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Showing your age at the Parts Store

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 1Bad67, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. Rusty Kustoms
    Joined: Feb 5, 2006
    Posts: 238

    Rusty Kustoms

    I have been going to the local carquest my whole life and my dad grew up with most of the counter guys, just recently they switched over to computers. I have only seen the computers used once so far, they say that it takes more time for them to try to work the computer than it does to look in the book! It is nice to go in and ask for sbc lifters and not have them ask you year make model engine size and color
  2. Mooosman
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
    Posts: 115


    They aren't all the same, you know. There are a couple different sizes.

    All I'm saying, is that if some people went in there prepared for dealing with these people, both sides would be better off. I've been a counterman, and I can tell you that, hot rodder or not, if you come in and act like a smart ass, you aren't getting good service from me. There's no need to be a dick to the countermen just because he hasn't taken apart an old car.

  3. old dirt tracker
    Joined: Sep 20, 2006
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    old dirt tracker
    from phoenix

    you cant blame this on the parts guys, its the fact that all the parts stores are chains that are traded on wall street and profit is the motive not service, i have been in the car business one way or another for 50years and am not employable in a parts store in phoenix because i dont speak spanish.
  4. LB+1
    Joined: Sep 28, 2006
    Posts: 581

    from 71291

    And the beat go's on - I will come over this counter
  5. :DThink of it this way - your standing out on Baseline Road & call for a cab to come and pick you up - just like the parts store - they are going to ask you for more information - like a street number aka like a year's all about information - the more you have - the odds are better off for you....:D
    Joined: Apr 7, 2006
    Posts: 255

    from PHOENIX AZ

    I did specify what size to him in the initial request, just forgot to add it here
  7. PurplePearl50
    Joined: Aug 1, 2007
    Posts: 816

    from Sedalia,Mo

    i hatet going to the local parts stores 2 oreillys and 1 autozone and the people working the counter tell you that what you ask for is not what you need some thing else or they tell you that they never made it...ive knwn some of the guys a little while and when i need some thing they just let me walk behind the counter and get he books out..hell some times idk what its off of you all know what i mean? so i just start goin thru boxes....all the "kids" working at the stores here are tuners...they dont care to knw much about hot rodding .....ive been at the counter and other customers come in and the workers are looking for parts for them and they say oh we dont have that or blah blah blah or i cant find it and i tell them what to look up..ive been told by some of the guys working at the stores that they should hire me ... i put app and they dont call me or nuttin i ask back oh we hired some one else...then you go in there the next time and you see the person and they dont knw shit that pisses me the flip off!
  8. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas

    They did this in Australia in the 1970's and today the nation is in the middle of a historic mining boom. Result? we have Disesel fitters ( around my age group too..) who can demand $3300 + per week in wages and a huge shortage of skilled tradesmen of any description.
    We have new Government now who are promising :)rolleyes:) that they will re-instigate all the technical programs that were in place from the 1880's to the 1970's.
    Germany is another where a new program of science and technical subjects have been introduced and begin this year to teach ALL children the importance of these subjects. And America is wiping them?
    Short sightedness is a very good reason to vote someone out.
  9. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas

    Doc,As I buy nearly all my parts on line I don't need to visit parts stores anymore but if you want a real parts Experience and you are looking for older parts in a hurry go to 'Brake and Clutch' on Ipswich Road Woollangabba. I am always seriously surprised when I go there for an off the wall part and they have it. As example.. Fuel filter for a 1965 Mercedes 220SE ,Not only did they have it but the box was so old I have kept it for an ornament.:D
    Repco is good,I go to the one on Beaudesert road ,mainly the because the hottie working on the counter actually knows her stuff and is very fast and efficient even when looking for odd car stuff most people wouldn't ask for.
  10. KutThrtKustms
    Joined: Mar 18, 2006
    Posts: 680

    from SO.CAL.

