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O/T ...Farmer sends message to neighbors with CAR FENCE !!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by NITROFC, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. octane
    Joined: May 8, 2006
    Posts: 339

    from Virginia

    A good buddy of mine has a farm in rural North Carolina. A lot of the neighboring farmers sold off their land for subdivisions and he's one of the last remaining farms. The back of his land is bordered by a river and on the opposite bank of the river are a bunch of vinyl village neighborhoods. Last spring one of his foals, Rio, fell into the river and drowned. He had been missing for a week and the family was really upset. My buddy Johnny assumed he'd been stolen until he spotted Rio's body in the river.

    The kids especially were pretty upset, but Johnny got his backhoe and pulled Rio from the river and dug a grave and the family buried the horse (before he started to stink and piss off the neighbors, who are always looking for something to file a complaint about). One of his neighbors sees the horse go into the ground and starts calling every gov't agency she can think of to find something wrong. Well, she finds a loophole. To prevent pig farmers from burying carcasses and polluting waterways there is a N.C. law that says no animal or waste can be buried within 300 feet of tidal water. Of course this wasn't meant to prevent someone from burying a young horse that was essentially a family pet, which is what the agent that responded to the complaint told Johnny, but the agent had to enforce the law regardless. So Johnny has three days to comply...which means exhume the horse and rebury it or face serious fines and court dates.

    So Johnny exhumes the horse, measures exactly 300 feet from the river bank, reburies the horse and erects a 30 foot high cross and memorial in tribute to Rio on top of the grave. This thing was enormous and tacky, and looked right into the back yards and back windows of all these idiots that bought cheap houses next to a farmer who'd been on the land for generations and complain about the farm. I don't believe anyone has filed any complaints recently.
  2. temper_mental
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
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    from Texas

    The funny part is when you kill the rooster for food the same people will try to have you arrested for animal cruelty
  3. FNG
    Joined: Jan 22, 2006
    Posts: 422

    from New Jersey
    1. HAMB Relays

    I love it and would do it in a heartbeat but living in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey I would be getting a visit from the D.E.P. in a heartbeat. My friend planted a 31 Ford Pick Up in his front yard with my help and in the bed he put topsoil and planter a bunch of flowers. It looked really cool and he had plans for the rest of it but b4 he could finish the job the local yuppie scum down the road called the state on him for burring a motor vehicle. I was there when the inspector showed up with is ticket book to give him a fine. We asked what for and he said it was illegal to bury a vehicle in the ground because of the gas and oil in it. We couldn't stop laughing; I had to show the genius that the gas tank and the engine were both out of the truck probably 50 years before he was born for that matter. I told him we dragged it out of the woods behind the farm and after talking circles around this dope he left my friend alone. So of course now I have to find one for my front yard.
    I wish people could just mind their dammed business
  4. gas4blood
    Joined: Nov 19, 2005
    Posts: 787

    from Kansas

    Another angle on what the heck are you moving here for!?

    My yard is natural grass down to the pond. The back and sides are corn. The 80 acres to our south sold to developers. 27 high dollar houses, about 20 done now. "You should be glad, it raises the value of your property!" My reply is"My land is not for sale, I don't WANT higher property values, taxes, and noise!" I will say they listened to me when I mentioned that the required sodium lights would ruin the night sky, the cancelled that requirement and put in required little bitty lights on the mailboxes. Now the 117 acrea across the road is for sale at $11K an acre. Greedy bastards...and the county lets developers apply for variances AFTER they buy land...I hope it never sells, if it does I hope they keep the 5 acre minimum. The jerks on the county commission lowered it to 2.5 acres on the southern one, and a few miles away they lowered it to 1/4th of an acre. Why move into the "country" and live on a city plot!! I a fussy and obnoxious straw chewing country dude now? Probably!:eek: If ya want to live in a neighborhood, stay in the city!!!:mad:
  5. jimmyv
    Joined: Dec 1, 2006
    Posts: 620


    The same people who complained about the rooster own the land next to ours. We had horses in our pasture and you can only see them from our barn/pasture or from their pasture. One day a animal control officer shows up and asked if we had horses. I said yes. He said they had a report that they were not being cared for properly. I took him to our barn full of hay and feed and our horses all came running up to the barn. He said I don't see a thing wrong. I said I'll show you some horses being mistreated. We walked over to the fence between our pasture and the "complainer". I pointed out 1 horse with several open wounds that were bleeding and one with a halter and lead rope dragging along the ground that you could tell had been on the animal for weeks if not months it also had several cuts. My oldest daughter was always trying to put ointment on the horses over there but they were very skittish and she usually could not get close to them. The next day all the horses next door were gone and they have not had any since. That's been a good 5 or 6 years ago and I have not heard a word from them.
  6. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,002


