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Thoughts on the Roundup

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by KATFISH, Jan 11, 2008.

    Joined: Aug 9, 2004
    Posts: 662


    Bear with me here, it's just that maybe i'm thinking too much about this.
    We've been to four Roundup's now, loved them all, every year it gets bigger.
    That's great, up to a point.

    Last year they moved it at the last minute, ok, not as good as Town Lake but ok.
    This year, all registration and Friday night activities are to be at theTravis County Expo Center, ok.

    You can bet there will still be plenty of action down on Congress Ave. Friday night, hell,to
    me this was one of the best part's of it all.

    Now, this year we're not even having Saturday morning breakfast at the Hula Hut????

    If they can't feed us at least use some of the profits to provide adequate Pota Potty
    service. By noon last year, they were all overflowing.

    Surely, I can't be the only one out here with these thoughts!!!!!!!

    Let's hear what others are thinking, or have I become a negative, narrow minded old Fart!!!

    Yea, i'll be going ,hell just the trip down there is great.

    I just hope that the greatest event in Texas dosent become another Paso.
  2. Revhead
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,027

    from Dallas, TX

    No you are not the only one.. me and several friends and family have wondered the same thing about the Roundup.

    The swap sounds like a good idea, and might be nice the first year, but next year when the word is really out that there is a swap, is it gonna be filled with Nascar t-shirt vendors, 18-wheelers full of off the shelf parts, people selling electric mini-bikes and so-on?

    1000 cars? is the quality of cars going to drop since they can now have 1000 in there? Are the rules going to get a little loose to fill up those 1000 spots... 3 roundups ago this happened at town lake and there were several street rods, billet wheels and other things that just don't fit in. I missed '06 roundup and at '07 round up it was too damn hot and big for me to walk all over to look at them all so I mostly stayed in the shady vendor area.

    I agree on the price too. It's gone from $50 and gets you everything, clubs, breakfast, and car entered to $50 to get your car in and you pay everything else.

    Also I am one of the few it seems that agrees that the travis co expo center is not anywhere near as cool as town lake, but I think we are in the minority on that one. Having the cars kind of spread out and facing different directions on the lawn was much better than the parking lot thing at travis. better for photographers too I would guess. I also hope it doesn't all drift away from congress. That is my favorite part as well.

    The first roundup was almost a surreal place. It really made you feel like you were in some kind of 1962 time warp. in '07 it felt like it was heading towards a pate-swap meet style thing, and now that there is a swap meet....
  3. hudson_hawk
    Joined: Aug 27, 2002
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  4. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
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    I enjoyed Paso last year BUT because I do not have anything in the past to compare it to.......
  5. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    I certainly get your concerns. They are all valid... My thoughts? Give it a chance. The Kontinentals have a knack for pulling things like this off. Trust me. :)
  6. aussiesteve
    Joined: Jan 6, 2004
    Posts: 808


    I only have 3 comments
    1--Denise never brings enough cookies
    2--the infiltration of trailered street rods
    3--For my registration fee it would be nice to get TWO passes so I don,t have to buy another one for Elena.

    The Best Hot Rod event Ever.
  7. BenD
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
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    Alliance Member

    I bet I really LOOKED at 10 cars last year. Doesn't mean there weren't some really nice ones there, but it's just what tripped my trigger.

    I DID see about 200 of my buddies from all around the country and got to pedal my hot rod around a town that actually has some stuff to do and see and heard some great music.

    I guess a good time is what you make of it.

    Oh, and I'll be in the swap meet with junk this year. Fuck Ebay.
  8. Kool Kat
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 796

    Kool Kat

    Growing pains, it's the current reality of our hobby.

    Last year's RU was planned out in great length. Then it rained and rained and rained so the Konts had a week to move the entire show to another location including having to deal with all the little things like port-a-potties in a completely new location and completely new personel at that location to deal with. I think they did a GREAT job under the circumstances.

    I'll miss the Hula Hut too but at least I don't have ta git up early this year.

