Some SHOW Pics from Bo Huffs Show in 07 if anyone gives a damn! Cant figure out how to upload images on the HAMB!#@!#@$!$! Go here HIGG'
didnt mean to be a dick, now that i re read it sure comes off that way. I was just saying i mean its an old show i would imagine there is already a thread on here about it.I dig some of huffs cars, sorry to all
Bo is one great guy, Saw him signing at Goodguys in Texas, I ask if he would sign my dash if he was ever in the area of my car, He said sure, stopped what he was doing and walked back with me to my car...1/2 mile away...Not only signed my dash, but a Mag showing his custom. Bo sat in my car and talked with all the group I came with for about 45 min....One Great car guy. Oh he also had one nice babe with him.......
Thanx for the support, I know the show pics are from 07 but you know how it is when you get older LOW & SLOWwwww!. Show was a good time lots of drinking and good music. People in that small town would just invite us in for BBQ w/no worries. Bitchin drive out to it from Cal and I think he gets his show goin around July I ll ask him
Hey Higg. Since you can't be reach via the HAMB through a PM or Email I went to your web site and sent a Email to your Sales Dept regarding the bed and tailgate you inquired about.