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do your neighbors hate you?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by MERRELL, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. Lil' Billy
    Joined: Dec 9, 2006
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    Lil' Billy
    from Georgia

    I live in a neighborhood full of yuppies, so I don't particularly care what they think of me. I'll speak if approached, but I don't go out of my way to interact with anyone. I do try to help the old widow down the street when I can though. Never had a car/noise issue with anyone, though for some reason I know my next door neighbor doesn't like me. I think he's secretly mad at himself for being married to a 200 lb whale though. I'll say one thing I don't like in general about my neighborhood is that everyone cuts their grass like it's a damn putting green. This thread is really funny btw. Kudos to the topic starter.
  2. I moved to kind of a snobby neighborhood just to get my daughter in a good school district, so I understand completely how you feel.

    My neighbors were having a happy little get together on the Saturday I decided to do a brake job on my POS 91 Dakota. Alot of hammer banging, loud rock'n'roll, and a greasy rusty mess of tools and parts all over the driveway. It's OK though. My feelings toward them is mutual :)
  3. BJR
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    I live in the country on 40 acres with one neighbor across the road. I plow their driveway every time it snows. They come to me every time they are looking at a used car to buy and I check it out for them. We get along just fine. This thread is very interesting to read. I think a lot of people here need to look at things from the other side of the fence first, and if they did, they would have a lot less trouble in life.
  4. Retrorod
    Joined: Jan 25, 2006
    Posts: 2,034


    I have lived on this quiet cul-de-sac for 35 years. There are six homes, I live almost in the center of them.

    The guy on the east corner is restoring a '67 Camaro, I always end up doing small welding jobs and providing technical assistance.

    The guy next to him is just finishing a '57 Chevy 210 with a 406.

    The next guy 'round is my son, he has a mini-truck bracket racer with a 406, a '51 shoebox chopped & dropped and is currently working on his wife's ride a '41 Ford pickup. Half of my tools and equipment are over there.

    The guy on the other side of me is a British musician....great guy....his wife Jane was just on "Kitchen Nightmares"......crazy but cool people.

    The next guy is an electrician who has an old Harley knucklehead restoration job underway......I do welding and powdercoating for him.

    We have the most peaceful neighborhood around.
  5. old wood 51
    Joined: Aug 26, 2007
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    old wood 51
    from NAPA CA.

    I live on a cul-de-sac 11 houses on it . All my neighbors like me but one, the old lady next door.she's the "wolf in sheeps clothes" acts nice to my face then talks bad about me to the other neighbors . they don't listen to her thou. I've fixed plumbing for a few of them, and the older ones I look out for their wellbeing, when I have the wagon out in the front most come by to see the progress I've made. the rest don't care what I do, I don't work after dark, or during the week... only weekends, that keeps the wife happy:D
  6. Stroked
    Joined: Oct 11, 2005
    Posts: 388

    from DFW, TX

    Hell, my neighbors like us and we like them.

    The guy across the street is in his mid 30's and he's somewhat of a car guy too. The guy on the left is in his mid 50's... but he parties like he's in his 20's (like us), is a Harley guy, and has a much younger g/f (who has a big fake rack!)

    We've never had any issues with each other. None of us would ever call the cops on anyone. I'm sure if it came down to it I would agree to keep down the garage noise late at night if they agreed to keep down the "you and your old lady and/or strippers in the hot tub" noise late at night :eek::D

    - Matt
  7. Roothawg
    Joined: Mar 14, 2001
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    I bet I have 20 people a year that I don't know that stop by my shop just out of curiousity. We live on a main road, so traffic is constantly passing the shop.
  8. OLLIN
    Joined: Aug 25, 2006
    Posts: 3,150


    My Neighbors are pretty cool. The ones to my right are an old retired couple. She's really nice now. Once I let her borrow our extra BBQ because they were having a family reuinion and now she brings me a plate whenever they have BBQ's!!:cool:

    The guy to my left rarely even leaves his house. He;s a real quiet and mellow old guy too. We have a harley and I used to have 12" glass packs on my chevy but hes never said anything. I try to stop using the grinder etc, by like 8 or 9 (besides he has like 12 cats that live in his back yard and drive my dog crazy anyways) We'll see how he feels about the zoomies on my flathead! :eek:

    The lady accross the street has 2 young boys that have mini-bikes and go carts so they dig my cars. I have helped them fix little things on their bikes and stuff.

    P.S> whats up frankie! I think you got me and Pat James drunk once on Jaeger. I had to make him fall asleep in the back of his jeep! haha.