    I wouldn't worry about big rigs and nascar shirts at the swap any year. The Konts WILL NOT let that happen. Don't forget they're hot rodders like us.
  9. hudson_hawk
    Joined: Aug 27, 2002
    Posts: 646


    i miss the laminates
  10. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    A week? More like 2 days! :)
  11. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
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    Let me throw in a different perspective...

    I went in was one helluva long drive (from Denver) to do a four hour "show" at Town rad '57 "felt" out of place (so did I) pal said his '57 retractable wasn't even looked at (and it is one spectacular build)...and the other kustom we brot was my brother's '54 got the most looks and photos and people actually talking to us about it...

    Did I enjoy Congress Street- Yes, for a while until watching cars go tiring IF you could find a parking spot. Did I enjoy the Continental Club- was smoky as hell and noisey...and I'm not a bar patron...nor a drinker. Did I enjoy the trip down to Austin -Yes...getting there is half the fun. But...for a four hour "show"'s one hell of a long drive. And there wasn't much for us to do the rest of the time...we left on Sunday that the show is at the fairgrounds, I surmise it will be longer than four hours and accomodate more cars than Town Lake, that alone may make the trip worth the time...a swap meet would add a bit more reason to make the trip...but at this time not enuff to warrant the drive (and I like to drive my hot rods/kustoms.

    The venue needs something more...and something else going on besides the show itself, and the Continental Club (sorry, Steve), and Congress Street to make it a viable trip for me. It needs to be a "FULL" weekend for "us" to be able to justify time, money and fuel...if it's meant to be more for "locals", then it's the perfect venue...don't change a thing.

    Just my 15 cents worth...

  12. Steve and all the Konts do a great job. They also have to work the show and hear more complaints than they should. Yes, the lake was cool, but way too small. Parking was a pain if you weren't in the show and a bigger pain to leave if you where in the show. Like Ryan said, give it a chance.
  13. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    It's funny how different events strike different people... Out of every car show I go to (and I go to a lot), the Round Up sports the most cars that are my style... the kind of car that I like to look at. I've said many times in the past, but the Round Up is the best large car show in the country. I don't think anything beats it...




    I got too tired of searching to find the rest...
  14. Johnny Ace
    Joined: Jul 20, 2002
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    Johnny Ace

    Same here....after a lifetime of dealing withs bands,bars, and venues, my ears rival Pete Townsend's for tinitus champion....also, we don't drink very much at all...We bought a vendor space for the 1st event (35 dollars) and then had to bail for the usual reasons....even though spaces are now 200. we know that it would be a great investment...
    So, having never been, and getting the chance to see some old friends (and assholes ,heh ) again, sounds like fun...
    we would get a shiny new view of things...
    I've heard so much over the years....

  15. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    WOW, this surprises me, even with what was going on in 2004 it still sounds like a full weekend. I don't understand what you are referrig to as "4 hour show". Does that mean it only lasted from 10am to 2pm? Hard to believe.

    Well things have changed the last couple of years. For most folks the events start on Thursday with a BBQ/open house at Reggies shop. EVERYONE has always been invited and made to feel VERY welcome by both Reggie and his lovely wife. Then on to Thirsty Thursday with the Thunderbolts. Again everyone is welcome.

    Garage crawl all day Friday lead by Reggie, open house at teh SouthAustin Speed Shop with live bands every night, no smoking inside so it's a pleasure to hang out there. Also has a large parking lot so that's not an issue.

    Breakfast with car pals every morning, dinner with other car pals.

    I think I was at the venue by 9am on Saturday and I know we didn't leave till around 6pm. Thats a FULL day in my book.

    Saturday night listening to High School Cesear FREE in Joe's parking lot on Congress was a BLAST and the yummy piza slices at Homeslice Pizza was to die for.

    Sunday's Pig Roast/BBQ/Open house at Flyrite was hot but fun.....

    I'm beat just thinking about all the shit that goes on that weekend. Are you SURE we're talking about the same show?:D

    More details about my trip there last year can be read here.

    and 2006 trip here
  16. fiat128
    Joined: Jun 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,426

    from El Paso TX

    I was wondering about this. Is there going to be much space for those of us that will be relagated to driving what runs (and unfortunatly ain't hot rod) outside the showfeild to park?

