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In laws and the Automotive Illiterate!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by CRH, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. CRH
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 554

    from Utah

    Father-in-law asks me what I'm doing today. I repied I'll be working on the '27 Roadster. He replies, "Oh, the tin can?" When I showed him the car and explained it was a '27 Ford Roadster, Model A frame, Later model engine/trans/rear, '32 axle, etc, he said "So its just a big bunch of mixed parts." He is right, it is a bunch of mixed year parts, but I dare say most hot rods are worth more than the original configuration of said cars. He's a good guy, but it's annoying when people demean something very important to me, especially because they think I am naive in attaching "too much" value to something they don't understand, and therefore must be a waste of time, waste of money or just too dirty and weird.
    On the flip side, my mother-in-law saw the car before any work had been done and said "cool!" And the car looked like garbage at that time. She said it looked like a really fun little car and hopes to get a ride one day. She even patiently listened as I showed her old dry lakes photos from my books, telling her what my direction with the car would be.
    Both these people have little knowledge about old cars. Interesting how people with the same knowledge treat the same subject.
    I have noticed that many people in my community, especially my in-laws, seem to act as though they think "Oh poor Cliff, he has all these weird old clunkers that will never be worth anything, but he tries to enjoy what he can afford- I'm sure he'll outgrow this hobby as he matures more." In all true honesty, I've never bought an old car because I was settling for it. I am NOT wealthy, I'm young, married, live in a TINY house, drive used cars and work long hours every day. My cars have come because of trading, selling, sacrificing and LOOKING ALWAYS! (There are still deals out there that pop up every once-in-a-while). What I mean is, I am very thankful for and proud of my cars. My meek collection includes five cars, all of which make my top 20 favorite cars of all time list! Can many people say that? What a blessing and a treasure to have this! Also, my "shop" is a drafty 2 car garage made in 1949 that barely fits my '64 Lemans and my '27 plus the tools. The rest of the cars have to sit outside under many tarps and covers. This shop is literally perforated- it has numerous cracks, gaps and holes. At night with the doors closed and lights on the little building glows from every door opening and seam. Also, my concrete floor is slowly disintegrating, with a million cracks and chips. BUT I LOVE IT! At least I have a place to do my favorite work and house my tools.
    My crybaby rant is almost over...
    So my point is, what would the proverbial father-in-law think if he knew I could get more money out of one of my clunkers than he could sell his Tacoma for? Would I trade him my Lemans Convertible for his '99 520i? No, and not out of pride only- it would be a dumb financial move also!

    OK OK OK. I'm done whining. I know my old cars aren't exactly gold mines. And yes, I love my in laws. Just frustrated!
  2. Crusty Nut
    Joined: Aug 3, 2005
    Posts: 1,834

    Crusty Nut

    Well, have you told him how your clunker is worth more than his clunker? That would be a start. I have great inlaws, but it sounds like yours don't have too much respect for the man their daughter loves. When people don't respect me, they don't get much respect in return. Start with some education for the old man, if he is still rude, at least you made an effort.
  3. DrJ
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 9,419


    He's probably jealous because when he was your age he blew all his time and extra money on his wife and still ain't getting any... ;)
  4. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
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    from Missouri

    It's not going to matter if you tell them how much they are worth.
  5. redrico1
    Joined: Feb 24, 2006
    Posts: 85


    the only person you have to keep happy is the love of your life, your WIFE.
  6. CRH
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 554

    from Utah

    True, true.
  7. ive been where you are now! some people just dont get it
  8. as long as you get it ! dont worry about it .. it would be like explaining the color red to a blind man!!
  9. The Wizard!
    Joined: Nov 18, 2007
    Posts: 140

    The Wizard!

