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Oh how i love living in Massachusetts!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 48Stranger, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. UnIOnViLLEHauNT
    Joined: Jun 22, 2004
    Posts: 4,827


    yep, in the snow flurries with our 2000 altima running at like 250 degrees, i NEEDED coolant (after all i was going to get a 49 merc dash so ihad to roll!) anyway, go way out of the way to get coolant, get to the store with the needle pinned on H, and there is construction. cones set up and 2 cops there, but no clue how to get around it and knowing that if i made the wrong move id be pulled over. cop sitting in the car reading the paper. shit, find me a fucking job where i can get $65 an hour for reading the paper and do absolutely nothing unless i REALLY REALLY need to.

    thats a job that Homer Simpson would be jealous of!
  2. pitman
    Joined: May 14, 2006
    Posts: 5,148


    If you can show that you passed the regs for your home "province" you should be OK. Now as to deaf stoners w/open headers, that's probably another story. :eek:
  3. HotRonScorcher
    Joined: May 28, 2007
    Posts: 15

    from Boston

    I have to say that MA makes it nearly impossible to do anything fun. I grew up in NH but was born here and I can tell you that I am heading back to NH within the next year.

    in MA it doesn't matter how old the car is you still need the title, or a bill of sale and an old registration. do they have any idea how rare it is that old cars that have sat for 30 years have any of that shit laying around. same goes for motorcycles too, which is just ridiculous.

    plus you have to wear you seatbelt...."click it or ticket"...bullshit.

    and you have to wear a helmet on your motorcycle.

    plus you don't even wanna know how shitty it was getting used to the fact they don't sell beer on sundays, thank god that got changed. but you still have to go to a liquor store and can't just run down to the cumby's like NH.

    Live Free or Die! I'm going back.
  4. Mopar34
    Joined: Aug 8, 2006
    Posts: 1,029


    Never really ever liked Massachusetts. Never liked driving thru it, stopping in it, or staying in it. Now I have just learned why I wouldn't want to liver there or own a car there. PA can be a pain in the ass also when it comes to hotrods/streetrods, especially during registration. But all in all, I would rather be here than in Massachusetts.:eek: :D

    Still plenty of room here, in case any of you Mass guys want to move South.
  5. CruZer
    Joined: Jan 24, 2003
    Posts: 1,934


    Quote:do they have any idea how rare it is that old cars that have sat for 30 years have any of that shit laying around. same goes for motorcycles too, which is just ridiculous.

    Oh yeah, they have an idea. They use the NADA blue book for classic cars when you go to register one.
    I just swapped a '34 3 window coupe for a '34 Roadster and had to pay $1362 for sales tax ,title and reg !!!!
    NADA on a 1934 Ford Roadster? $26,000 to $52,500.
    They said the coupe was worth$12500 but because it was a non-dealer sale,I had to pay the whole thing. I appealed it and they rejected the appeal.

    I can appeal again to a tax board but I have to pay $66 to send in the application. Good old Taxachusetts !!!!

  6. ditz
    Joined: Nov 11, 2005
    Posts: 140


    It sure sounds like you MA fellas need to go to the poles. :eek: We vote to show our displeasure of our "representitives"

    Good Luck and I wish you well
  7. The,"Chappaquiddick Troll" has been in office nearly FORTY YEARS! In Massachusetts,the Beacon Hill Thugs think,"term limits" has something to do with how long a pregnancy should last before being ended. Another,"Tea Party" using pols instead of brew might not be such a bad idea.
  8. Oh, great, now the rest of us in the other 49 states can enjoy the ____er:mad:
  9. Koolman
    Joined: Feb 1, 2005
    Posts: 308


  10. Don Lyon
    Joined: Jan 18, 2007
    Posts: 275

    Don Lyon

    Sounds like the natives need to get out the tar and feathers,get some new blood in their Government. I could't / would't put up with all that crap. God Bless America and the Great Northwest. (Except for Washington and their "Lady Governor.)
  11. rustyford40
    Joined: Nov 20, 2007
    Posts: 2,168

    from Mass Bay

    The president of our club kept getting stopped for no fenders on his 32. He got pissed and kept pushing for a meeting with the D.M.V. He got his meeting and convinced them to allow pre 49's to run without fenders. My suggestion is to push your rights with the registry.
  12. 327-365hp
    Joined: Feb 5, 2006
    Posts: 5,434

    from Mass

    Don't know if Caddilac Deval Patrick is any better? :(
  13. 327-365hp
    Joined: Feb 5, 2006
    Posts: 5,434

    from Mass


    Thank him for that! Now if you could get him to work on this inspection sticker crap. It's just a money making machine for the state. A state cop turned around and chased me 'cause I had no sticker. Why am I paying him overtime, he MUST have something better to do than chase down an old car that's been out of the garage maybe twice all summer. Luckily my car's pretty legal or who knows how much more expensive the ticket would've been. Having no sticker is a moving violation so it shows up on your insurance too, don't get me started on that scam!
  14. NoBackPressure
    Joined: Jan 10, 2006
    Posts: 51


    Where do they do that in Henrietta? I've never seen them. I live in Henrietta. I drive my 57 Chev pick-up daily and I never get fucked with. Le t me know what to look out for...thanx
  15. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
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    Shifty Shifterton

    It's a big part of the reason I moved the fuck out of new england.
    Apparently they miss the sheer irony of having to pass inspection on a car with a state issued plate that proclaims "live free or die"
  16. tjm73
    Joined: Feb 17, 2006
    Posts: 3,565


    They patrol the parking lots at my work (Sutherland Group) and the local p-lots like crazy. I'm in property management so I like it when they come through and ticket the dumb bastards that park in non-spots, handicap parking when they don't have the tag, in front of fire hydrants, etc.....