    I'll have to drive something else but want to go steal ideas, er, I mean, see the cars anyway.
  17. Kool Kat
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 796

    Kool Kat

    True that Denise!
  18. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
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    It's a HUGE fairgrounds with plenty of parking for daily drivers in specific daily driver parking lots. Just like any other fairgrounds.
  19. Slide
    Joined: May 11, 2004
    Posts: 3,021


    Positive: I've been going to the LSRU since 2003 or 04 (when they had it at the top of the hill at the park). I go for 2 reasons: Car people and cars. I liked the old venue, but I think it was getting overcrowded, and with the issues of being dependent on weather, I think the Kontinentals made a great move. (And did an AMAZING job of it!)

    Negative: My biggest complaint started with the 06 RU, and grew exponentially with 07. This is the fact that S. Congress used to be so cool with all the cars, and the majority of the people milling around were car people. With each passing year, there seem to be a greater number of o/t pedestrians and civilian vehicles greatly outnumbering the cars and people I came to see. I really don't think I'll bother with going to S. Congress this year.

    Positive: As for the show itself, it's still got the highest concentration of cars I like of any event I've been to. Yeah, there were a few a little too "street-roddy" and a few too "rat-roddy" for my taste, but overall, I saw a lot more that I DID like vs. ones I didn't. Plus, seeing a bunch of HAMBers from all over the place, and meeting some new ones... awesome!
  20. Revhead
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,027

    from Dallas, TX

    I don't want people to think I am bashing it at all.. Just concerned that my favorite show is heading in a bad direction. I know last year was a mess to organize, so the shortcomings of last year are not valid points. Townlake is small, but that's part of the charm, the football stadium was tiny, but a great venue at the same time. Travis Co. just loses some of the feel IMO.

    I don't know why Hula Hut is not on the bill this year, but the value of the registration seems to keep falling. The idea about two passes, like one car 2 people for $50 is a great idea.
  21. Revhead
    Joined: Mar 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,027

    from Dallas, TX

    Last year I had to park my daily in the rutted dirt. behind 3 rows of other cars in the dirt. So maybe I missed this giant parking lot? I don't really care about it, but I saw lots of sports cars that must have had a hard time parked near me.
  22. Damn Denise, are you a Kontinental now or just on their defense special teams.

    Our little show has grown up, things change. If you don't like th changes, you can take your ball and go home or make the best of it and make your own good time. I had one of the best Austin trips ever the weekend my Commander got smashed on Thursday.

    I personally like the fact I got to talk to Jimmie Vaughn in the parking lot about his 36.
    I may not go this year for other reasons, but my heart will always be there.
  23. Kev Nemo
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
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    Kev Nemo

    Maybe this is a local question, but what's the deal with that parking lot across from Allen's that Gas Monkey always parks their RV/trailers/etc.? Is that free or what?

    -the key to anything is to have fun. If you're not having it in your spare time, you should rethink your plans in general. Porta potties and no breakfast aren't going to blow my cool.

    If that guy shows up with the 5 muscle cars who came out and parked each one on the street shows up, I might get bent, but that's my trip. I guess you can't enforce a one car per person on a public street rule.:D
  24. I hope that doesn't happen!

    Last year was my first Roundup, more fun that I could imagine. Friday and Saturday night S. Congress was really more enjoyable than the actual show. I hope the Congress St. action doesn't dwindle.
  25. FritzTownFord
    Joined: Apr 7, 2007
    Posts: 1,020


    I also go to lots of SR events because of my business. The RU is completely unlike any straight SR show. Hard to describe a "feel" but let's just say it's non-commercial. Few lawn chairs, no fat guys in neon T's and knee socks, no '50s pop blaring from every light pole, no "women's world" craft barn.

    The vendors that are there are just hot rod folks offering stuff that really interests the crowd. The music is good and live. The cars are mostly all owner built. And the show management is low key and respectful (unless you fuckup). And the Sunday cruises keep the spectators out a bit.

    Congress Street is a mess, it's true. But the city won't close it and "civilians" just can't stay away. That area is becoming real big bucks now so I bet the days are numbered for the night time street scene anyway.

