Most excellent news Andy! Like everyone has said, do what they tell ya, the docs and therapists know thier stuff. Then get to work on that A! GV
Hi Andy, glad to hear you are doing well. Keep working with the therapist, you seem to be doing much better. In what area of Newfoundland are you located? My wife was born in Argentia, not too far from St John's I believe. Take care, Ken (22dodge)
Great to hear that you are doing well. Sorry about the cold, BUT you do live in Newfoundland. Not that New Jersey, or New England isn't any better. Keep getting better. Best, MRAK
I live in CBS. about 20 minutes from st johns and about 45 minutes from Argentia.i was out at the old US navel base about 2 weeks before i went to seattle. It looks like a Grate spot to try my car....Huge runways and flat land. Oh and no cops. haha anyway were stilll getting hit with snow 15 more last night and 15 more tonight! Hambandy
Great news Andy !! Looks like You made it over the top! Now take Youre time on the downhill portion like the Doc says. And You will be a CRUZIN HAMBANDY soon. You and Youre family have a great Holiday FEDER
Hello Andy, Glad your doing better, keep yer chin and stay positive Have an awesome Christmas and New Years holiday! Keep warm. cheers, CAB
Great to hear you are home and getting better. Being home and well probably will be one of the greatest Christmas presents ever. Jim H
If you have to have a pain in the shoulder, now's the time to have it! No snow shoveling for you!! Woohoo!! Andy, I have been collecting a stack of circa 1960 How-to books on hotrodding...pleas let me know by PM if you have particular info interests, like fuel system engines, whatever and I'll dig up what you need for the winter reading packet. Bruce
I'm glad to hear you're getting better. Keep up the good work. Do what the doctors and therapists tell you and you'll be better before you know it.
Thanks very much for the update.You're getting closer,and closer to building that Hot Rod. Glad you are feeling better,it's just like building a car,small steps along the way and suddenly they all add up and you're done. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hey Andy I was just asking about you over on the Canadian Rodder HotRod Community and CWORD posted a link to this thread. Good to hear you're in good spirits and recouping. We also got a blast from the storm that came up out of the Great Plains, about 30cm. You folk on NFLD apparently got hammered. I have some parts waiting in the wings for your build, but no point in sending them till it's time for them, new MSD plug wires ( you cut to size ), throttle pedal ( to small for my car, perfect for an A ). Anyway, stay cool, I mean warm, and have a great Christmas. 1950 Studebaker Retro-Rod Project
Wow, Great news, Andy! hope that garage has a good heater, sounds like your going to need it. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.
This is the best way to get a HAMBANDY update............from the man himself! Ill meet up with ya soon buddy, was out of town a bit and then the damn snow..... Leon Oh yea, Chris says your doing awsome!
Right on Andy! Remember we talked about 4 wheeling in Seattle? Well, sounds like you could use it about now! Glad you're feeling a little better, have a wonderful Christmas and a better New Year!
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Andy, man great to hear of your progress, rehabbing can be a chore some times , but it is a real test of character. Some people think they don't need to do the most important step, but it sounds like you are ready to rock and roll with it. Great goin buddy, Happy Holidays to you and your family-Sololobo and The Roadburners of Omaha!! </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on"> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
With that kind of weather, it sounds like a good time to lay low and heal up that shoulder - you'll need it this summer, when you're bang shifting that A-bone around...As long as you have the HAMB and some magazines (and a heater!), you should be okay...
Soooo glad to hear that you are doing so well. Its been almost 2 months since I checked in to see how you was doing and I am really happy you are chompin' at the bit to get started building that Model "eh". A very merry Christmas to you and all your family, it looks like the happy new year part will sort of take care of itself! p.s. Did you get the Baxter Auto parts t-shirts?Did they fit okay?
Andy: I have been praying for you and have been following your recovery with great interest. Now I can finally emphasize with you. I suffered from a frozen shoulder on both sides years ago. As I remember it was the most painfull thing that I had ever experienced. The method they used was forcing the shoulder to ever increasing movment. Is that the therapy that they are using on you? BB
Yeah Frozen shoulder isnt fun. My therapist is very good thought she's doing streching methods.the pain is down to nothing and two days ago i came off morphine for the first time since january last year!. And gizmo joe we lost are power for a few hours but the other side of the province lost it for a week. and in the capital city. 2 fellas stole a brand new jcb backhoe and went thought the gas staiton and took the Atm... then they drove the backhoe in to the ocean.Crazy! Andy
Glad to hear all's well. You'll be assembling your ride in no time. Cant wait to see your car. I hear the summer in Newfoundland is between 3 and 5 on July 17. Merry Christmas!
A few hours isn't too bad without power but a week? Brrr. Our fall sucked but since the season officially changed to winter it's been great here. Anytime you see ATM and Backhoe in a sentence you KNOW it's gonna end bad! How was your Christmas? Stay off the morphine?