I have the "Tractor Trilogy"(the first 2 listed books and Love Sex and Tractors all in one) by him and i also have " Everything I Know about Women I Learned From My Tractor" by him also. Great reads if you can find it.
I actually thought it was a baseball story when I first heard the title. (fortunately I found "Bang The Drum Slowly" at about the same time. That's also a good book.) Although it was a required read in high school it's also good to remember the uproar it created years ago It is still considered inappropriate by some school districts. Still a good book. Maybe a little juvenile but we juveniles enjoyed reading it . I'm not sure today's high schoolers would feel the same way about it.
I'll throw in a couple interesting reads by Richard Preston. The first is the Demon in the Freezer which chronicles small-pox and the mass weaponization of the virus by the US and USSR. The second is The Hot Zone which is also about biological hazards...scary stuff to say the least.
"The More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Cuide" which is a FIVE book "Trilogy" is the only book I'e read cover to cover without reading a single other printed word in between. For those who've never heard of it, it's about a Ford Prefect, sort of, and the movie abortion with the same title and no other similarity sucks so don't watch it or compare it to the books...
Just finished the original Radio scripts and have now moved on to watching the television series. The series is horrible, btw. I'll tell ya one thing, Sam Rockwell playing Zaphod in the movie gave a spot on of what I thought he would be like.
get a subscription to the Rodders Journal it is awsome. I couldn't be more happy with it. www.roddersjournal.com
Oh, wow. You're going to tell Ryan how to run his website? Glad you know whats best for it more than he does.
I'm not telling him how to run his website. I just think that that is crazy to delete someones post because he recomended "religious" books. That just seems crazy to me. I can understand not starting a thread about religion or something but deleting that thread, thats nuts!! How is that doing whats best for the site?
I thought it was about "good reads". First thought hits me in non- fiction is the bible. Fiction, I last read The Godfather by Mario Puzo. I feel the bible falls under best reads ever. As for the no religion rule, I see alot of 666 posted. Seems to me the number of the devil falls under that rule too, seems to me it's directly from the bible,no one seems to bitch about it. Ban one, ban both. My .02cents.
I think what Ryan is trying to avoid is proselytizing of ANY kind...it's one thing to recommend a book, but another to claim it's "true" and THE way..etc. etc. I don't know what the original post the Coupe-de Cab was and I personally have no problem with people recommending religious or political books, but rules are rules...
Cab's wasn't the ony one. The big rules are no religion, no politics, nor profanity in subject lines, and not nudity in pics. Now it's Ryan's board and I respect that. And it really does cut down on the drama. Well except for what you're creating now... If you have a better idea of what is best for the site nothing is stopping you from starting your own. Things have been going pretty good for 7 or so years, don't get your panties all in a wad and mess it up...
"Sometimes a Great Notion" -- Ken Kesey "All the Pretty Horses" -- Cormac McCarthy "Cities of Gold" -- Doug Preston "The Shipping News" -- E. Annie Proulx "Tapping the Source" "Pomona Queen" "Dogs of Winter" "Tijuana Straights" -- all by Kem Nunn Lee Child and Robert Crais both write adventure/crime novels All their books are page burners.