Just picked it up , I think I like it...... Little pricy , good quality pics , neat stuff,Spring of 08 isssue.
I liked it a lot was kool to see all of the vintage pictures. Lot of history with in Hot Rod magazine. Hopefully it will stay around for a while. Spring 2008?? I wish that was true. Happy Trails, Mick
I looked for it at b/n in tustin ca and they didnt have it yet,and they usually have lots of rod mags.
just got mine. Scratches car is on the cover. thumbed through real quick in the store, looks like lots of cool old pics. found it at walmart super.
10 page Ford V8 flathead article in it, with 2 pages of flathead sources. Have not read it all yet, but looks interesting, at least for a flathead newbie like myself. -kg
great mag!!! can't put it down. i love the old pics. i like looking in the background and seeing what just happen to get in the pic. thanks david!! reggie
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Got an issue this morning. Great mag. hope it sticks around!! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I guess it's available everywhere on God's green earth except Fresno, I went to four bookstores today and nothing. Can someone post a scan of the cover so I know what to look for?
It's a decent magazine, the wife went up to wally-world and grabbed it for me. I read the flathead article somewhere before, but otherwise, looks like a good start, a little thin on pages for the price though. Ben
Just picked it up this morning in the airport in Philadelphia, read it on the flight- good looking magazine, great pix with background info (love the last page pic) and some pretty damn good pix by Mr. Freiburger, too. looks like another title to add to the stacks of car magazines in my studio... Dog
got mine at the local hobby shop i think its a great mag. hope it stays around and doesnt die out....
My thoughts exactly, finely came in across the street @ B/N, good start,liked the wheel/tire coverage.
been to 2 barnes and nobles and a borders, as well as Walmarts, etc in Litchfield county in CT..haven't found it yet...maybe next week....
Just got back from Barnes and Noble with mine. I'm headed to the crapper now and will have a full report of it on your desk by 0800 SIR!
I got a copy today at the local book store. Fantastic pictures, old and new. Good content,what little there was. I liked the article on the scratchmobile. At $7 I agree with others that won't buy again, I think i'd rather buy a couple gallons of gas.
Why in the heck was this thing 7 bucks? It was not even as thick as a standard issue of R & C or HOT ROD. If it comes out quarterly at 5 bucks I am in--other than that, it makes a nice addition to the one- off mags that just keep stacking on my shelf. Needs more technical material and less butt and tat shots.
Way cool to find out HRD is back! I wrote the article on Mouse, Roth, etc., in the second (and last) of the original two issues, entitled "Of Mouse And Men: A Brief History of the Weirdo Shirt". I haven't seen the issue anywhere around the metro Detroit area as of yet, but I'll be searching from now on. I hope it's successful. Bill Stinson
The first issue back is probably kind of small because they are just coming back out again. I would guess they didn't want to go too big and run the risk of printing something people might get a bad first (or second) impression of. Instead they started out small and compact with not too many ads, much like the older hotrod magazines started out during the 40's and 50's. I'm sure it will grow as time goes on! Hopefully the suits don't ruin it again. $7.00 dollars is kind of expensive, but I do like the mag.
the mag rules !! the corvette race car ..fuck . and the bitchen little 28 roadster .. and don't for get all the archive photos .. 7 bucks ...booo hoo ... that's 2 gallons of gas .. that's 3 bottles of water ... are you kidding me ? a regular mag is 5 and change ..whats another dollar ?their's always bitchen about the other mags and the lack of knowledge and tast .here's a mag that nails it . but , it 7 dollars ...boo hoo ..shit ,their ain't 2 dollars worth of good shit in rebal rods .. oh ,if you want know... i bought the last ten at 7 eleven .fuck it .i'll eat ramin noodles insted of going to lunch .. i'll support the cause ..