    PSS-- aren't you related to the Ayala Brothers somehow? Welcome to the HAMB!
  9. Casey
    Joined: Nov 8, 2005
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    I`m out in the country with 1 1/2 acres . but have great neighbors with enough space in between us .we worked together putting up wire fences .
    then I planted a bunch of flowering vines/plants as a living wall that has grown into a beautiful thing and blocks the view .
    the one to my side is always building pig traps or big BBQ pits and grinds all the time. good guy!
    always trying to give me deer or hog meat ?
    and he`s a gun nut that calls me If some one pulls in to my drive way when I`m not there to see If he should shoot at them or not !..
    The friend behind is a wild east Texas school teacher in her 60`s? that go`s hunting all the time with the guy`s in west Texas .
    she`s a Hoot ! she gets a invite to every party we have had.
    guess I got lucky ? but they haven't seen the chopped 37 wane buss project yet :rolleyes: they will love it I`m sure ;)
  10. 1931S/X
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 667

    from nj

    yeah i piss them off. i remember i had to do some work on a friends nova so i brought it home on my trailer, no sooner than i get it parked the guy tels his wife, oh my god, he got another one in the yard.... we seem to talk more now that hes got an old car and dont know how to do too much himself. go figure.
  11. jchav62
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 1,932


    One of my neighbors is okay with me, all the others, the rest of the neighborhood, the Homeowner's Association, they all wish I would die!! Heck, when I moved into the neighborhood, the rule book was about 1/4" thick. Now it's about 5" thick with rules added after they see me work on my stuff. Every other week there's a letter of warning on the doorknob! WTF! Rules are made to be broken. Everyone drives around Saabs and Benzes. I go to work at 6:45am with my old, loud trucks... Screw them... I don't like them either..
  12. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Where I live now one of my neighbors is a very good friend, the other wont associate with anyone but also doesn't complain about anything. The guy over the back fence hates us (Share the house) apparently the people before me partied a lot. He doesn't realise they moved out!

    In my old place all of my neighbors were fine. I did services, brakes etc for them. Fixed their kids bikes, mowed lawns and didn't make a lot of noise. I was in the Army then so spent a lot of time away as well.
    Then one day while I had my 38 out in the drive way a guy pulled over in a tough T bucket (Not a fad car!) to introduce himself, he lived a few streets away and I had seen his car occasionally.
    My neighbor came out and started to complain about how loud his car was when it drove by (He was about 80(?) and German). Seemed odd to me as the road he would drive by on was around 6 houses away from us!
    I defended him as the car was no louder than my 38 and in 18 months he never said a word about how loud my car was.
    Ever since then he hated me. He would complain about the noise even when I drove my radio controlled car and it was electric!
    The house was Defence housing and he would call them and complain, I was potentualy in deep shit if DHA (Defench Housing) wanted to do something about it. One call to my RSM an I could be in a world of hurt!
    He called the cops at least once a week. Complained when I went to work on my POS 250 Kawasaki, I started as early a 2am some days and the bike was quiet!
    It came to a head one night. One of my mates had spun his car and backed it into a tree. Not much damage so we were fixing it that day, as soon as it got dark we packed up and had dinner. Finishing up on dark was something I got used to doing in the Army while living in barracks as a curtosy, I still do it.
    At around 10pm I got an abusive phone call from him calling me every name under the sun, never heard an old dude swear so much in my life. He threatened to burn the house down and to shoot me!!!
    I had enough so interrupted him to ask if he was an escaped Nazi war criminal, OOOhwee did he go ballistic then! I hung up then sat back down in front of the idiot box.
    Half hour latter there was a knock at the door, yup the cops. They asked if I called him a Nazi, I told them I had. I got a lecture about saying things like that to old people, then they dropped the clanger. He wanted to charge me for defamation!
    He had recorded the conversation and played some to the cops. I was kinda pissed off at this time so I asked if he had heard all of the conversation, he hadn't so I told him to check it out first.
    They came back and politely asked if I wanted to press charges! As pissed as I was I declined but they still took him away in cuffs and did him for the threats!
    The worst part of that, the noise he was whining about that night came from across the street.
    Never heard a peep out of him after that.

