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DEUCE OF SPADES hotrod movie - photos and updates

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by HiboyGirl, Jul 26, 2007.

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  1. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Same here! I bought it for QuadraJets, and fell in love with 'em as a result. :)


  2. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    Hey man, thank you... It's posts like this that keep me going... You put a big smile on my face :D
  3. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    After measuring the gage of my coil wires, turns out they are OK. 14. Could stand to be 12, but I was told by several hotrodders that 14 is fine. So what I did then was dive in and clean up all the ignition coil, RPM gage and ballast resistor wires which were a mess on my firewall. I had wires of every which color, running in everywhich directions and attached everywhich way to everywhich electrical gismo. So I unplugged everything, cleaned up everything, shortened the wires, attached new ends, spliced, crimped, souldered and shrink wrapped with my souldering iron, my torch pen and had a blast. I went and bought some loom and after 3 hours, I put everything back together and it looks like NIGHT AND DAY. :D

    Now was the real test: Would the car fire up?

    I turned the key and....

    IGNITION :D ... I did everything myself, alone, siting in front of the garage... So I was real proud of my handy work hehe.

    A friend of mine came by and sprayed carb cleaner inside my center carb to clear its throat a bit... Worked well except for the part when the carburator COUGHT ON FIRE :eek::eek::eek:

    The Deuce of Spades looked like one of them fancy flambe French desert they bring on fire on a big silver platter... My friend had to blow on the carb three time to put the flames out.


    But the carb looks clean now and the car is running OK, although I did not have a chance to take it for a spin... Hopefully this will hold me until my rebuild kits arrive. I REALLY want to try to make the BIG nwe years eve morning cruise down Colorado Blvd tomorrow... How could I miss that????? So F*#@! it, I am going.

    Also, since the carb rebuild kits only cost $20, I'd be stupid not to do it right so I am going to rebuild all 3 carb entirely next week :). And yes, I agree with you jason, it will give me a brand new appreciation of my carbs... I can't wait to get that tri-power running at long last. One two-barrel carb just doesn't quite cut the mustard...
  4. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Go On Wit Yer Bad Self, Girl! :p
  5. Prop Strike
    Joined: Feb 18, 2006
    Posts: 651

    Prop Strike

    Can't wait to see the movie. Your focus is inspiring. As far as synching carbs, you can use a piece of radiator hose instead of a synchronizing tool. Just use it to listen at the top of the carbs until they all sound the same. Poor boy style. Good luck and happy new year.
  6. Roadmistress
    Joined: Feb 3, 2007
    Posts: 83

    from Van Nuys

    HOLY CRAP!!! This is an amazing photo. A-MAY-ZING! This is my type of wall art.
  7. Roadmistress
    Joined: Feb 3, 2007
    Posts: 83

    from Van Nuys

    Holy CRAP! This is a beautiful picture. A-MAY-ZING. My kind of wall art.
  8. you can say that again!:D
  9. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    I can't wait to see my movie too LOL :D hey, I like your idea, being a musician with super good ear woudl probably help me a lot. So I need mroe details. Exactely where do you affix the radiator hose? Top of my head, seems the diameter would be smaller than that of the carb top, once I remove the filter covers...
  10. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    Yes, I love this shot too... The clouds were amazing that evening. It was very windy, so the sky was very alive looking.

    I see you are in Burbank, do I know you from Bob's Big Boy??
  11. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    YES! I decided to risk it and head out to Pasadena for the famous Colorado Blvd Dec 31st cruise / parade. This event is getting bigger every year. This is my second time and i didn't want to miss it. I took the freeway all the way up and DOS was behaving nicely. I did not have much trouble during the cruise and kept up with the yellow coupe which had a huge blower, in front of me... the owner had a led foot, and so do I :D... halfway into the cruise route DOs stalled a first time, started again no problem, then stalled a second time... Had to be pushed out of the way this time. but it started again a few seconds later :D. The little roadster has a big heart. HIm and I resumed the route and finished it and then cruised side streets all the way back to Bob's where I shared a meal with my hotrod buddies.

    Then we cruised back to the office where I finished a day's worth of work...

    Later that afternoon, the DOS carried me in his womb all the way back home, nicely. I was grateful.

    I can't describe just how HAPPY I was, at the wheel of my deuce, in a tank top, enjoying the sunlight, the warm air and a WONDERFUL DAY cruising. If that is not bliss I don't know what is. I am amazed that a year and a half later I still feel that way when I drive it. ON CLOUD NINE... A BIG smile on my face... In heaven...

    I LOVE my hotrod more than anything...