    Their are car people and then there is the rest of'em and they will never really understand! :cool:
  10. CRH
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 554

    from Utah

    Good point. I guess I'm just tired of people willing to voice opinions about stuff they know nothing about. Maybe next time they need a fuel pump replaced or something welded, I'll make them recite "Your hot rods are cooler than my cars." Then I'll make 'em say "uncle" a few times, too.
  11. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    Its like the the old saying

    "If i have to wouldn't understand"
  12. jj mack
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
    Posts: 735

    jj mack

    Just remind him you are banging his daughter.......That'll take care of it.
  13. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    hahaah lol why didnt i think of that...that will shut em up!^^^^^
  14. jj mack
    Joined: Mar 22, 2007
    Posts: 735

    jj mack

    I have to use it on a regular basis...My F-in-L always tries to argue and prove he knows more than me....I just keep reminding him who I that its his daughter i m giving it to!
  15. I think one of the worst things I heard was the local parts guy that has a few restored muscle cars and is the know it all according to the other parts guys of anything old.
    He told me once that I would be the worst person to buy a car from, I use to many parts from different cars to make my car worth the headache to own.
    This was of course after an arguement in front of his chronies about a water pump pulley not being G.M. I made him look the part number up to just shut him up and also of course to make him look dumb in front of his fellow
  16. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    When the cost of the parts are all added up, a hot rod may or may not be worth it in a monetary sence and this confuses and even annoys the non hot rodder. "Why would you spend that much for that!? Are you crazy!?" I've heard it and it sucks, but they see only the surface. The monetary aspect of it all. What they will NEVER truely understand is the inner joy and satisfaction you get from your car. As you search and find your parts, put it together, hear it run for the first time, you are building your selfworth. You ARE at peace.

    So, roll with it man. When you come in from a nice drive and have that ear to ear smile, let them form their guesses and opinions. It will matter not. YOU have pleased the hardest audience there is. YOURSELF.

    Then..... flip 'em off and go out to the garage, grab a beer and clean the road bugs from your windshield. You earned it.:D
  17. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
    Posts: 2,500

    from covina CA

    yeah my cousin told me i should get a newer car, i told her maybe you should shut the fuck up
  18. My x-inlaws where always after me, but it stopped when the old man bought himself a Nimbus motorcycle. Never said a word about it after that
  19. LUX BLUE
    Joined: May 23, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor
    from AUSTIN,TX

    I finally have a good father in law story!
    When I first started dating my wife, he came by to meet me. he walked into the shop about 18 seconds before we fired a pro mod engine up for a warm up. He was trying to look all "super bad ass" and about the time he was gonna say something I am sure that was meant to establish who was gonna be "Alpha Dog", the boys cracked that bastard off. 570 inches of harmony and fire filled the air, and 'Ol Bob came off the ground about 13 inches. :D I honestly thought he was gonna wet himself...He kept looking for a way out of the shop, then once he realized it was a motor running, and not an earthquake or Judgement day, he regained his composure. (hell, it was inside a large metal building...just Imagine a cacklefest inside...your bathroom.) they shut it down after a few throttle blips, and all he could say was ...meekley
    "Jesus christ...this is what you do for a living?"
    I just smiled and said "Nope. we go out and drive those things."
    ( which was a near complete fabrication by my part...about the farthes I ever drove that car was into the trailer...powered by a 1/2 horsepower winch.) But after that, he ws pretty proud of what I did. to hear him tell it to his buddies, John Force calls me for tune up advice.
    of course if he had been there 10 minutes earlier, I would have still been covered in deisel oil from changing the filters on the tow rig. :D
  20. Mudslinger
    Joined: Aug 3, 2005
    Posts: 1,965


    My mother in law always had a rude comment to my wife about me spending money on junk.
    My wife told her once what I sold a pile of trash (to her) for and she doesnt say much about my hobby anymore.
    I keep her daughter happy and grand kids fed and clothed with plenty of toys and still grind on my junk haha
  21. Mopar34
    Joined: Aug 8, 2006
    Posts: 1,029


    Lucky for me my in-laws are cool. He's 71, she's 70. They have 8 rods and customs that they enjoy thoroughly, and just recently bought a 31 A channeled roadster that they absolutely love. The others aren't collecting dust as he is always keeping at them, but the roadster is the vehicle of choice lately.

    I never hear a negative thing about my cars from either of them or any of the other relatives. Makes for a good time whenever they are around.:cool::D:D
  22. CRH
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 554

    from Utah

    Amen- I have pleased the hardest audience! Thanks!

    I hear that! Co-workers and family just about die when they hear about an old piece of junk I've sold. I especially love when they see a part I'm selling at a swap or online.
  23. Frank
    Joined: Jul 30, 2004
    Posts: 2,325


    Reminds me of a comical conversation I had with my 75 year old mother-in-law...

