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airride hotrod

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by custo-michel, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. Oh No You're Not,young Man!!!!!
  2. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,142


    Sorry Bob :eek:. I'll be good.
  3. BBobb
    Joined: Feb 5, 2007
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    Now that is some funny shit right there!!!!!!!!!![​IMG]
  4. skajaquada
    Joined: Sep 14, 2004
    Posts: 1,642

    from SLC Utard

    you said it man...i got ripped a new one when i found this place. i came on with an attitude and got it handed back to me tenfold. gave me a better appreciation for the place and the cars it promotes.

    to the new guys...

    custo-seriously dude, what kind of shit are you smoking over there?? there has not been a single HOT ROD that looks good with bags. in my book, and most others here i think will agree, air on a rod = RAT!!! air is for SOME customs and only in a tasteful manner.

    37 nash-who the fuck do you think you are? you join last month and still haven't figured out what this place is about apparently. maybe you are defending michel because you have a crush or something...still not the place for it.

    55 on bags-grow up. enough of the caps in bold. do you think that makes you tough? so someone expressed an opinion, go fucking cry about it. you want something to get mad at? ask your mom about last night.

    skelvis-little button to the far left in the middle. says "caps lock." push it until the middle green light in the top right goes off. leave it off.
  5. I seem to remember when I was a newbie,asking for some advice on fixing a hole in my oilpan. I got a response that said"Get some JB weld and glue a dime on the hole. If it doesn't least you car will be worth .10 more!". Oh,the memories.....
  6. Zumo
    Joined: Aug 30, 2004
    Posts: 1,391


    Poor guy won't know what hit him.
  7. Fatman
    Joined: Mar 8, 2008
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    from Here

    Cut the guy some slack instead of being a bunch of grumpy pricks. He may be teaching YOU how to build your rods in a couple of years, if you got that long to live.

    Joined: Apr 11, 2008
    Posts: 50


    Sorry I Write In All Caps Too, Guess Ull Get Used To It, Lol
    Traditional Back In The 40s, And 50s.......... Im Sure There Is A Lot On Your Rides That Were Not Offered Back Then As Well... Just Food For Thought.
    Not Trying To Be An Ass But Why Not Support People In Their Build Instead Of Put Em Down---- You Dont Have To Drive It.

    So Ok, Mine Is Not A Traditional Style......... What Is It? So I Know What To Call It. Not To Be An Ass.
  9. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
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    from Novi, MI

    ignorance must be so blissfull. :rolleyes:
  10. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
    Posts: 7,750

    from Novi, MI

    YAWN!!! not this tired old argument again. good lord some of you idiots sound like a broken record... and who made you the HAMB POLICE anyways??? Jesus. i think if Ryan had a problem with this talk he would say something about it HIMSELF. i doubt he wants nor needs your help in that department. give the hatred a rest for a minute would ya. i say that to EVERYONE who thinks they need to dictate what can and can not be discussed on this forum.

    i do have to agree with you on that one though...
  11. Saoutlaws_Gotti
    Joined: Jan 10, 2007
    Posts: 750


    dammmm all u fuckers have nothing better to do than talk shit to each other here, i thought this place was about traditional rods and customs............... Not pricks who talk tuff over the computer........ and u must have some big ass stones in ur pocket, cause bro saying stuff like "crush on him" or "ask ur mother about last night" to another man, weather it is in person or over the world wide web is the kinda shit that causes people to have reconstructive sergery done over ........ that shit right there, just wasnt cool nor was it called for......... i didnt see any of the forementioned people talking that kinda shit to you for you to come across like that to them.............. U really shouldnt type stuff like that buddy, cause one of these days you might be at a carshow enjoying yourself with your freinds and family and youll get a tap on the back and the last thing you will recall is the fist of a big ass, corn bread feed, Texas boy headed at your face......Cause 55 On Bags, is the kinda guy that would do something like that ....why the fuck do these guys think they can downtalk or disgrace someone that they have never even met or who has no idea who the fuck they are or what they are about. LMAO Keyboard Bullys are the Best ...........
  12. cruiserbuddy
    Joined: Oct 21, 2005
    Posts: 408

    from Germany

    If talking that way to a "Newbie" is cool, we have tons of cool guys with the coolest cars over here. But why does nobody talk to them on parties or help them in case of a breakdown?(I always wave back to this "cool guys" and drive by, now THAT'S being cool :) !!! )

    You may have the coolest ride, but if you are an as...le, the car isn't worth a penny........
    Is it for some people so hard to tell somebody in a friendly way, that he's on the wrong site?
  13. BadLuck
    Joined: Jan 7, 2006
    Posts: 3,055


    They post #2..:)
  14. 62Monterey
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 62

    from So.Cal.

