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Features VINTAGE SPRINT CAR PIC THREAD, 1965 and older only please.

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Joshua Shaw, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. Blacki-Suede
    Joined: May 19, 2008
    Posts: 202


    Josh, when are you at your shop? I am in town and would love to stop by.

    Blacki Suede (AKA Carroll Hamilton)
  2. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    There Tues to fri from 9 to 7 or 8.. CALL FIRST!! I do a lot of parts running..

    Number above.. I'll be there all day fri.. Good day to stop in. CALL FIRST, After 3:00 is better.. I leave my phone in the truck till then some days:D
  3. nsh57
    Joined: Mar 14, 2004
    Posts: 262


  4. lrs30
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 2,214

    from Kentucky

    way off topic here, but no luck anywhere else.. I'm looking for a manual Schroeder "style" steering gear, any ratio will do, nothing worth my right arm, maybe even one that needs a rebuild, on a budget (just in case my wife is reading this). P.M. me with info, once again sorry for the disruption back to your regularly scheduled program.
    BZNIEL would like to see that midget sometime.. I give you a shout here real soon...Also anybody heading to the "BURG" this weekend??
  5. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Yep, checked those out when you posted them.. VERY COOL! Thanks.


    About the Burg..

    Well, Its time I eat some crow (as Racer5c put it)

    The Burg is killer! The track is pretty cool.. Its banked about the same as KC. Its FAST! Is I predicted, No one ran up against the wall, but a cushion was layed about two thirds up and then the bottom held A TON of moister, so you had a two groove race track. One fella, at the begining of the night, assured me there would be NO passing.. But I had my doubts. Its non wing Sprint cars, Follow the leader shit is for WINGED UNITS! Well, the feature came and USAC star Shane Cottle found himself starting way back in the field due to some heat race misshaps. The green flag dropped and he was on a mission.. With a few cautions and a red light to help he made it up to third. The leader and Second place were to fast to get around.
    BUT more important, and what sold me on the place is the FACILITY!! It is without a doubt one of the nicest dirt track in the nation! You can't imagine how nice it is. Paved walk ways, Green grassy infield with a paved victory lane road, landscaping, huge new grandstands everywhere, the modified scales and tech area are inside a new building you drive thru, new speakers.. Its really impressive.. Its the kind of race track you wanna take your family to..
    I am really happy with it now, after all the bitching and crying.. The burg is gonna be fine.

    I'll see you there Sat.


    OH!! And the best thing I saw all night.. Take a guess who they hired to run the Tech barn and scales for the modifieds.. The guy that examines every car for cheaters.. KERRY NORRIS!! (one of the all time winningest modified driver at the burg, now retired he was NOT a favorite amongst other drivers due to his winning ways) HA!:D I bet there were so many drivers that pulled up to the tech and said "aww Shit!" Or they turned around and went and changed some stuff!! You'r not gonna get anything by that ol man!
    I love it!
    Joined: May 28, 2005
    Posts: 660


    lrs30 give me a shout sometime. No Burg this weekend for me, Late models on Friday and Demo Derby on Sat, I will be there the next Sat. though, And only 14 days till Sprint Week starts at the Burg.
  7. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Yeah I found that out about Burg today..

    They have comercials all over the radio about "FRIDAY NIGHT GRAND OPENING!!!"

    How are they gonna have a Grand opening without Sprint cars..


    "come on guys! we got beer, and music, and a Dj and lights, and poles and everything..." What about the stippers.. "UHhhh?"

    Damn Late models..


  8. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Damn boys.. we hit 100,000 views. Pretty cool.
  9. jusjunk
    Joined: Dec 3, 2004
    Posts: 3,138

    from Michigan

    sweet.. now tell me about the burg ??? grand opening??? sprints when..
    I need to know this shit as im trying to get out of roding and just follow racing...
    :) :)
  10. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Next Saturday. Be there around 5:30
  11. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Man.. Iv'e been trying to tell people for years that Late Models are BAD WATER stuff..