    I went to Pep Boys looking for seat covers and decided to ask about ball joints for my '58 Edsel, and the dude quickly said that his computer didn't go back that far! I replied with, "where is your parts book?" He was pissed and tried real hard not to grab the book and look. :mad: I was persistant and asked to at least get some part numbers even if they don't have anything in stock. Nothing on Edsel so I told him it would be the exact same as a '58 Ford, but he was seeing red and snapped at me that there won't be nothing there either. I patiently waited and sure enough instant part numbers. Then he went back checked the computer and sure enough they could get them. I said thanks for the help and walked away without the parts. HAHA! what a dumb-ass!! He's older than me too but knows nothing about vintage tin. They should have monthly classes for these retards, about vintage tin.
  11. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Cool, thanks for that. I will be checking them out soon!
  12. BobbyD
    Joined: Jun 6, 2005
    Posts: 581

    from Belmont NC

    I thought I'd add this for the HAMBer's in the Charlotte NC metro area, there is still a "hometown" parts house here in Belmont (west of Charlotte) called , you guessed it, Belmont Automotive, been in business for 40+ years, lady name Wanda , who's been there since day 1, still runs the place all by herself these days and knows more about old shit than most men and still has a ton of NOS back to the 40's. I just bought a complete breaker-plate complete with points for a '46 ford flatty, "Valley-forge" brand for $25, and she had it on the shelf. Tons of brake stuff, gaskets, pistons, etc. She doesn't even have a computer and has catalogs dating back to the 40's. Phone # is 704.825.3383, she won't ship but it may be worth your ride to get that part you need.
  13. 49willard
    Joined: Nov 2, 2006
    Posts: 93

    from Maine

    I went into a local Advance Auto to buy radiator hoses. I had bent up wire forms of what I needed to fit. With the wire forms and a micrometer in hand I asked if I could go thru their collection of radiator hoses (they did have a broad selection) to find something to mate up with my wire forms. The young parts guy at the ready on the computer keyboard started with the usual make-year-engine. I responded with 49 Ford pickup-350 Chevy-75 Dodge truck radiator. He was smart enough to say " go back and see what you can find!"
    The good news is that I found decent fit upper and lower hoses.
  14. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    Sometimes, we need to remember that most of these auto parts computers are geared for cars that are either fairly recent or were popular and sold in large volume. You really shouldn't be surprised that they don't have a wheel bearing for an Edsel. However, that does not negate them from looking in a BOOK to get a number that will cross over.

    I needed outer wheel bearings to fit a '38 Ford spindle. Once the guy got over the shock and I kept my cool, he reached for "the book" and sure enough the bearings for a Jeep were the same. Sometimes we have to be patient, but the people that get lazy, usually don't get my repeat business.
  15. Motorbreath
    Joined: Nov 14, 2006
    Posts: 539


    KutThrtKustms: "They should have monthly classes for these retards, about vintage tin." Are you going to teach these classes for free? Cause the guys\gals behind the counter probably cant afford to pay for a class. Would you take the time to do this for them? Not just this guy, but maybe tell everyone in the store that your going to take an hour a week to teach them everything there is to know about everything old? 10 years later you might be able to get that better service. Or like ive said before, complain to the company on a corporate level that the service your getting when it comes to parts knowledge isnt adequate (sp?). Would probably not take long if alot of the people experiencing these problems would do something like this about it.
  16. crashbox
    Joined: Dec 21, 2006
    Posts: 148


    I went to my independent parts store last Saturday and found a note that read something like this: " After 27 years we have shut our doors. I Would like to thank all my customers very much for allowing us to serve them these many years. Thank You."
    This was a very good, service oriented parts house. he carried a good line of parts, had stuff in stock, and if he didn't have something he would get it or tell you where you might be able to get something he didn't carry. A wonderful place to do business, a great guy and, as far as I'm concerned, a great loss.
  17. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
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    There are really three problems we have described.
    First, there are many more types of vehicles with constantly changing parts that have to be tracked and inventoried. Computers make this possible and are here to stay, though looking through parts books will always be helpful.
    Second, parts costs and the sheer cost of doing business today means that small stores are at a disadvantage and large chains with delivery systems will win because they can reduce their costs and the inventory that each store has to carry. The days of NOS stuff sitting there for years waiting for you to need it are fading.
    Third, the new workforce has a crappy work ethic. Very few of the new employees believe in giving service, can make simple change without a calculator and have any desire to learn more than the basics they need to know.

    Oh, and four, it's our perception. Those kids might know tons about the tuner parts and new car bits that are the store's bread and butter. They may,indeed, know nothing about the esoteric wheel bearing from '58 that you need. And really, why should they? They may sell 100 brake pads for a Toyota Camry in a day-and only one old guy needing your part in 5 years.