    The hula hut just can't park the big numbers anymore. The price of RU's popularity. The other open house deals more than make up for that.

    A swap meet is a great idea - just keep it to old car stuff and some old o/t signage, weird shit, etc. Konts can make the judgement and kick out the retailers - although, I've looking for one of those vibrating lounge chairs :- 0
  26. I like this one too.
  27. JJK
    Joined: Feb 9, 2005
    Posts: 954


    Me personally I love the RU and for us TX guys that cant afford to drive to shows like Paso and Viva it's perfect, Hell it takes a day just to drive thru Tx alone! So this show is perfect for us and smaller and weaker surronding states:). I was living up north last year and planned my move around the RU it was the best thing to come home to and I loved every minute of it. It could have been held at a Whataburger parking lot for all I cared. It was a great chance to see like minded people enjoying our hobby and driving there cars with rain and hostle weather conditions just to come together for a great show. Congress has gotten crazy these last few years because the businesses have grown in that area the guy who drives his VW Passat to the boutique could care less about somebodys old junky car taking his parking space . And why is it that the guy's with there new Harleys show up and take up spots to watch traffic? Theres a ton of things for the bikers in TX keep that at home and give up the space we asked some bikers to pair up in one spot so we could park the 59 chevy and they looked at us like we were asking them to give up there first born :confused: MOVE YO ASS NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BIKE! Plus some jackasses had there truck and trailers parked along congress with junky 75 nova's and mid 80's jaguars, really where did you see the oppurtinity to say to yourself I think I need to take up 5 spots to show off my small block powered junk box.. agian:confused:WTF

    Sorry for ranting just been waiting on this thread for a year now . Can we get some porta potties on Congress? The clubs always packed and the Pizza place hates it big time plus the lady's would appreiciate it . - Chuck
  28. Mattimus
    Joined: Mar 18, 2004
    Posts: 158


    Yes its free.
  29. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    [quote-denise] ---Wow, this surprises me, even with what was going on in 2004 it still sounds like a full weekend. I don't understand what you are referrig to as "4 hour show". Does that mean it only lasted from 10am to 2pm? Hard to believe.[/quote]

    I said I "felt out of place" and maybe that was it...I really don't remember how long we spent at the show at the lake...and perhaps it was the fact that we weren't aware of the other "events" you talk about...I don't remember any "garage crawl" that year nor do I remember a schedule of events telling about them, nor how to get there...maybe I missed all that if it was included...

    I did get to chat with Jimmie Vaughn, I guess that was a "highlight" of the weekend...the rest wasn't quite up to my expectations...

  30. jcruz
    Joined: Apr 5, 2006
    Posts: 298

    from Austin, Tx

    there's both good 'n one is bein' a turd by simply mentioning a few grumbles they had about last year.

    just remember: if you think the Roundup is changing (for better or worse) try living here...'cause AUSTIN IS CHANGING EVEN FASTER! its not even the same austin as LAST YEAR. businesses have grown and popped up all along Congress. a monthly event called "1st Thur" on S. Congress has about every task force and neighborhood group on alert trying to quell the growth and action down there. honestly, i didnt go to the 1st Roundup but im willin' to bet this 'lil event did a "rambo" or blindside on everyone and no one (except the Kontinentals) knew just what kind of an explosive, killer time it would turn out to be. if they did, i'm willin to bet (and i friggin speculating here) they'd never have gone for it (the business, city, etc.) its a HUGE effort (i.e. it costs a lot and the planning/organization must be overwhelming).

    you cant put a cap on the Roundup or Austin and limit it to just S. Congress.'ll remain the epicenter but if you ain't been to other gorgeous parts of town (i dont even GO to Congress to eat, drink, shop, shit, or whatever and i LIVE here) you're sellin' yourself short. someone mentioned no breakfast at the Hula im sure it was nice on the water but c'mon...there are 900 taco joints around town!

    do i miss the 'lil park down on town lake? sure. but i also miss $500 rent, an abondoned building or two left alone, for god's sake, and not turned into another condo, and having more than 1 friend from austin.

    ...i cant freakin' wait till april and i dont even have a freakin' car anymore.

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