    She had heard me talking about this hot rod I've been building and she finally asked for some clarification.

    Her "So what is this again you are building?"
    Me "Its a hot rod 28 Ford truck. You know, like on Happy Days?"
    Her "Oh, I don't remember it too well."

    So I found a picture online of a finished RPU to give her an idea of how it will look.

    Her "So you are building this? Do you know what you're doing? Do you have anyone helping you?"
    Me "Yes, I'm building it. Learning a lot from others who have done it before."
    Her "What are you going to do with it?"
    Me "Drive it"
    Her "OH! in the neighborhood like on the sidewalk?"
    Me "No, like on the street."
    Her "You mean like in your neighborhood?"
    Me "No, like on the highway, like cross country to California, or Michigan or something"

    She couldn't believe a person could legally build their own car and drive it. Later on when she was over at the house, she wanted to see it so I took her to the garage. She got excited and wanted to know if I would let her drive it. "Can you drive a stick?" Her "OF COURSE I CAN!"

    Now she asks how I'm coming along with it and wants to know when she can drive it. I think my wife likes it because it keeps me home, but I think she'll like it a lot less when I'm driving it all over on the weekends. I remind her I'd love for her to join me. :D
  24. misfit36
    Joined: Aug 8, 2007
    Posts: 288

    from new york

    been there before too. it seems to be a trend because its always people who have nothing to do to take their mind of the everyday BS you have to go through, that make the comments. ive heard it all and its only my first build " its a POS, its gay, rust bucket, etc etc" actually had this little bastard walk by with his father and say " thats ugly dad", but the father made me smile, his reply was " actually i think it looks kinda fun". it got me thinking, this guy probably goes to work comes home goes to bed, day in day out, same boring schedule. but wishes he could build that hot rod or muscle car or whatever he always wanted to. i guess im blessed enough to have some time and money and passion.
  25. ski
    Joined: Jan 21, 2008
    Posts: 112

    from San Diego

    The only person I ever even remotely gave a shit about being interested in my way of doing things was my old man. He saw me cut up and take apart everything I owned by the time I was 12. When I was 13 I convinced him to let me spend 130 bucks of my paper route money on a small motorcycle. When winter came I took it to the cellar and tore it apart, engine and all. It was my first ring job. When spring came I hauled it out while he was mowing the lawn I had neglected. It was a totally different bike. He laughed at me while I stroked it through a couple times and said "that thing will never start, it's got no battery". I tried to explain about the magneto then hooked up the plug wire. It started on the first kick and he had to hear my loud exhaust from 3 miles away for the next 2 hours. I did hear from my Mom that he was kind of happy about the whole thing. He never actually supported any of my hotrod activity but did allow me to have my way with whatever kind of contraption I could drag home. Three years later it got too small in his house and I booked. Now many years later he enjoys comming out to socal and looking at all my shit. I even got a car older than him and in better shape with less new parts than he has. I think I'll wait til he's gone before I chop that one up.
  26. TSEDAN
    Joined: Jan 22, 2008
    Posts: 54

    from Fresno,Ca

    I do landscape to afford my 27 T sedan, 65 El camino, and 38 Chevy coupe and most of my relates don't understand it. When you sell a car or part for some decent money it really shocks em. The cars are a part of you.
  27. Lucky77
    Joined: Mar 27, 2006
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    An old timer at work who I really respect didn't think too much of my new roadster. I showed him a picture of it and naturally he asked how much it cost? When I told him he said "Oh man, that much?!?! It kinda looks like something you'd leave at the curb for the junk man." :rolleyes: Some people just don't get it.
  28. Appleseed
    Joined: Feb 21, 2005
    Posts: 1,053


    He drives a Tacoma and a 520i. Why argue?
  29. My in-laws knew me when I was just a kid building push go karts and chopper bicycles. I was always polite and mannerly. Never grew out of building stuff and making money doing it. They were thrilled when I asked their daughter to marry me.We have been together for going on 28 years.....
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Some never "get it" so leave it alone. Do your thing. I heard it all from lots of different people. Many times you find hidden hypocracy. I hate when they look at my work and tell me how good someone else is. I don't know why they do it or why it bothers me. My in-laws are very low on comments and show very little enthusiasm for my chosen craft, but they brag about it when I'm not around. Go figure.

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