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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by photrod35, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. JD's 32
    Joined: Dec 30, 2005
    Posts: 873

    JD's 32
    from TX

    Yea! Get away from your beaches and go to the real world there and get out of your van and start walking the streets, yea i'm wrong its beautiful, ask all the people there comming this way without shoes, money, food, while your going there. Have you not watched the news latley there trying to figure out how to stop all the people trying to escape that beautiful country swimming rivers climbing fences, dieing in the back of trucks, yea they dont know how good they got it down there, hell tell them and they may go back.
  2. BAD ROD
    Joined: Dec 16, 2004
    Posts: 1,532


    My wife and I fly to Cancun tomorrow morning! :D
  3. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,142


    Once again let me re-confirm. I grew up in San Diego. I went to Mexico ALL THE TIME too when I was a teenager. I never had any problems except once or twice with the cops. It's beautiful and wonderful. The surfing rules. And in the last seven or eight years it has changed for the average american teenager. They're targets. Not to everyone, but that doesn't matter. It just takes one bad experience to spoil it for someone forever. People shouldn't cancel trips to mexico over what I'm saying, but people should be aware of this shit. Here is some information for anyone going-
  4. 51-322special
    Joined: Jan 10, 2008
    Posts: 109


  5. Colombo
    Joined: Feb 21, 2006
    Posts: 170


    Just remember not to dress like you are made of money. If you do you might get taken for a ride. I go down to mexico quite often and my wife has family that is now missing. Be very carefull who you talk to and most of the hoods are all younk kids. A couple good things to checkout
    Donkey show (don't get to close or you might get hit in the eye)
    25.00 bucks gets you a cheep hooker (I've had a few of these)
    50.00 bucks will get you a nice looking hooker with teeth.
    eat at roadside stands they have the best food and cheep. Just don't ask what it is.
  6. 55oldsrocket
    Joined: Jun 29, 2007
    Posts: 138

    from Santa Ana

    mexico ,used to be a great spot to visit. like mentioned u.s. people are targets now. try not to go out at night unless your with a bunch of friends, kiddnappings are REALLY crazy right now ,especially in TJ .
    women will try and lure you into having a "good time" and youll be robbed right around the corner.
    the police will pull you over for no reason, theyll threaten you to take you to jail if you dont give them cash.

    my ol man returned from a trip to mexico a week ago , he told me about all the kidnappings going on ,some people were even decapitaded for not having ransom money. luckily my aunt married some bigshot in the mexican government,and he had a couple soldiers follow my pops around during his whole trip.

    be carefull wherever you go! good luck
    Joined: Jan 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,380

    from Houston

    Pretty rough over there especially in the border towns.As for the tourists spot as said earlier they are cool to visit just expensive as hell.To me its a 50/50 on whether you may have a good time or a bad experience.
  8. 55m38a1
    Joined: Aug 22, 2006
    Posts: 15


    Like Muncie said, stay under the radar. You show a roll of 20's and you will pretty much get you robbed. I grew up in a border town (Del Rio, Texas)150 miles west of where I currently am only thing worth going down over there is fishing, huge man made lake. Other than than some Julio's corn chips which are delicious for parties etc. Acuña is the town across and the corruption is horrible, there is this gang of ex-military that moved in, call "Las Zetas" or the "Z's" they have been known to kidnap anyone with the slightest sign of cash, hold them hostage and you know the rest. I usually lurk on here but this is something I feel everyone should know, Be careful! If you act as if your are superior you will most likely get your ass kicked, then robbed, remember if your in trouble with a cop, you can always buy them off. Better than then get thrown in jail. Have fun, carry low cash, and enjoy your trip. Later, Mike
  9. Chris Casny
    Joined: Mar 13, 2006
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    Chris Casny

  10. squigy
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 3,915

    from SO.FLO.

