I am in the middle of a relocation and came home to get my house on the market, I timed the visit with the Decatur Swap meet. Cab drops me off at 9:00, by 10:30 Im getting coffee headed to the swap when BANG; Clunk Clunk and the Aquamino won't move. Luckily I have a Backup hot rod, so I drove the Model A to the swap I thought I lost the Clutch. Just pulled it apart and found pieces of spider gears. This is strike two for this rear end, Me and Outlaw put a 15" crack in the housing a couple months ago. Time to narrow that 9" in the shed..
That's pretty common for those old Chevy rears.My Brother has done that to 2 of them in his 58 wagon. Welcome to Pennsylvania by the way!
Yea I had a 56 chevy years ago wasted rear 4 times les than a year Not good on the budget Explain to wife Realy it just broke I stayed Vintage Olds/Pontiac 3.0 street Hwy 4.88 Spool strip Play No more broke rearend Today time for a 9" Good luck Ray
I drove the 56 Pontiac today, roads were dry.....coast side of the gears sound like a rock crusher! Cant hurt it! Found a Hamber in Iowa with the center section I need! Figured a Celebratory Cruize to the Beer Store was in order! Before the Change out.....there will be film! ED
Now I know what broke, I hope one of the swap meet stragglers has one tomorrow. I just need a center section to get the car on the transporter then I can build the 9" after I get everything moved to PA. Slip joint for the 2pc driveshaft is next, especially since I don't have a back up carrier bearing in the car. Plan B: weld the fucker up for a Getto locker.
Sweet!! I nuked the rear end in my truck this morning, I've got an OT '94 Chevy with an Olds 425, TH400, and a Chevy 12 bolt. I did a big no no, I was leaving the gas station, and nailed it out of the lot. I heard a similar clunk clunk bang noise. Man did I feel like a dumbass...But now I get to use the 9inch I've been wanting to!
The "Aquamino" is a tasty looking machine.Hope it'll be on the mend soon. Did those 55-64 Posi rears come apart like that frequently? I have a 4:11 58' unit behind a stock 350/350 setup. It's done a few smokey burnouts and by no means been abused by me? It clunks like hell going around a 90 degree turn like Posi's do? I always thought the axles were to question? A friend has a later Camaro Posi 3:42 that'll replace it. Just wondering....
They didn't, least not in my 348 59 Elky. If it wasn't the spiders it was broken main caps holding the carrier. At least pumpkins back then were cheap and easy in junkyards, with a little practice ya got good at changing them in no time!
I feel your pain..... Ive done that before with the inclusion of the rear planet set in the tranny..... I see absolutly NO signs of abuse to that rear from the pics but seriously after they wear some they become misaligned and bind causing the explosion discsovered. I litterally only takes going around a corner to take one out.sorry for the misfortune but get her back on the road damit
32 hours and I'm back on the road. Ran up to Sherman and Scrape hooked me up with a 55 center section, although it really didn't want to come out of the housing. And to top it off it's a 3:70 which is better than my 3:36 Slapped it in and went for Chineese food about an hour ago. Thanks Scrape and the others that PM'd me with offers. TZ