Thanks for the gifts to take to Vegas. I will miss you guys, ....until the 19th. Then we get together for HRCC Garage Days on Sunday. Twice in one weekend, oh my!!! WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS BABY !!!!!!!
Update on Roadster Shop/Streetrodder open house. Saturday 4/26 to repeat, times are from 2 to 6 pm.Hope they got free food. We need it. Tour giveaway whatever car going to twin cities for interior trim tomorrow. That will be close.Lets figure out a road tour for this.I have installed perogi wipers. perogi air, and perogi shocks based on advise from our road trip fearless leader.I can now leave cook county without worries.
Yeah, I tried to get us to be a stop on the SR tour. They never even bothered to answer us. Guess we don't spend enough on advertising with them? I hope to see MOST of you guys at the Garage Days / Open House on the 20th. SUNDAY, not SATURDAY. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. 8am is the start time. Maybe if it's not raining, I can join you guys for breakfast on Saturday. What time and where do you all meet?
Chucks BBQ, 79th and Central, on the southside[where else] of street.Looks like rain for Saturday.Sunday looks perfect for a swap meet.
Wer'e back from Viva.Had a great time, took a few photos with the Vegas HAMB and EGG group.We will show and tell at breakfast on Sat. I took 30 rolls of film.oh my...But I wont print everyone. It cost way too many $$$$$. Thinking of selecting about 75-100 photos , and making a hard cover book of our Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly weekend. But that wont be done for a few weeks. see you on Sat.
would be in to catching you guys some time i live near peoria illinois so i couldent do it every weekend pm me if you want to talk to me later tyler
Yes I hear ya Pete, but the experience is more than worth the hour drive, Billrinaldi and I find it inspiraional. The people are just the best. Show up and feel the love. Jim
Forgot to mention the streetrodder deal at the roadster shop saturday at breakfast. It starts officially at 2pm, runs until 6pm. Im thinking we could leave after next saturdays breakfast if anyone wants to go. We'd get there a little early, see the shop, get a hot dog, and be home by mid afternoon.Might be easier given the distance some of us drive for hamb and eggs. If nobody else wants to drive, I'm riding the harley to save gas. Any ideas?
Forgot, we also have Troys on Monday afternoon. Manteno is closer for a lot of us. I never miss a chance to see that shop.
Looks like theyre going to autometer in sycamore first, probably getting lunch there, so I would guess 3 to 4 in the afternoon. No penalty for showing up a little early.
The afternoon time works perfect. I'll probably leave right from the dealership. I hope the weather cooperates! If you want to stop by here first, it's fine by me. Jack
I most likely will miss breakfast Sat. a.m. My plan is to fire up the 37 at high noon and head north to Roadster Shop. NO POLKA MUSIC. Send me a pm if you need a ride. Bill
Oh WOE!! Oh lousy planning on my part!! One of the things I REALLY want to go to is the shop tours on the Street Rodder tour. And I CAN'T!!! My wife and I are COMMITED to a week long family event, starting Saturday. And follow that up with a 3 week vacation. I'm not going to be on the HOT ROD circuit until June!! NUTS!! Oh well, see you all in a month or so. billrinaldi
Think I'll do the same. leave here about noon. DO NOT go up there on 294, its a real mess past Ohare all the way to cheeseland. Was on it yesterday. Try 355.
Report, a few of us made the roadster shop open house. Killer shop, first class.Lots of projects to look at.Didnt make Troys.Have we had a meet and greet at GG Indy in the past?Whos going?
Hellfish, there is usually a good number of the south side gang up at Chucks on any given Saturday. Shit I think PALOSFV and OLDBOBSIGN never miss a week. I usually make it at least once a month myself ( sometimes family gets in the way!!) Come on over, It's my understanding that you ain't too far away . Remember, 7:00 AM , coffee's on and the bullshit's flowin !! See ya, Mike.
Who's in for tommorrow? Any auctions, Jim? Thanks for the camera I have to put tiger to work, and have him hang another shelf for my collection. Its over flowing, but in a good way. Tiger & I will be there. Hellfish, are you in yet?
I'm out for tomorrow and maybe a little while more. Wifes medical stuff so I need to play nurse, etc. for a bit. Have fun.
Id like to do somethin, but I lost a front Brake hose on the 56, rather than have Breakfast, Im gonna gather the parts and get her fixed! Have a good one! Ed PS: Who'd be interested in a Bonfire at the Pontiacres Ranch this summer, and whens the best Saturday for you Hambers?
Other than the major event dates just pick what works best for you and know "if you build it they will come". Thanks Pointiac, keep us informed and let us know if we can help make it happen.
Well this morning along with the usual suspects , we were graced with the presence of a new member of the breakfast gang, PETE MATTERSEN. Pete rolled in from Waterman just to hang out and shoot the bull!! It was nice to meet you Pete , I hope you were entertained this morning and we all hope to see you again . Now that spring is here ( well maybe not just yet !), maybe we will get to have eats with some more of youz HAMBers from around this fine area we call home . Remember, fire up them hot rod cars and trucks and head to breakfast at good old CHUCKS !! HA HA HA , Mike.
I had a blast meeting everyone. It will be good to get the car on the road and see you folks at some shows!