    A little visual treat for you guys, no sorry not a car footage, just dolly raw footage when I tested the dolly before buying it and another shoot a day later at a filmmaker meeting, where I showed my dolly to other independent filmmakers. I threw the clip in a few minutes, but it is pretty cool... The moves are not perfect, there are one takes, unedited raw footage of our tentative attempts at filming with a dolly. And it takes practice to do it right, but iour first shots at it still came out cool looking.

    So check it out!

    click on photo below:

  12. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    A lot of old timers do it this way - it's not as precise, but it'll get you going in a pinch. My best advice is to actually hit somebody up and have them show you. It's one of those things that you can pick up in 5 minutes and have down pat forever if you're shown, but it's very difficult to try to glean how to do it from the written word, no matter how good at following directions you are. Kind of like making a cake from written directions versus having someone show you how to guestimate/approximate quantities of ingredients. Ever read a pre Fanny Farmer cookbook? Fanny Farmer was the first one with real, standardized quantities in it (like "1/4 cup", or "1 tsp"). Previously, cookbooks (or "receipts", a strange, early form or "recipe") had weird quantity measurements, like "smidgeon" (wtf is a "smidgeon", anyway?), "butter the size of an egg", and "3 chunks". Also, in those days, the directions were more like "cook in a hot oven until it's almost brown, but not quite red" and other such vagueries, rather than the Fanny Farmer-style "Cook at 350 degrees for 25 minures, or until golden brown".

    More info:

    But I'd ask someone to show you. You'll be really glad you did.


  13. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    I hopped into 2008 without batting an eyelash. On my to do list:

    1. Finish reading this book on lighting for film (I am already halfway done)

    2. Film some scenes for practice and to dial in all my gear especially the challanging 35 mm adapter.

    I was cleaning my fishtanks the other night and my mind was floating... Many ideas started forming, and before I knew it, I had an entire short film all figured out, utilizing the footage I have already filmed, including the Kyle and Shana scene, plus more footage shot at the park. I figure that since I need to film mock scenes for practice, might as well film scenes that can be made iinto something, something worthy. So I think I am going to whip this short while praticing. The idea is very cool and I already have all the details figured out. I have the locations, and the actors as well. It will be simple, but artsy. This will give me a chance to complete a tiny project from A to Z before tackling the EL BIGO. :D

    So I am going for it. Most of the scenes in the short are indoors, so that will give me a chance to set up lights and dolly and block scenes with all that in mind. the remainer of the scenes are shot at the park, and this portion of the short will be shot overcranked (slow motion) and probably end up black and white. This is fun, I absolutely LOVE to come up with stories (scripts etc...), characters, situations and bring it all to life on screen. basically I love being a story teller. And it's a good way to start the year and get my testing and practice done.

    OK, that's it for today, must run...
  14. Coming along quite nicely, Faith. As someone who was alive in your selected time frame, let me say this: Not everyone in the fifties was pretty. Most people looked sort of like Terry the Toad (Charlie Martin Smith) in Graffiti. Having an entire cast of people who look like Vogue models might hurt the authentic feel you're shooting for. Find some supporting charactors with messy hair, crooked teeth and big Adam's Apples. Have your make up person fake up some zits too. That's how it REALLY was.
  15. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    Someone nice just emailed me a couple of candid shots of the DOS at the New Years Eve morning cruise in Pasadena. You can see that the parking lot was so full of hotrods they had us parked in the middle of the parking and every inch square was covered by cars :D


    A few moments later we all poured onto Colorado Blvd, and as I mentioned earlier I was behind a yellow 32 coupe with a big blower :)

    Wait.... Is that MILNER in front of me???? :eek: :D

  16. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    You guys must have been wondering where I disappeared to :), well I have taken the plunge with the short "THE BENCH" and rolled up my sleeves and fastened my seat belts and GO!!! :D

    The script has been written, all actors have been lined up, locations secured, scene breakdown completed and shoot schedule finalized.

    Boy I am the dragster of filmmakers :).

    So pre production lasted a mere... 7 days :D (as opposed to about 10 months for the Deuce Of Spades!!) and according to my shooting schedule, I will be done filming this short by 01/21/08. It will be edited and completed by month's end. I will probably fuss with it some more on and off after that until it is up to my standards. but I don't want to invest too much time in it, since it is merely a project for me to practice with my new gear and editing software and work out any technical problems now, before I roll camera on DEUCE OF SPADES. :D

    This is pretty exciting! Lots to be learned, mistakes to be made (and also learn from) but basically it is pure creativity, all engines go, full steam ahead!

    Looks like I am finally out of my technical phase ordeal and can now go back to HAVING FUN BEING CREATIVE and filming, filming, filming.