    Had the last laugh though, the guy on the other side was so intereste in my car I left with him building a T tub with a 460 in it!
  13. Devin
    Joined: Dec 28, 2004
    Posts: 2,398

    from Napa, CA

    I'm lucky, all my neighbors are cool. The guy next to me drives a Prius, is a vegetarian and hates George Bush. When I moved in, I expected dischord from him but it turned out that he's very interested in my project and has buddies who are into PowerWagons etc. My other neighbors' father built a street rod a while back so they're interested as well. All the kids are stoked on my project, they always ask when it's going to be finished, I always have a dissappointing answer for them. I fix the kid's bikes often and I guess that goes a long way keeping their parents off my back.
  14. I didn't actually count the results here, but it sure seems like a lot have no manners. Being polite and respectful is as traditional as any old car. "Please" "Thank You" "Excuse me" "I'm sorry" Try some of these phrases. You might be surprised how well it can work.
  15. Brandi
    Joined: Sep 1, 2007
    Posts: 1,041


    What's funny is the neighbors right around us, love us.

    The ones that are down a block, behind a bunch of trees hate us.

    But it's ok, because I hate them more. :D
  16. repoguy
    Joined: Jul 27, 2002
    Posts: 2,085


    Yeah, my neighbors all HATE ME because I'm TOTALLY HARDCORE BRO with all my OL SKOOL RODS all broken down in front of the house and shit!!!

    Full-on OPEN HEADERS at 4:00am!!! Loud-ass music playing 24/7!!! Giving BEER and CIGARETTES to all of their TEENAGE DAUGHTERS!!!

    Yeah!!! HAHA!!!! They can all SUCK IT!!!!

    Just kidding. I'm nice to the neighbors and we all get along great. The Puerto Rican lady next door brought over some really good roast pork on Christmas.
  17. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    I would too :D

    I wish I had a neighbor on my block with a lift.

    My heart breaks for your little girl. Is there something at your place that might be offensive to them? Big dog? Maybe a heart to heart with the Dad without he girls around could get to the bottom of why they aren't allowing the girls to be best friends.

    I'd like to think I treat my neighbor how I like to be treated. I've lived on my street for 29 years. I bought a house 5 house down from my parents 17 years ago cuz I liked the street so much. All the neighbors get along with each other. I throw a pig roast almost every year and they all come and enjoy themselves. I have been invited over to their places for BBQ's as well.

    When someone needs to borrow something, BBQ grill, picnic tables, whatever, we know we can all count on each other. My next door neighbor enjoys yard work and is always helping me either mow or rake leaves. In return he gets cookies and when I'm running the snowblower down the sidewalk I just keep going to the corner past his place.

    Even though I don't own a dog I really, really like them and LOVE the golden retreiver behind me. I take her out for walks ALL the time and her owner really apprecaites it. In return she trims up the bushes seperating our property, even does the trimming on my side.

    Not one of my neighbors have ever complained about the cars, mine or my friends that stop by. My friends, out of common courtsey, park on the street instead of between the houses if they are staying late.

    My Autorama party in March is probably the loudest we get. I notifiy my next door neighbors, with two small children, ahead of time and once they left and went to spend the night at Grandmas. They didn't mind, said it was like a vacation they said.:D

    I think getting along with my neighbors is extremely important
  18. The Shocker
    Joined: Dec 30, 2004
    Posts: 3,538

    The Shocker

    I have more manners than most people do in the begining .I am one of those guys who thanks a waitress for refilling my glass ,which it is their job to do ,but i thank them anyway.I was raised that way ,but i was also raised not to let anyone push me around ,no matter what.I stayed in trouble for fighting as a teenager but i out grew all that when i got married .I am respectfull of others but some neighbors just like to give others a hard time because they have nothin better to do.Me personally i dont care if someone has 99 goats in their yard ,and three 600 pound whores in their house as long as they leave me alone i will leave them alone ...
  19. punkabilly1306
    Joined: Aug 22, 2005
    Posts: 2,655

    from ohio

    most of my neighbors are really cool, i have one that im not so sure of but i think he is coming around. I try to help them out as much as i can, since i live in a very elderly neighborhood, most of them are in there 70-80's and im 22 so i help them shovel snow, pick up leaves, branches and whatever else they need. Manners are a BIG part of getting along with everyone, the only one i have a problem with is the guy on the corner, he's called the cops on me 3 times for "vehicle violations" and wouldn't you know it...he's the chief of police. Its funny because the cop that comes out to write the little warning, we have become friends from this and he tells me that he even argues with the chief saying "we have other things to worry about in this town, violence, drugs and crimes and your worrying about a 22 year old kid who likes old cars?!" but sure enough each time the car peaks its head out of the garage, i can bet on dwayne showing up
  20. Panelrodder_81
    Joined: Nov 7, 2005
    Posts: 28


    I live on the north east corner of a city block. Directly south is a guy that use to drag race and now just loves to putt around in his old pickup and his mom's totally original 57 chevy. To my east is an empty lot. To my north property line is a young family that is up, it seems, at 7am or earlier everyday... even weekends so no problems there. Directly to my west is a registered sex offender that usually keeps to himself... unless a branch falls off my one of my large park strip trees and he is over to cut it up for firewood, happened twice in the last three months. And on the south west corner of the intersection is a very large park that is rarely used. So RIGHT now no one hates me... but my new shop is still waiting for shingles and siding! After that we will have to revisit this topic!