    Rock-on homeboy!!!
  11. k55f5r
    Joined: Dec 8, 2007
    Posts: 54

    from SoCal

    Mexico (as has been mentioned time and again on this thread) is a shithole. I've never seen so much garbage lining the road in a US dump as in a ten mile stretch of open road in baja. You can get better mexican food in socal for cheaper than you can get anywhere in mexico, and here we've got sanitation laws, too.
    Go to and check out the pics of the woman who had a worm taken out of her brain after eating a carnitas taco from a roadside stand in TJ.
    Enjoy your trip!
  12. Mercmad
    Joined: Mar 21, 2007
    Posts: 1,383

    from Brisvegas
  13. SlmLrd
    Joined: Oct 27, 2007
    Posts: 999

    from DAGO

    BE VERY AFRAID!! The entire country of Mexico is trying to infiltrate the United States because nobody has shoes! The end is near! haha, gimme a break. :D
  14. JD's 32
    Joined: Dec 30, 2005
    Posts: 873

    JD's 32
    from TX

    Hey, like i said, i aint telling no one not to go, hell do your on thing, some people just dont get it do ya? These are poor people, poor = crime. You know i had a friend from down there, every christmas he would buy every pair of used shoes he could find from garage sales and anywhere else he could find them. Then he would take them to his family and friends down there because they were so poor they couldn't get any. In my dumb way of thinking and this is just me my .02 is yes shoes could be just one little tiny reason for them comming here, they are POOR, and they want better, so this is not funny to them but only to people that have. Its not why there comming, but that they are begging to get here. Again i did not say dont go, i said the place is a shit hole, thats my story and i'm sticken to it!
  15. 6deucecaddy
    Joined: May 30, 2006
    Posts: 714


    Maybe I missed it. What part of Mexico are you going to? Believe it or not, the worst parts of Mexico are the the citys closest to the U.S.(What does that tell you). I have been to the lower states of Mexico and they are some of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. I've been there at least 20 times. And I will continue going back. All these stories about people getting mugged and raped, Im sure some of them are true, but most of them are stretched. I live in Los Angeles and people get mugged and raped all the time. I agree the cops are crooked, but if your not acting like a crazy tourist they'll leave you alone. All these people adding to this thread live in states and cities like San Diego, Texas, SO-CAL, these people only know a couple of cities in Mexico like TJ, CANCUN, any city in Baja. Those are the worst places to go because they are so molested by the U.S. All Im saying is respect the people and the land and Mexico will do the same to you.
  16. OLLIN
    Joined: Aug 25, 2006
    Posts: 3,150


    Thank you, you beat me too it.
    You cant judge the whole country based on the border towns. Just like in america, there are big cities and rural areas, good people, bad people etc. etc. Someone could easily end up of the wrong part of LA, NY, Chicago, DC. on a vacation.

    It helps if you know someone from there to kind of show you around. They can tell you the areas that are hip, and the areas to stay away from etc. and what to expect.

    The thing about over there is there is really not as much of a middle class like here in the US. people are either really rich or really poor and that can be kind of a culture shock to a lot of people.

    with all that said, there is a shit load of cool stuff to see there. Beautiful beaches, pre-columbian pyramids, museums, rodeos, good food, good beer, jungles, water falls, fishing, snorkelling, surfing, good shopping etc. etc.
  17. Harris
    Joined: Feb 15, 2007
    Posts: 863


    +1 been to the interior, and nothing but good times (as long as you're more than 6 hrs from the border).

    That being said, stay out of the border towns unless you know what you're doing. In Laredo last year there were so many kidnappings there where warning signs on THIS side as you cross.

    About the "cops not all bad", a few weeks ago two political people were gunned down here in Matamoros (across from Brownsville), and the federal government came in and took ALL the weapons from ALL the cops in a a 60 mile radious. No one else but the cops. The offical reason was due to suspission that they were some how involved... no cop in a Mexican border town for 60 miles had a weapon - because the government was checking them all. That's just fucked up.

    Also, stay out of border towns anytime before, during, or after spring break - you might as well paint a target on your ass. Remember Kilroy?
  18. Harris
    Joined: Feb 15, 2007
    Posts: 863


    Oh yeah, don't eat food from the street vendors - there's a reason no one sees any cats around in mexico.
  19. revkev6
    Joined: Jun 13, 2006
    Posts: 3,350

    from ma

    went to cancun about 6-7 years ago for spring break. had a great time no probs. got drunk and played the drunken college student gig.