    They keep the Hillbillies out of the the Sprint cars,

    And here's photographic proof.:D:D

  12. brandon
    Joined: Jul 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,370


    thats funny stuff right there....:D i sorta miss all of that late model stuff......nah , not really...brandon:D
  13. Blacki-Suede
    Joined: May 19, 2008
    Posts: 202


    Please post some more stuff. Everytime I go to the "last page" I get this topless Budwieser guy, Budwieser car - whatever. Not a good thing...

    Congrats to all for over 100,000

  14. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    As you wish Mr. Hamilton..

    I think these will do..:D

    The men behind the greatest racing powerplant in history.. (No, its not the Hemi... These guys figured that shit out way before dodge)

    Come to think of it, these guys figured out EVERYTHING BEFORE EVERYBODY!!

    Leo Goossen


    Harry Miller


    Fred Offenhauser



    There creation at work..




    Check out that Sprocket!!




    And ofcoarse.. The last one.:(


    J Shaw
  15. Way to go! Corngrower32! Those are neat photos! Great Post! Thanks!:D
    Joined: Jun 6, 2007
    Posts: 5,779


    Beautiful! I especially like the 99 car and the bicycle LSR midget. Gonna send that one to my bicycle-racing son.
  17. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    This picture cracks me up! That Goof ass on the bike has SHORTS ON!! Thats gonna feel good on pavement.. Cool looking drilled sprocket... and read the fine print, "an UNSUCCESSFULL ATTEMPT at 150 mph on a bike at B-ville.. OUCH!!:eek:

    Also, if I read this right.. That Midget ran 100+ mph!!! WITH ALL THAT DRAG! That couldn't have handled to good. Damn...
  18. the shadow
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,105

    the shadow

    figured I'd post a few pics of my champ car (early sprint) tribute car. I usually post stuff when I am done but I ran out of disposable funds so other then finishing the side panels and fab'ing the sheet metal intake and header I will have to let her sit till I come into some cash :)confused::rolleyes:). this is not a period correct or a parts correct racer ,I built it going off of pictures ,common sense and advice from fellow hamb'rs. I used what I had laying around the shop and what I could buy cheap. I fab'd the frame from scratch. the front end is a 48 ford,the rear is a 39 ford,the engine and trans are both from a 31 model a,steering is a 68 dodge box,wheels are 16" x 4.5" ford wires with 6.50-16's all around ( I liked to switch the front 2 for 5.0/5.25's if I can find a pair?) fiber glass is speedway. I made a few mistakes on it but hey thats all part of seat of the pants building + I'm a drag racer not a roundy round guy LOL! I plan on welding an alum fairing around the steering wheel/cowl area and blending (beating/hammering/filing & sanding) it into the hood (which is not done). the side panels , not made yet, will be louvered and the car eventually all white with my uncles name & number on it ...hence the "tribute car".
    he ran sprints in the 50's and unfortunatly was killed doing it.

    hope you guys like it so far

    Attached Files:

  19. the shadow
    Joined: Mar 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,105

    the shadow

    here's another pic of ronnie housholder, my late uncle was named after him

    Attached Files:

  20. I'm looking back into the dregs of my aged mind; and, it seems to me that some goofballs tried, or beat, these guys' record. I think it was the late forties, early fifties. The setup was the same; but the car was a Kurtis. I can't remember the driver; but, I believe the kook on the bike was Jack Disney (no relation to Mickey Mouse). Note, in the photo, the viewer in the shroud. At least the dodo on the bike could see where he was gonna hit.:rolleyes:
  21. BZNEIL
    Joined: May 28, 2005
    Posts: 660


    Josh, I read that Offy Book with those pictures every couple of months and I still find things in the pictures I have never seen before.

    The Shadow, I love your project. I am starting a tribute style midget, not exactly a dead on restoration, but made out of all the different parts I like.