    No one ever said they were laying frame,but ahhhmyes,they did have air ride suspension equipped with Firestone bags..Hmmm,should I start posting all the research I've done on this subject after hearing every jerkoff tell my friends that air ride wasn't available in the 50's and 60's??
  15. 62Monterey
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 62

    from So.Cal.

    It's too bad I'm not a newbie,I just had to make another profile since my other one became unusable..
  16. kustombuilder
    Joined: Sep 18, 2002
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    from Novi, MI

    it would'nt make a bit of difference. some people actually enjoy being ignorant and hateful... i've mentioned a billion and one times that the Airlift company was started in 1948. obviously air ride has evolved drasticaly from it's origins and it was never very widely used as a means of raising and lowering a vehicle back in the day (as they say) but it existed none the less.
  17. 62Monterey
    Joined: Mar 24, 2008
    Posts: 62

    from So.Cal.

    Exactly,they were using it functionally in war vehicles.Also,hydraulic suspension was also being used back in the 40's in european war vehicles,then used on consumer vehicles in the 50's and 60's by Citroen I think...Adjustable suspension has been around for quite a long time.Now,using it radically like it is now didn't start until I think the late or mid 60's??I think the first car using adjustable suspension for show purposes was the X-sonic (1957 Corvette owned by Ron Aguirre of Kranker's Car Club of San Bernardino) in 1959.It was a Hydraulic setup not too far off from the one's used today. "Hydropneumatic" suspensions like hydraulics:Citroën first introduced this system in 1954 on the rear suspension of the Traction Avant. The first full implementation was in the advanced DS in 1955.

    As far as airbags go:With a "leg up" on other companies, GM used its experience with commercial busses' air suspension to introduce systems for its car lines, beginning with the 1958 model year. Air bags at each wheel replaced the standard coil springs, and had sensors to keep the car level under load and in turns. It was too slow to react in sudden maneuvers, however.

    Period reviews rated the air suspension somewhat superior in ride quality, but not dramatically. some reliability issues plagued these systems, as well. Thus, as an option, air suspension was short lived in that era.

    So,it has been around for quite a while.

    So there's goes anyone's arguments about airbags and hydraulics not being "vintage"..
  18. storm king
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
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    storm king

    Think you could maybe lighten up just a LITTLE 37nash? :eek:Talk about smelling like crap; nothing posted before your diatribe stunk anything quite like it.
    I was about to post something similar since 'porknbeaner' railed against me for teasing about some HAMB'ers being snobs, for my support of some poor schmuck who was talking about Ramblers. He didn't know this site was just for "traditional" cars, and when he mentioined Gremlins and Pacers he took some crap; although what he bought was a '65 American, which I'd call pretty traditional.
    Traditional cars don't use billet? They don't use bags, either. So if the cat who ownes this awsome site has bags on his rides maybe, just maybe there's some room for Gremlins and billet.:D

  19. That statement alone should embarrass most folks from hacking up a sedan:D

    Everybody else in this thread doesn't get it, bags are the LEAST offensive part of the guys plan!
  20. Silent_Orchestra
    Joined: Jun 17, 2007
    Posts: 1,313

    from Omaha, NE

    Hey just to throw this out there, why does it really matter if this guy wants to throw bags on his car, and starts a post asking for pictures?? just throw some pictures on, don't bitch. Bitching just gets threads shut down.

