www.tomdaniel.com/85_kits/frm_85kits.html
Ya got that right.problem is that IF ya set it up like the kit you cant see 50 feet in front of the car.I think I will try a wider rearend andshorten the frame by about 8-10 inches with a dropped axle.the only things on the body I didnt like was the hanging lantern taillite,I am thinking about a single 64 vette light on each side low in the back and small round headlites since everything else is round,hey metalshapes how about purple metalflake??...
Yeah.. Purple 'Flake. How about a fully chromed Jag rearend? I have an idea for the headlights... Cool find, man...
Tom Daniels models were very cool. the only one I remember building was the garbage truck.. I never knew they built a real Pie Wagon.
posted this over at the coffin corner this site luvs this stuff, http://coffincorner.proboards89.com/index.cgi
NOT sure if there was a real one thats the question.......one thing if I build it it will not be a damn trailer queen,if ya cant drive it dont build it ,,,right?
A friend sent me the link to that if it's the same one that was on Craiglist, and I saw it was gone. Congats on the purchase, that's cool as hell. I love 60's show rods! Good luck with it and keep us posted.
Wat Kool. I hope that more stuff like this pops up. It we be so kool to see that go down the road. Good find. Now find this one
gosh.. that was in my model building years... I bet I build 20 of those.... May even have SOME I have in the box unopened yet. I know I built Trouble Maker, and T'Rantula, and several of the ones like the Pie Wagon and the dragsters. Not sure what I still have unopened. I have a whole huge box out in the garage. Farrah's Foxy Vette comes to mind as one I have, another one I remember having is "Peanut 1". It's also a dragster with Jimmy Carters face on the front.