Just seeing who alls going to be at the pate swapmeet this year. I'll be there with some old ford stuff and some 60 impala parts. Not real sure on what all I'm taking.
I'll be there for about the 22nd year in a row. We'll be selling our insulation and I'll probably take a trailer load of crap....I mean priceless treasures to try to unload since were gonna be moving in a month or two.
I would totally go but after my RoundUp trip the funds are kinda low. Good luck man, sell a ton o' shit!
I would totally go but after my RoundUp trip the funds are kinda low. Good luck man, sell a ton o' shit! Yeah I know thats why I'm taking so much stuff to pate! I'm currently breaking down a few model a front axels, damn things don't like coming apart after 70 some odd years of being together! Was great meeting ya at roundup.
Lucky ass Big Dad, ha. I doubt I'll be making it, but maybe some parts of mine will. I got a couple o' friends taking a trailer up there, from Marble Falls/Burnet area. They always ask if I wanna go, but work keeps me from it. So, sometimes I send parts with 'em. Hope all you guys that are making it find what you're looking for & those that are selling sell all you got, ha. Have fun!
I'll be there. Not bringing anything this year, not even looking to take anything home. But I hope to find a good time and maybe some stuff I didn't know I needed.
I will be going UNLESS someone here on the HAMB P.M.s me with some sort of steering box that I can buy to set up cowl steering on my 27 rpu! Anyone?
forgot to list what spaces I'll have 37-10-483, 37-10-485, 37-10-487, 37-11-482, 370-11-484, 37-11-486. Well better get back to breakin down model a axels. Look forward to seeing you guys, stop buy and have a cold drink with us!
Our spaces are on block 62, 785 and 787 on 9th and 784 and 786 on 10th. We usually set up facing 9th. Come by
Will be at 8th and Andretti on the south end of the meet. will have a trailer load of cigar boxes (don't laugh it pays for the trip) and some early 50 Chevy car parts. Hope to see some of you guys. Stop by for a cold beverage! you can't miss our spot. we are right next to the Auto Twirler display!
I'll be there. My 28 th I think. We have 52 spaces I think. This is where all of my hometown buddies and I meet. We live all over the country now. Wer cook early morning burritos. Cooked by real Meskins too! If your hungry come by. Usually eat at about 7:00. My spaces areAve13 spaces 110-115 block 94. Usually cook fajitas in the evening. cooked by the same meskins.we'll have everything from a 63 Impala front clip to coke boxes,metal shelving and all priced to take home.TP
I looked for ya last year TP but may have and the space or ave # wrong. I looking forward to the fajitas this year.
We will be set up there selling A/C kits and various street rod parts. My dad has a bunch of shifter knobs too!!
I'll be there like every year just to buy. I still miss Pate, when it was in the fields (except for the mud, and the dust, and the fact it was in the middle of nowhere).
I am going Friday. I do miss the old swap at the museum ! It was like a big treasure hunt climbing around the hills and thru the trees ( ahh...to have shade trees @ TMS to cool off under would be devine !!). I am a bit tee'd off @ the establishment because they said I couldn't ride my Redneck Segway i am building !! Imagine a HAMB style Segway built with 3 wheels instead of 2 ( can't afford a big Gyro!) powered by a 2,000watt brushless motor ( think blown Hemi in a Topolino kinda power )built out of square tubing and primered ruddy brown. They said if it wasn't a Government approved mobility device, I couldn't ride it around !! I guess they want to keep more money in their pockets for the scooter rentals on-site . Rick
Rick, I think its more of a liability issue myself. It gets pretty crowded at pate and add golf carts ect.. to the mix and it would be a mess. I dont like the fact that I cant ride my golf cart but the thing that really pissed me off is when I see young people (young is relative nowadays) who rent the handicap vehicles just so they dont have to walk. They need to get up off of their asses and burn some calories like most of us old farts do till we get to the point to where we have to ride a Scamp! Yeah I miss the old pate too but the new one is still the biggest one west of the Mississippi. Drop by and see us at 786 10th. We'll have shade and a cold one. Mike
I'll be there Saturday for the first time. Tried to go for 10 years, it conflicts with my daughters birthday. This year I told her tough!