    Second, as for some of the "traditional" material on the HAMB, why do we have a Diesel post?? why do we have a post about a 1970's Citroen Custom(which is bad ass) Why do we have so many not so traditional posts, but when the new guy comes on and wants to see pictures of bagged hot rods, you bash him?? This guy just wants a little help. shoot him pics and go on with your day, if the Boss Man deams the thread off topic it'll get shut down in a few hours anyway.

    I never really got a bashing on hear...Dreddybear was the first one to post on my first thread though! Told me I shouldn't part out my effie, now it's probably that can of chicken noodle you were eyeballing in the soup isle. To take a quote from my first post....

    It is possible to build a rod with bags, hide them and make it look descent, if you have the know how and the skill, I suggest you get off the damn computer and out to the garage...get to work and good luck if you can build the damn thing right...otherwise I guess we just got another crapped out sedan...oh well it's not gonna spoil my breakfast. Off to the cheerios box!!!
  21. Silent_Orchestra
    Joined: Jun 17, 2007
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    from Omaha, NE

    Gremlins and that's almost as cool as the lambo doors on the '71 Chevelle I saw the other day....But then again 2 negatives do equal a positive...Give me a 1970's Shit Box, and a Billet Specialties Catalog, we'll see what I can get done...
  22. Old Gold
    Joined: Dec 31, 2007
    Posts: 437

    Old Gold

    Bla, Blah, Blah,traditional,blah, blah,blah. Oh and I'm still a newbie. DICKS!
  23. notebooms
    Joined: Dec 14, 2005
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    Alliance Member

    hotrods aren't supposed to know what "airride" is...

    -scott noteboom
    Joined: Apr 11, 2008
    Posts: 50


    Wow Well To The Original Guy If You Have Any Questions Pm Me And Ill Help You With All Of It.
    Had Baggs On All But 2 Of My......... Old Cars...... Whatever Classification You Consider Them.
  25. UnIOnViLLEHauNT
    Joined: Jun 22, 2004
    Posts: 4,827


    Arghhh....dude this is the lamest argument ever.

    When we talk "bags" being trad or not, people dont mean using them in a 58 Caddy to equalize ride and offer ride quality, their minds eye usually envisions creatures like this...


    So yes while bags were around since the 40s or whatever shit youre saying, that doesnt make something that sits like this (and IMO ruins the whole car) traditional. Textbook knowledge is good, but use your head a little bit.

    So yes, get yourself a nice shiny scratch and sniff sticker and place it on your historical research paper. Outside that, it really doesnt apply much unless you are building a period correct hot rod/custom 40's European war machine. That would be the only way to validate your point. Gas = traditional. Atomization = traditional. Electronic Multiport Fuel Injection? Nope.

    Me? I like bags and when I finally find a keeper Merc Im going to bag the rear only, just cuz they ride like shit when they are low enough to look good, and customs with bagged front ends "layin frame" or whatever look gay. Again, an opinion.

    And I cant believe I got to post on this before the thread was locked! :)
  26. krooser
    Joined: Jul 25, 2004
    Posts: 4,584


    Coker Tire grille brackets aren't traditional....
  27. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,142


    I wanted a Howdy Doody lunch pail to set it on but have you priced originals lately?:eek: :)
  28. JamesG
    Joined: Nov 5, 2003
    Posts: 5,249


    Ever since some guy named George put them on this truck.

  29. custo-michel
    Joined: Mar 28, 2008
    Posts: 2


    hehe, so thanks for telling i'm on the wrong site :)

    you guys can also just give me a site, where i can find some helpfull people. about airride rods

    so if youre trying to help, thanx.

    everyone else, go back to your garage :D
  30. touchdowntodd
    Joined: Jan 15, 2005
    Posts: 4,068


    the thing about those on the truck is it was notorious for riding like shit, and it didnt lay itself on the ground like a S-10 with 20s... nothing against it, but it was more of an add on than function...

    u want tradition? get out some pesco pumps and valves like Ron Aguirre on Xsonic...

    but no matter WHAT.. a draggin or near dragging car isnt traditional... even back to lowriders the pumps were used only to get over speed bumps etc... not to get teh car to sit at rediculous hieght at a show or pull the back bumper off on the freeway,.., thats another type of tradition "gay" - which goes back to pre-roman times

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