An old girlfriend once said,"you have a collection of collections".I have race programs,Pabst signs,business cards,stickers,old models,advertising,BMW motorcycles,x wives,on and on.
You mean you collect everything that comes along. Way to go eventually you will get something that will be worth good money later. I went to aguys house about 4 years ago to buy a couple of 97 carby's and he collected those old style bench drills that have big gears on them and were hand wound, the old version of a pedestal drill. Real nice, I would ave known they existed till then. He had long benches made up and they were fitted to the benches side by side in a kind of display situation Best part was I got the carbs for $5 each and went back for more later. Bought all his 94's as well for $5 each. I guess he did not know much about collecting carbs.
(A)collect post cards of our little tourist town on the about 400 different from 1900-1960's (B) Ontario license plates 1911 to 1979 (went to stickers) (C) Hot wheels, only ones that look like cars.. (D)drag race memoribilia from our local track I tried collecting money, that failed.. Rick (1939fiat)
I've got about 70 different Saint Christopher medals, all of them have a car on them, very rare to find a motorcycle on one.
OMG that is classic!! at least he is smiling at you and not beating the window begging for food. That is a unique/rare collection for sure, have you ried to score some Big Boys yet? kinda on the same line as what you have maybe bigger. i have a friend who collects neon signs and gas stations (yes the whole enchilada) his property in Arkansas has a building just to house the signs and the station is on the back 40 by his home. he has some pretty nifty stuff there to say the least.
I am with 21tat, I must have been collecting body fat for some time now as I sure have a big collection damn nuisance carrying your collection every where you go. I like Lost n Austin's cabinet display there sure is a lot to look at and pedal cars wow nice carpark display. I met some English folks who collected those cardboard drink mats you get in a bar, they try to get new unused ones and they have a whole wall of cork panel where they pin them up, they have them from some unusual bars and from many countries. Something different and have great fun getting them.
I am trying to collect all 50 states 1932 liscence plates. Got quite a few and a couple really hard to get but need a bunch more. If any of you can help pm me. I could have had a few more but I'm to damn cheap to pay some of the wild prices out there. I also collect materials from the Lienenkugal brewing co. of Chippewa Falls Wi. Great beer even greater art.
I think i have one 1932 license plate, but I would have to check in my shop some time to know what State it comes from. Yeah I had a time trying to get a 1936 Alaska plare, I guess there were not so many cars up there in 36 so you would find it even harder for 32 I am sure. You dont collect Canadian plates but I am still looking for a 1936 Northwest Territories plate, just recently got a 1936 New Foundland plate and I was looking for at least 1 year for that. I also found a 1936 Manila Philippines plate so I bought it.
Old soda bottles. I especially like bottles from companies that are no longer in business or are from some obscure company that no one's ever heard of. When I am crawling through junkyards, looking for cool stuff to bolt to my car, I always try to look in the trunks, back seats and floorboards of old cars. Garage sales are fun, too. One time I was fishing and found a very nice old bottle from a defunct Fort Worth bottling company. It says, "High Grade Cola". I also like to collect modern root beer. You'd be slightly amazed, then quite bored, at how many different brands are being produced today.
Turns out I have 3 x 1932 plates might be the start of a collection! I have NJ, ND and CO. The CO ones are like brand new and are a pair.
Diecast landspeed record cars. Some set the record others didn't. I also collect Shelby Cobra stuff along with a few other momentos from my racing past.
He knows if he pounds on the window he gets squirted with the hose. We have considered a Bob's Big Boy but really liked the A&W statues since they were quite a bit older. They only made them for a couple years in the late 1960s so they're getting really tough to find complete sets of them. The 2 Papa Burger statues we have are each 8' 6" tall. and almost as wide. Your friends collection sounds amazing. What brand of station does he have? We hope to be at that point someday. We keep going back and forth on a vintage stainless steel diner. Seems like it would make a pretty cool home office.
I have two sets of Snap-On medium well, std and metric in 1/4" and 3/8" drive with flex head ratchets and extension sets that have saved the day many a time. After you have used those ratchets especially the 3/8" one with the bent handle and flex head, everything else feels like a club. If I need more than I can put on that ratchet I get out the impact or a 1/2" breaker bar and piece of pipe. Their 3/8" flex head torque wrench is nice too, very smooth and works great in tight spots like you get into with anything but something sitting on an engine stand, great for retorquing head bolts. The flank drive wrenches are great too, they just have the angles figured out. Trying to get something done with anything else is just unpleasant. I have busted enough knuckles to say that. I'll take Snap-On thank you! I like old beer signs and whiskey decanters. My favorite is the "short timer" helmet and boots Jim Beam decanter.
I have a collection of Shriner Fez's I have about 40 of them from and original one from one of the founding members to recent ones....
I collect shot glasses too. I try to buy my wife and my pop a glass everywhere I go. I try not to double them up.
I'm a little OCD so I have to be careful collecting. First was redline hotwheels, sold them. Then found a box of small GI Joes, collected more- sold them. Started hunting old big GI Joes- got them and my model car collection stolen. Can't hardly resist old tools. Currently fascinated with antique wood chisels- have quite a few. I think I collect old mag wheels too.
The way I am going with my eye sight right now I may start collecting reading glasses. I feel like a drunk hiding pairs of glasses every where just so I have a pair near by when I need to read some small print etc.