    going back to mexico this spring for my honeymoon. hitting a nice resort south of cancun this time. can't wait.
  20. Colombo
    Joined: Feb 21, 2006
    Posts: 170


    shit Harris, you hit it right on the nose. Laredo is really FUCKED UP! my wifes cousin has been missing for two months now. The family got a call a while back and were told that her son was still alive, but they would never see him again. And that was for not paying the drug lords money for having a little car shop. If you own a buisness down there you are going to be paying someone money or shit will happen. If in Texas go to Progreso. that is one nice little border town and I have never heard any bad things about that place.
    I love Mexico with all my heart, but it is so fucked that if your a politition and want to make changes, well it's your ass like the one in Acapulco who got shot in front of the courthouse. Hate to say it buy Mexico is killing itself from the inside.
  21. 51-322special
    Joined: Jan 10, 2008
    Posts: 109


    donkey shows the man said! were in mexico is this...someone send me a flyer

    gottah see this shit!
  22. Colombo
    Joined: Feb 21, 2006
    Posts: 170


    Donkey show? you really don't want to see it. It is funny thou. A man walks out with a donkey and he shoves 4 bottles of beer down the donkey. they flip the poor donkey on his back and out comes this ugly crack head from the back. Picture the rest yourself.
    How about the Banana Show?
  23. 8flat
    Joined: Apr 2, 2006
    Posts: 1,392


    Oh yeah....I know all about the crooked cops in TJ, everyone told us to make sure whatever we do, DON'T get arrested down there. So I get my dumb ass arrested. Me and my 4 buddies gave them all the cash we had. Whacked.
  24. Lazy White Boy
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 99

    Lazy White Boy

    Fuck Mexico, I used to go there all the time. Surfing, underage drinking, just having a blast. The last two times I went I was robbed by cops, I hadn't done anything wrong. I would always go with a group, we'd party but never disrespect anyone. The second time it happened the federales threw me in there car and took off with me, eventually taking all my money and letting me go after threatining to hold me for ransom. You feel very alone when you are in a foreign country being detained by crooked cops. Say what you will about crime in the USA, but that shit rarely, if ever, happens here. Fuck Mexico.
  25. BAD ROD
    Joined: Dec 16, 2004
    Posts: 1,532


    Well, I am sitting here in Mexico as I type this. It is ultra beautiful - 80 degrees. Other than my wife passing out 2 hours ago from too much tequila, things are perfect here!

  26. SlmLrd
    Joined: Oct 27, 2007
    Posts: 999

    from DAGO

    I like cars.:)
  27. MUNCIE
    Joined: Jan 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,380

    from Houston

    :D :D
  28. Sounds like it's time for the old "Midnight Stealth", or "Dead Fish", as some call it.
  29. hcontla
    Joined: Jan 24, 2008
    Posts: 18


    Photrod 35

    I´m mexican and i live in Cuernavaca one hour south from Mexico City, i i know very well to Sled, as a matter of fact yestarday we were togetter looking for cars, we found many of them, i have many contacts because i´m federation mexican clubs member and i´ve introduced many vip guys to Sled, let me tell you that i know the States, i´ve been in New York, Chicago, California, Texas, REno, North Carolina, Arkansas, etc etc and i´ve had the sames cautions as Mexico, don´t do the perfect moment for the thievs, it is the same rule in all the world, go to the more concurried places, don´t wear jewerly, try to have a mexican guide. if you go to the beach try to take the money that you will spend, don´t take wallets, big cameras, etc etc, what you have heard about Mexico is true but i could bet you that in the States you can´t walk by night in some bad getto, do you do it? I have very cool friends, my sister drives every day a porsche cayenne, my friend has a couple of ferraris, a Aston Martin and a Lambo and nothing happends.
    the guy who said we don´t wear shoes could be a closed minded, probably i know more the States than he, but if you want you can be my guest, i have a couch ready for you as Sled had used it, we will do like a safari in africa but we will hunt cars in Mexico, if you want more info about how and where spend a nice vacations ask me, i will help you.
    Right now there are many violence in Mexico because of the drug dealers, the government is cleaning the house, so the dealers are fighting for the territories, the cops have been killed because the know too much about dealers, but it hapends in specific citys, the rest is ok. If you want to know Mexico, you shouldn´t go to Los Cabos, Rosarito, Cancun, Playa del Carmen, go to Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Mexico city, Oaxaca, Queretaro. These places are the real Mexico not the others that are more turistics.
    Keep in touch and don´t forget to contact me if you come to Mex. you will never forget and we will see many cars. All the hambers are wellcoming too.

    regards from Mx

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