  21. paintcan54
    Joined: Oct 27, 2007
    Posts: 1,101


    Yeah, I had one he moved, he worked for the "State on Indiana Environmental Protection Agency" and every time I would have friends over and party, he would call the police and say we was doing burn outs and flaming on the street, in front of his house, well of course we did, he lived across the street from me, why would we go some place else to do it. Plus his wife didn't like the sign that's on the front of my garage, all it says is "Assholes Garage" I didn't know why she didn't like it , it's the truth.
  22. Do my neighbors hate me?? Nope,,,,it's us against the Russian kids that race their no-two-panels matching IMPORTS around the neighborhood....and we're winning :D So's my neighbors porch...a GSXR is no match for a bunch of pissed off 2x2's :eek:

    I'm sure there are a few in the neighborhood that don't care for me and all my friends when we fire up the hotrods, but most are cool and drop by to check things out when the garage is open. It probably helps that I offer to fix things for 'em and say what's up every now and then. I think the real saying is, "Don't SHIT where you EAT."

    And to whoever said that his neighbors don't like him 'cause their daughter just turned 18...funny stuff. Daughter gets friendlier, DAD turns into a DICK....haha.

  23. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    What the fuck? Isnt that the norm? Why should that be a stand out action, tis pretty fucked that this is though of as a nice thing to do. It should be as natural as breathing to thank someone and be polite.
  24. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,303


    Lived in a NICE new neighborhood, I anchored one end of the dead-end street a buddy on the other end. Between us we had large boats, choppers, hot rods, race bikes (dirt and street), race cars, R/C cars, pit bikes... and we would run them up and down the street, have test and tune days where all our friends would bring over projects to tune up...

    the neighbors haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaated us.

    I moved to an older neighborhood that is infested with hot rodders. If I leave the garage door open for any length of time one of the neighbors will swing by and see whats cooking.

    I like my new neighborhood much better.

    although it was kinda fun cheesing off the snobs.

    next move is far enough into the country that I cant see or hear my neighbors.
  25. The Shocker
    Joined: Dec 30, 2004
    Posts: 3,538

    The Shocker

    Its the norm for me but i have seen others that treat people like dung cuz they feel they can get away with it.I was just using that as an example and didnt expect anyone to pin a metal on my chest for it...
  26. Shifty Shifterton
    Joined: Oct 1, 2006
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    Shifty Shifterton

    My neighbors LOVE me, seriously. I help shovel snow, fix garage doors, jump start cars, cut grass when they're not around, and on, and on. I've even turned the sour ones after a couple years of effort.

    A little bit of "owing me" goes a long ways when ya put a car trailer on stands in the middle of the front yard, and then proceed to strip, prime, and paint it. (I expected complaints, instead got compliments) Or when I'm unloading from racing at midnight and the truck isn't any quieter than the car. Everything I own is drag-car loud, right down to the harley. Or the blaring music all weekend when I'm outside working. Or my drunken sailor's language around children. Let's not get started on holeshots in the driveway. And on, and on. In a lot of ways, I'm a seriously sh*tty neighbor.

    Yet they love me just cause I put forth an hour or two every month. Words to live by folks. Words to live by.
  27. Long time lurker, First time post.
    The neighbors at my mom's house were good ones. She always watched over things but rarely said anything. Her husband was a machinist and a EAA fan. He built his own helicopter with a Norton 850 and lots of aluminum tubing. It never flew just sat in the garage. I remember sitting in it and watching him work on his cars. No hot rods or anything cool just working on the LTD. You couldn't hear it run just see the belt turning.
    The best moment was when I was trying to tune up my yamaha rd350 with expansion chambers. You know rev, adjust, repeat as necessary. At midnight, she had enough and yelled out her window that it was time for me to go to bed. This was 25 years ago.
    I am finally building my garage/shop at my house so I am wondering how many repair jobs will show up once my tools are here.
  28. LUX BLUE
    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX

    My "house" neighbors love's the "shop" neighbors that can be an issue...across the street is a school. (shit.) meaning attempt to keep the ruckus to a dull roar during the school year...or the principal will wander out into the courtyard with her hands on her hips and give us the "hairy eyeball". Cool by me but "certian members of the staff" *coughJ.Cougarcough* likes to look at her and yell "WHAT?"...he he he...I guess he had an issue with a principal in his youth.