    Sometimes the guy gets a little overzelous though.
  17. NoBackPressure
    Joined: Jan 10, 2006
    Posts: 51


    So they just nail the dumb-asses that are obviously bending the laws. Thanks for reponding. I try not to do the dumb parking thing anyways, unless I'm on the chop. They tend to not mess with ya so much on a bike. See ya......
  18. AV8Paul
    Joined: Mar 2, 2003
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    Member Emeritus

    "Don't blame me, I voted for Muffy."
  19. dsmith1279
    Joined: Apr 25, 2006
    Posts: 21

    from Oklahoma

    I lived on the South Shore for 6 years. There is a reason they call that state Taxachusetts. Unbelievable. Between the BS car laws and the outrageous gun laws, I had to get out.
    I was absolutely shocked when I move to MA and had to get a "permit" to be able to purchase ammunition or take my rifle from my house to the gun range. I had to get a concealed carry permit just to take my pistol to the range, in a gun case. It was law that the firearm and the ammunition had to be in two separate compartments of the vehicle. Thus, if you had a station wagon and took a gun, located in the back of the vehicle, to the range, and had ammo in on the front seat floor board, you were technically breaking the law.
    I could go on and on, but the reality is that the people of MA bring it on themselves by electing the idiots that they do. I mean, really, the Swimmer, read: Kennedy, has run basically unopposed for how many years? Ugh.<O:p</O:p
    Thus I relocated to glorious OK. No inspections, No emissions, No BS gun laws. All that and I am back around folks that TALK normal.<O:p</O:p

    P.S. Here is the bumper sticker I had on my ole' work truck.</O:p</O:p

    Attached Files:

  20. 1929rats
    Joined: Aug 18, 2006
    Posts: 692


    Ok....heres a couple of random thoughts about Mass. and how it realates to hot rodding as I have lived here all my life....

    #1). The roads are the very very worse. I have traveled in every state in the country except WA, OR, AK and HI. Go down rte 9, rte 140, rte 495, 128, sucks....Its always stressed me out and made me sure my tencil strength of my welds were adequate. The roads are Terrible...its a joke, and its not good for hot rods, or cars with headers that exit at the bottom. Probally the best road in the state is the PIke and that pisses me off to pay that damn thing that was suppose to paid off in the 80's.....That is really the worse thing about the state...the roads ARE FUCKING HORRIBLE. Ive taken pictures....written editorials to my local paper, and have written about 4 times to my congressman......ask a few local hambers what happen to my shocks on my hot rod pickup going down to the NESS meet this october on 495....its a disgrace...I have very seriously thought of moving to VT and NH mainly because of the roads.....they suck that bad....Every Mass Hamber here will agree with what Im saying and should also follow suit and write a letter to their congressman....The roads in Massachusetts are really a risk to a motorists well being...I am NOT exagerating here either guys.....its really bad....

    2). On open headers....I run open headers in my hot rod with a baffle inside so they are not piercing loud. Ive been pulled over by the fuzz before...and have always said right up front..."yes officer, my hot rod is loud, but I dont want to have this happen again" (with my registration I have a picture of a deer that hit a hot rod and wiped the a banger out completely...I also have a picture of a baffle in the megaphone). Town cops scratch their heads and just say take it easy....luckily I have never been pulled over by a state cop or a registry cop, but....this is my true thoughts on this scenario (think about hitting a deer with your hot rod and the damage/consequences....LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES.

    #3). THE REGISTRY AND SALES TAX --- Some of you guys may know about my new project Im building. Its a 61 vette. I bought the car for a reasonable price as a basket case....No motor, trans, interior, gauges, steering wheel, etc....I wanted to put comprehensive insurance on it, so I took my title down to the registry to have it turned over in my name so my insurance agent would put comp on it....what happened is they charged me blue book value which equated to 2000.00!!!!! ---I was like WTF!!!!!!!! The F&*&#37;ING car doesnt even have a F&*King motor.... "SORRY" SMILED THE WORM/CLERK....anyway, I even went to the internal revenue dept (accross the street from the registry in worcester, MA) with pictures, etc....pleading my help basically I got screwed......I paid 2000.00 that really was needed on the gasser vette ask why I paid it and didnt just leave?! ---- The state charges you INTREST from the day the title was turned over to you on the sales if I waited 1-2 years (when hopefully the vette will get done)...It may have cost me 3500-4000 to get the new title!

    two words -BULL SHIT....