    No, sorry the BENCH has no cars in it. It is very simple, production wise, but it is super cool story wise. I really like the concept.

    Well, I must run, gotta go find me some vinyl LPs I can spray paint gold to make some fake gold records for my record Company scene. :rolleyes:... Sure would be nice to have a crew, but since there is no pay, it looks like I am going to have to do most of everything myself. What the heck, I work cheap ;) and I'm reliable.

    Meanwhile it has been raining for the past few days here so the roadster is just collecting dust in the garage. Friday I am taking it out and cruising down to FILM TOOLS in Burbank to go buy some nick nacks I need for lighting. Then it's off to Bob's for a quick stop to say hi to the gang. But I'll be going home early because I have a marathon shooting day Saturday and will need some rest.


    Here is the temporary "THE BENCH" script cover I whipped up in 30 minute last friday.

  17. roadracer
    Joined: Jan 24, 2007
    Posts: 541


    looking forward to it :)
  18. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Ditto! I'll be looking forward to it as well.

    Maybe someday people in film schools will spend a class period talking about "Granger-Type Movies". :)

  19. Lobucrod
    Joined: Mar 22, 2006
    Posts: 4,122

    Alliance Vendor
    from Texas

    Keep em coming
  20. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    DAY ONE of shooting of THE BENCH has been completed and now on to DAY TWO.

    The good news is I survived (somehow - and barely). :D

    I was my own director of Photography, so basically did all the lighting for the scene, picked the lenses, shots and did all the camera work.
    I did have the DEAR CAUGHT IN THE HEADLIGHTS look on my face as we went overtime and were not able to complete the scene in 4 hours :eek:. So I am going back tonight to (hopefully) finish it.

    So much for cruising down to Bob's... :rolleyes: I miss my deuce... I miss being just a little hotrod girl... I want my mommy...


    On the other hand, this is the most CHALLENGING and EXCITING thing I have ever done in my entire life.

    All I ask is that I come out of shooting this second scene of the short, alive :rolleyes:... And come home with good footage (and a bit of sanity left)

    Gotta run, shoot starts in 30 min.

    I'll tell you all about it later!
  21. fergenboysinc
    Joined: Nov 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,025


    Well I quess a "bench racing story" will do for now....:D I also just got my new "outfit"(one of your shirts):D Looks cool! Its a must have for any Deuce owner! Keep up the good work!
  22. a-boy-named-sue
    Joined: Jan 18, 2006
    Posts: 45


    Ive been off line for a few weeks but have finally got back on, so faith I just wanted to drop you a line and say HI...........and congrats on all the new goodies:)
  23. narducci
    Joined: Jan 3, 2008
    Posts: 194


    AYE-YAI-YAI What a set of legs!
  24. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    From my earlier days of fiction writing (can you believe it?):

    "She had a head made for business, and a body made for sinning, and dams that would make Father Flanagan forget Boy's Town..."

    LOL! Hey, if'n ya got 'em, flaunt 'em. :D


  25. New Years Eve Morning Cruise? Is it some kind of organized event now? The last time I did the new years eve cruise was '65/'66 and everyone cruised 'til they closed the road down to get ready for the parade.

  26. I discovered your thead just the other day and have been trying, as time permits, to read all the posts and updates. As someone who grew up (?) in SoCal in the early sixties, east end of San Gabriel Valley to be exact, this has really gotten my interest! It's been a long time since American Graffiti and I hope it will be just as successful. The cars, the cruising, the music, it was a great time and a great place to be a teenager! Good Luck on your project, I am looking forward to seeing it.............
  27. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    I'm jalous: I don't have one of my shirts :(. Crazy he? I need to take a moment to order me one!!

    But on a cool note, I found director's chairs at OSH, $10 a piece! (as opposed to $85 to $125 a pop on the internet). Boy was I excited! They are black hehe... Like the Deuce. Now I have to figure out where to have them printed on the back with 'DEUCE OF SPADES"
    and then below that "DIRECTOR" or even "WANNA BE DIRECTOR" HAHA! :D
  28. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    Kyle, are you the person who has been sending text message a few times over the last 3 weeks? I saw some Text Messages, but they were not signed and I did not recognise the number... But seems it might be you? Did you text message me lately?
  29. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781



    Yeah and they are attached to a BRAIN :D... (for a change)... Thanks for the compliments though, you got to take them while you still can :rolleyes:
  30. HiboyGirl
    Joined: Jun 22, 2007
    Posts: 781


    Not much sinning for me these days :(... No time and no boyfriend :rolleyes:
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