    The "Latino owned and operated" body shop next door-these cats are cool as hell. we've only ever had issues once...when some kid they had working there insisted on doing hot laps around the building.

    I figured out no matter how much you yell, your english won't magically translate into spanish. Thier oldest son came over and "yell translated" and by the time it was all over, he was laughing so hard it was really difficult to be angry anymore.

    The other shops are cool...except for 1 guy.

    see, The Crushproof Complex is 3 2000 square foot buildings dispersed throuout a 10 building "strip shop" of those 10, exactly 2 are anything but automotive. This guy...whose business in life is to sell imported hammered metal bathtubs and sinks...moved in, and proceeded to turn 2 "rooms" into 1 big one and proceeded to build a "showroom" in the middle.

    Now...I don't know if he just didn't notice (unlikely) or thought he was gonna run some of us off (more likely) but once done, he decided he had just about enough of "All these junk cars laying around"
    ooohhh... Big Mistake.

    First he decided to take on the Herrera Brothers...who, after mere moments, decided to tell him...and I quote "We Don't speak English."
    (The older brother Joe has a worse drawl than I do.)
    so He moved on to "Two Brothers"(notice a recurring "brothers" theme?) Body shop. The guy he spoke to there really doesn't speak english. HA!
    at this point, he made it to OUR Body shop. I'm sure the answer to his question sounded something like "Dude...whaaaa? You're gonna have to talk to Lux in the other shop." I love my guys...but I'm sure for this guy it was like having a logical discussion about rocket science with Bill and Ted.
    He then hits Marx Automotive. Mark wasn't there, so he wandered over to "Th Big Crushproof"...where he got to deal with yours truly. King Cracker of the East Side. The Gringo. I was welding, so gloves, Leather cape sleeve, hood...loud music of various makes and models blaring from a crappy stereo in a sea of disembodied speakers. His tone, to start, was shitty. actually Shit-Tay. He "expressed his concern over the large amount of seemingly abandoned vehicles" in front of my shop. I told him he left his headlights on in his Volvo (which he actually drove from shop to shop...all 50 yards of it.) His response was to make a face like I had just force fed him a shit sandwich. Then I took off my leathers, gloves, and hood-to talk with him about his problem-to which he responded by gettting into his car and TEARING ASS back down to his bay. ( I was honestly trying to figure out if I had a dead baby hanging out of my nose or something...I to this day have no idea what spooked this guy that bad.) momens later, My Landlord calls. He asked me why I was "being surly" towards Mr.Scardypants. I explained the whole scenario to Blair, who was dying with laughter over it. Then Blair told me this guys story about "Bikers and Illegal Aliens" who seem to have taken over the place. To this, I took offense.
    Number 1, I ain't no fucking Biker.
    Number 2, None of my neighbors-who are good, honest hardworking people-are Illegal.

    Mr Whitebread made me angry. I intend to tell him all about him when I see him again.
    It's been 2 years. Doubt he will be back...although he does still currently rent the largest empty room in East Austin.:D
    Joined: Nov 17, 2007
    Posts: 381


    mmmm!jaeger!!! yeah probably was me:D
  30. I just bought a cool garage with a house attached, in a cul-de-sac. The immediate neighbors are nice, and the other 2 I haven't met yet. One next door neighbor I already knew, because I fixed his truck when the old resident of my house (a buddy of mine) was too busy.
    My house has a nice front yard, and his-n-hers back yards - one green, one gravel. We must have one shitty neighbor, because my buddy had some trouble. After zoning came 3 times in 6 months and couldn't do anything, auto theft cops came by several times over the course of a year to investigate a report of a chop shop. My buddy said 'yes, but not he kind you care about'. Hehe. I haven't actually moved all of my cars in yet - Only the stuff that gets driven regularly. In the past, I've learned that being a good neighbor in general (and letting them get used to that side of you before moving in the junkyard) will keep them off your back in most cases.

    I may be a hooligan by most standards, but I don't run open pipes or grinders at 3 AM, or drive 50 through residential streets, etc.
    I'm actually the prick that steps out in front of you when you are speeding on my residential street, and then jumps up on the hood of your car if you can't stop fast enough :cool:

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