    Enough of my rant here....but, Im really pasionate about the need for our roads to get fixed here in the state....even in my driver Dodge Ram - I needed my ball joints replaced after 2 years of use ----- why? because the roads in massachusetts are TERRIBLE.....Thanks for reading my rant/advice/life experience and please write a letter to your congressman.
  21. when it comes to car related laws wa. is ok our roads are supposed to be the best because we spend the most. our gas tax is a "ream-a-rama" they have 10 times the bullshit with cars off the road than on them. with all the cars i have i would be screwed with no-op bullshit in california. of course i would willingly trade a few bullshit laws if they could rid of of tweakers! of course they could come in handy to fill potholes.
    Joined: Jun 26, 2005
    Posts: 1,919

    from Malden,MA

    I know years ago a friend drove from MA to NJ in a T and was given crap about no fenders.... I know some of the larger events talk about checking outlocal laws first ...
  23. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

  24. varodder
    Joined: Nov 23, 2005
    Posts: 193


    Gee thanks fellas, You made me feel a whole lot better about living in Virginia:).
  25. captainflight
    Joined: Jul 7, 2007
    Posts: 198


    Hardly ever see the man up here. But we live in the country and they seem to spend their time going after drunks and speeders on the main roads. Lots of rods and muscle cars around too! What really pisses me off though is to have to get any car over 20 years old appraised before you can register it. You pay the sales tax on the appraised value regardless of what you paid for it!
  26. converseandbowlingshirts
    Joined: Nov 10, 2006
    Posts: 556

    from Eugene, OR

    One thing that I would like to point out about gas taxes though is that they have NO affect on gas prices! That's right, study after study shows that gas prices are arbitrary and based one the public's willingness to pay. There are towns that are right next to each other but in different states, with different tax rates, but the SAME GAS PRICES. A good example is the Vancouver, WA/Portland, OR metro area. Different tax rates, same gas prices.
  27. leon renaud
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,937

    leon renaud
    from N.E. Ct.

    I can't quote you the exact law wording but states have to go by what is legal in state of registration. Something to do with the reciprocal laws (We will accept your registration if you do ours )my son has been involved with an auto dealer with used car lots in 3 states.I have seen him make a complete ass out of cops in 2 of those states very politely I might add.Please keep in mind he can quote you chapter and verse of the rule book I can't.We got stopped just over the mass line in his N.C.registered Chevy pick up cop did usual lisense and reg thing comes back to my sons truck and starts telling him how he is issuing tickets for following infractions .My son says excuse me officer but under section so and so of the reciprocal act of such and such you can not issue fix it tickets in this state this vehicle is legal in the state of registration.Cop begins to give him a boat load of shit and my kid again tells him at that point sir you have a computer in your cruiser I suggest you check it out with you supervisor.Ya we got held an extra 5-10 minutes but the cop came back to the truck hands my son his paper work BUT NO tickets and in his nicest FUCK YOU voice says have a nice day!I saw him do the same thing in N.C. with his Ct. registered truck and yet a 3rd time while we both were moving cars between 2 of the lots in N.C.on dealer plates I believe in this case it was a repair plate.Now if I tried this I'd be sitting my ass in jail !But the kid knew what he was doing.many years ago in Ct. I stopped for what appeared to be a T bucket with a problem ,Turns out the guy was just waiting for a few other friends to catch up coming from a show.They so up just about the time 2 town cops do so we have 4 hotrods and my just inspected and registered ex police cruiser Dodge Coronet.Cops are drooling at the ticket banquet they got here!and I can't begin telling you the list it looked like they had going!the 4 hotrods had R.I. repair plates on them from the same dealer who was driving the T he walks over to the last car in line where both cops were writing tickets and asks what they are doing.One of the cops starts giving him the "interfering with a police officer "speech when he tells them he owns all 4 cars.They now start telling him how he has these gazillion infractions going on and that wreckers have already been called and all cars are getting towed and impounded!He tells them the drivers of each car are his employees operating vehicles for him in their line of duty and that they are being legally operated under the repair tags of his garage.By this time the first wrecker driver shows up and this guy tells him that he will hold legally responsible the operator and the officer issuing the tow order for damages to the T if he hooks up !The 2 garage guys go to the wrecker and have a talk and the guy comes back and tells the cop he can not tow this car by now 2 more wreckers are on scene and the cops are boiling pissed one goes back to the cruiser and calls in while the second keeps writing tickets in a few minutes he comes back and tells the other cop WE HAVE to let them go!no tickets were issued!the cop starts walking to my car and the lead guy says he's with me too the cop never even looket at my Ct.plate just walks away !I asked the guy why he did that and he said just cuz i was nice enough to see if he needed help!
  28. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    WOW! it's cops like this that give the couple good cops bad names... my mom once told me ALL cops are dicks. the reasons MOST take the job is because they are bullies and want to continue to bully people. OR they where bullied and want to be the "tough guy" now. either way it's a power trip thing for most (if not all) cops. oh yeah. my mom is and always has been the most law abiding citizen you ever met. she came upon this opinion after working for a few years in a Michigan State Police post.

    sorry bout the rant. this kinda shit gets my blood boiling. i try not to even read it anymore but sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me.

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