Not a good pic but this is one third of a SBC cam with a machined aluminum spike on top. Had to add another piece of cam down low off the stick to act as a counter weight. Have to keep a hand over the point when in reverse or a passenger will lose an eye!
Dang... looks like the one I made for FlyRite Jason a litttle over a year ago... 'cept mine wasn't nearly as well done!
wow seems like theres a shift knob post about every three months. Do a search and you'll find lots of threads with lots of pics. Heres my collection of older ones... John Shot at 2005-02-15
Here is a simple one I'm just finishing up. I still have a little sanding and polishing to do - I also need to swap out shifters (I just have it sitting on the lokar just for the picture.)
Hodaddyyo, That's an "El Toro"by Cal Custom. I have one also. they are pretty comfortable when mounted sideways. Yep, they are gettin' rare. Iv'e seen a couple for $75 on that auction site. Have fun,Smokey
mORE knob POsTS .....
thanks yekoms, i feel like a big dumb meatball. maybe thats why i got it so cheap off that auction site. i thought thats what it was called. i like it but i'm still unsure if i'm going to use it. i have a cueball that someone did a real nice job turning into a bloodshot eyeball. i'll snap a pic tomorrow. btw who's smokey?
anyone know the cat that makes those dia de los muertos skull hsift knobs?? they were on sale in the classifies a couple months back, but i couldnt find..... anyone know??