I don't know about the rest of you (and perhaps this has been said before), but I get nearly as much of a kick outta looking at the pictures of the workshops that you guys have, as the cars that sit inside 'em. Lets see some more workshop pictures, if only to encourage me to smarten mine up a bit! I know it won't necesarily help me to build a better rod, but having a real nice workshop, full of cool old stuff certainly must help with inspiration..... ......or then again, maybe it's just me! I dream about developing the workspace just like I do the car. Maybe even some shots of the worst workshops to just make me feel lucky??? I know some of you build quality rods right outside under the open sky. I'll kick it off with a pretty bad picture of where I work (but the only one I have for now). Apologies for the car I'm working on in this shot though - it's a friends '59 Landrover. All my other projects are stuffed wherever there's space. The Landy's nearly done now though and will be heading down the road asap.
mine last winter, got some snowhttp://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a389/067chevy/2006_0325march25snowman0014.jpg
I cant!..I cant get in there with the camera!..I packed too much shtuff in there for the winter..looks like I will be building the Model A in the Garage. It will be easier to heat!
50 x 40, 2000 sq ft of playhouse.....neighbors not happy but I don't really care, like the song says: "it's my piece of dirt and I was here 1st"
i didn't even know building things like that were still possible down there....you have to jump through hoops to get that built? And how long have you owned enough land to do that? Your (lucky) situation seems very rare... am I wrong?
you have no idea, they (the county) did not want me to build it but I found this old timer in the permit dept that fed me a loop hole, I bought this place about 6 years ago, was listed as .98/acre net. They wanted an acre or bigger for me to use the steel type. The old guy said just prove you have a "gross" acre, that included my portion of the street, found the original plot maps in the maps archive that had it listed as a 1.09/acres gross, made a copy, won the permit.. Yes there are not many places is socal to do this unless your willing to commute. I do but it's well worth it, have horses etc...oh and a house to.
Here's cheesy lighting photoshopped into a picture of my garage from when I was building my '57 Chevy truck six months ago... The attachment is from last Friday night, when I dragged the '62 K-10 I'm building for my old man out of the sideyard.
now that is funny - she is not the best deterent. You could probably clean the place out and she would do her absolute best to stay out of your way. Fortunately, we do have a real alarm.
garagejournal has alot of shop pics, but it doesnt seem like theres alot of 'working' garages there. dont get me wrong, theres alot of really nice shops there, it just seems like theyre more into how the garage looks than what is built in it.
Hey Michael, it's good to see that green Stude I sold you a few years ago. I dig that rebuilt 6 cylinder. I like the dog too. Paul.