    What I would like is an attitude that allows them to say that what I am looking for is really interesting-a change from their routine and let me get up off my rear end and help you to find it so you can get a really neat old vehicle back on the the road. And that, my friends, is getting to be a lot more rare than your 58" Edsel bearing.
  18. Dick Dake
    Joined: Sep 14, 2006
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    Dick Dake

    The thing I hate is when I get the part numbers from their website and they still do the make, model crap. I use Advanced Auto and go to the website, look up what I need, and then go in with an Excel spreadsheet of what I need, and I still get the retard looks. I can buy into just being a clerk, knowing nothing about stuff, and all that crap, but for Christ Sake, I did your job for you. Just give me the stuff and take my money.
  19. lewislynn
    Joined: Apr 29, 2006
    Posts: 3,274


    You're lucky if you go to my local NAPA store and get anyone that knows anything or wants to help you , even luckier if it's not a lesbian.
  20. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    :DAnd where exactly is this store run by lesbians?

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  21. lewislynn
    Joined: Apr 29, 2006
    Posts: 3,274


    I lived in Anaheim 40+ yrs ago and I think I remember Tops (and Chief Auto Parts too) ...If it's the one I'm thinking of they were on Brookhurst..You could get a rebuilt one bbl for a 50's 6 cyl Chevy for $5.00 then...Of course you could buy the whole car for around $150.00 and gas was $0.19.
  22. TagMan
    Joined: Dec 12, 2002
    Posts: 6,320


    "You're lucky if you go to my local NAPA store and get anyone that knows anything or wants to help you , even luckier if it's not a lesbian."

    We had a local NAPA in the city here that was staffed by a couple of lesbians, years ago. They knew car parts a lot better and were a ton more helpful and polite than some of the guys at stores are now.
  23. lewislynn
    Joined: Apr 29, 2006
    Posts: 3,274


    Modesto, Ca...They aren't exactly your fantasy lipstick lesbians...(well maybe not your fantasy)

    Not that there's anything wrong with not being a lipstick lesbian but when you go to a parts store it would be nice if they at least knew what an inverted flare coupling is.
    Joined: Jan 13, 2004
    Posts: 2,769


    It's not just us car people, my grandkids ask for home made mac & cheese everytime they come over. Like it's a secret recipe. It must be their parents can't make it.
    Try to find someone to fix your shoes .throw everything away and start with new,use your debit card,UPS will deliver it ,why put out any effort.
    Jesus, I am old!!
  25. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,173


    My bud who is more like a big brother to me is the area's official graybeard parts man and he is retiring. He usually would have a line waiting to do business with him in the store he worked in.
    I'm lucky in that I have two parts houses in town that use paper books and one that doesn't have a computer in the store.
    I have to agree that "real" parts people are a dying breed largely due to the low pay.
  26. One thing I have not noticed yet is - what about NAPA's pay scale? Are they low like everybody else? For that matter, does anyone know of any auto parts stores that actually do pay a decent wage? :eek::confused:
  27. KutThrtKustms
    Joined: Mar 18, 2006
    Posts: 680

    from SO.CAL.

    I worked for Auto Zone for 2 yrs. as a Comercial Driver, you would be surprised to know the good wages the "Grey" shirts make.
  28. KutThrtKustms
    Joined: Mar 18, 2006
    Posts: 680

    from SO.CAL.

    I hear what your saying but complaints DON'T mean crap!! Only the bottom line to all franchise part stores. As far as me teaching or paying to teach these folks, the stores turn a tremendous profit off of us and can more than afford to send a couple of teacher/reps to each store once a month to CLUE these careless bastards in. I worked for one as a driver and spent some time behind the counter. I always had a large line of repeat customers in my line because they loved that I knew what they were talking about, and if I didn't I would honestly work hard to find out sa as to help them with their projects. It was a lot of fun. Now I havn't worked on everything under the sun BUT I have read a lot and LISTENED to a lot of people that have and it has definitely made me a better shade tree mechanic, that is what these retards need to do. Just my $.02 of course.
  29. zman
    Joined: Apr 2, 2001
    Posts: 16,783

    from Garner, NC

    I don't find lack of a computer to be a selling point. How do they check stock with their suppliers? I think they need to have both computers and books, and know how to use both...
  30. Thumper
    Joined: Mar 7, 2005
    Posts: 1,610


    They probably pick up the fuckin phone and call them.....ya know like we did in the old days...:rolleyes:

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