well heres mine,cant get the pics on so i added the link to my webshots page, yeah i know its plastic but you have to use what you got http://rides.webshots.com/album/551643576vHjgIY
Hey roller....does mine count? I just bought a pickup cab a few days ago.....how do I get a big pic on here like some of these I see? What size do I need to set the camera at when I take them? Just put on an evans dual down draft with stromberg 81's and my own header.....it's bitchin' now!....except for that cough when i gag it!!! LOL
Larry, I just heard about the "HAMB Deuce Gathering" from Hot Rod Artist(you know the guy racing the Stearman.....I won, I cheated.....hahaha) Anyway, to add to this long thread.....here ya go 5w is my driver, 427 FE, also used as a tow car for.... 3w, fun blown Flathead powered toy And in the shed is a Pickup project And in the out back shed is a Panel truck project Heard you might be coming to the Deuce gathering at Kerrville next weekend? Hope to meet you in person there! Skot
here are some pics of my project.....i wish i knw how to post big pics on here too! I'm looking for a good solid bed for it too..... a couple of these shows a 31 slant window 68c cabriolet cowl on it....one shows the stock engine without the outside goodies... thanks for letting me share!
you forgot the bus ! he flat towed the 3window with the 5window last year using only a 18 inch gold chain
Since the Deuce Club was brought back up,,,add my project that has turned into a driver. HRP 2nd photo taken by KIRK! at the Charlotte Goodguys.
That was "gold" Krylon paint on a old rusty chain.....Anything to get attention, you know....hahahaha And then there IS this ol Bus project out back.....dang I need to retire, so I can put some of this stuff together. Oh yea, Texas Deuce Doings......Kerrville.....this weekend....Antiques(31 and earlier) and Late Models(33 and later) park at the curb on the highway side.....hahahaha(elitist pig comments are sure to follow now..... ) Skotzzz
Is this thread still going? Here's a pic of my summer find, and the story. I've been considering trading it for a Sedan (32,33,34,37) if anyone is interested let me know-
I'm just finishing my steel body Deuce convertible. I have 260 miles on it and just put it in the shop for the winter. ( I say shop, but it's really a small addition to my garage). Anyway, I'd post a picture or two of my homebilt if I could figure out how to do that!...Factory Jim.
Well. I guess I can get the award for worst deuce in the deuce club. Me and Jimsibley are trying to fix it. Piece by piece. Its been beaten, caught on fire, and thrown in the woods for 40 plus years near seattle so you can imagine the metal isnt that great.
Ok I went back and looked, I posted a pic of the new roadster when we were in the low 60's. 155 now, man that is pretty impressive.
You are the MAN Larry. I'm sure OldBobsign (Larry) would make cool stickers for us anytime, He had some designs a few months ago.