    Here is what I am starting with. It was supposedly built in Wisconsin around 1980 and run at Sun Prairie with a Chevy II. The rear cage does not really match the rest of the car, I think it was redone at sometime. I am going to redo the back section to match an earlier Edmunds style car that I have the blueprints for. From the motor plate forward matches up with pretty well with an earlier car so I am probably going to run it as is. The big question is do I want to redo the rear cage to make it the vintage style or cut off the cage completely and rework the frame to be cage less. Again I am not trying to build a completely historically accurate car, Just one that has just the right "look". Cage or no cage it will have a full body with nose and grill and full belly pan. The few years right before and right after cages are when Sprints and Midgets looked the best to me and that is the look I am trying to capture.



  22. Race Artist
    Joined: Feb 9, 2008
    Posts: 954

    Race Artist

    Damn! What a great group of photos. Thanks for posting them. But the shot below that you posted is the tops! Nothing going on today could ever top this racing. What open wheel racing and Indy cars need is a return to dirt miles with stuff like this being a big part of the championship. If this would happen (doubt it would though) then all of a sudden the whole complexion of modern championship racing would change and racers could truly climb the ladder again. Just my two cents.

  23. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
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    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    Came across this link on the Track Forum board today: There's 4 amature vids of champ cars at Springfield in the mid 60s. A.J. and the gang and champ cars on 2 wheel trailers pulled by station wagons. :) There's also a vid. of midgets at a unknown banked asphalt track taken in about the mid 60s. I recognized Mel K. but not the others, maybe you "back east" guys will know the track. BUT... be warned these are very slow to download.
  24. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
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    Joshua Shaw

    I just didn't have the words for that picture above.. Its still setting in. Utter Chaos in perfect form..

    That picture speaks volumes about the men, the cars, the tracks, the time... I wish I coulda been there.

    Shadow! That cars looking great. I was wondering how you were doing on it. You'll get it done...

    BZNEIL.. Nice find. I'd leave the cage on there. I'm a big fan of cageless cars but I'd leave that one on there.. Its a cage car, that big upright tube in the back is part of the frame design.. But more importantly.. Build what YOU remember.. Hell with what "they" say. I want an 80's champ car because those were the cars that hooked me when I was a kid.
    I found a 1980's Coors Light silver bullet car and I know I'm gonna end up buying that damn thing, Because those were some of the meanest cars I can remember!!:rolleyes: You ass didn't sit in a Coors car unless you were a stud.:cool:

    Put the old style body on it, all the old parts.. It will be a beautiful car! Ask yourself this.. If you could have one of Rich Voglers famous midgets with an early cage would you turn it down cause its a cage car? HELL NO!!

  25. hemifarris
    Joined: Sep 30, 2005
    Posts: 2,321


    Many of these cars are fabulous works of art.Thanks guys for posting these great pictures ......Mike
  26. BZNEIL
    Joined: May 28, 2005
    Posts: 660


    I agree, I may leave the cage, but the back 2 tubes are just plain ugly to me and they have to go. The whole car is 1.25 tubing except the back tubes, they are 1.5 and they just don't flow into the rest of the cage. I am also going to run the big fiberglass tank cover instead of a modern tail tank and it won't fit around that upright. It actually looks like it might not be that hard to change some things around to get the look I want.

    Those coors cars were bad ass. I had a model kit of one and would spin hours just staring at the chassis figuring out how everything worked. You should definitely get it.
  27. Wow Corngrower! That dyno pic is wild. 3 guys reading the gauge for that highest# and a dude holding the throttle wide open not quite the "dyno cell of today. Kinda reminds me of the old shop of Chet Wilson. Open the window to run the headers outside. And the H-P gauge was recalibrated with for the big power engines of 400 and 500 horse-power>>>>.
  28. wally bell
    Joined: Apr 15, 2008
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    wally bell
    from VA.

  29. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

  30. Race Artist
    Joined: Feb 9, 2008
    Posts: 954

    Race Artist

    Father's day has passed but here's one of my father at Nutley Velodrome in 1938. The photog is unknown, probably the track photographer. My father was 25 at the time and the car was Harley powered with a chain drive.

    Attached Files:

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