    How many windmills are you allowed per acre? Do they have to be functional, are you required to lube them?
  7. revkev6
    Joined: Jun 13, 2006
    Posts: 3,350

    from ma

    had a similar houses built then complain later story in my home town.

    national guard/civilian airport built in wwii, staging area for aircraft headed to europe. there are some ponds right near it. someone thought it would be a great idea to build a housing development near the ponds. couple years later the new home owners are petitioning the town to shut down the airport. after failing at that, a 1/4 mile dirt track goes in leasing airport property right at the end of the runway. The operators clear an area that the homowners had been complaining about while building the track. all is good. after the track starts up the homowners try to get the track shut down on a noise violation.

    track owner goes and offers the leader of the complainers 10k to stop the complaint and he agrees. Just so happens to get it on tape and play it for the town planning board. no more complaints from the homowners after that
  8. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
    Posts: 2,500

    from covina CA

    this is a great idea. loud ,rusty,squeeky, non functioning windmills outta shut em up
  9. Slide
    Joined: May 11, 2004
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that you can't have one without the other.:confused::rolleyes:
  10. Brodie Smith
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 27

    Brodie Smith

    It's the same thing at my two favorite race tracks. In Antioch they can't drive past eleven or else its a $1000 a minute, and up at Infineon Raceway, some guy who lives on the hill whines cuz the Top Fuel cars keep him up at night. My personal opinion is if they don't like it they shouldn't have built their house there, and need to move. They're the kind of people youjust wanna ask "What's it like to be a freaking idiot?" They need to save the world some space and just stop breathing.

  11. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    "this is my piece of dirt and i was here first..your rambling dont rattle me.."

    if they dont like the dust and the smell and the flys..than why the fuck did they move into a farming community..bunchaduchebags!
    people like this need to have a labotomy..too bad there will not be much to remove:eek:

    thats like moving next to an airport and saying they dont like the sound of aircraft and want to close down the airport..or saction the airport hours of opperation..comon people get a freaking life..go dig a hole and get off the ground we tread on..really now
  12. flynbrian48
    Joined: Mar 10, 2008
    Posts: 8,508


    Here, a gravel contracter wanted to by several hundred acres of farmland to develop a gravel mine, which, when the operation was complete, 15 or 20 years from now, would leave a large man made lake, and be developed by the same firm with high end housing.

    Of course, the high end housing residents adjacent to the property howled, hired lawyers, and stopped the project. Immediatly, the property was purchased by a HUGE dairy operation, and now, instead of gravel trucks, and an eventual lake, the neighbors now look at several thousand cattle, a retention lagoon for waste, and constant heavy truck and tractor traffic hauling milk, manure, and the biggest tillage equipment you've ever seen down their quiet country road.

    I almost feel bad for them, except there is a 3,000 head CFO dairy operation surrounding my little property, and a hog operation a mile south of us. I must say, I don't mind the cow smell as much as when the wind blows from the south and we catch a whiff of hog. It's bad, really, really bad:rolleyes:!!

  13. BangerMatt
    Joined: Mar 3, 2008
    Posts: 465


    Doesn't just save space, it also decreases their "carbon footprint". :rolleyes:
  14. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,002


    Danbury, Connecticut Airport has been there forever, even Charles Lindbergh keept a plane hangered there. A few years ago a restored B-17 was flying in and out giving rides to support its maintenance and hornor all the guys that flew in them in WWII. Guy that lives in a Yuppie McMansion that was in the flightpath told me his wife called the FAA to bitch about the noise SIX times in one day. Clueless dumbfucks.
  15. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    i hope the FAA told her where to get off
  16. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 32,002


    Ten guys died in every B-17 that didn't make it home...............and that BITCH had the nerve to call the FAA.
  17. SlamCouver
    Joined: Jun 26, 2006
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    from Brazil, IL

    Its nothing new.
  18. SlamCouver
    Joined: Jun 26, 2006
    Posts: 2,000

    from Brazil, IL

    P.S. id dig em up and drive em till the wheels fell off.
  19. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
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    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    and if i was the FAA reg. she called that day..thats probably what she would have heard on the other end..with a "good day mam" at the end
  20. Paul Y
    Joined: Dec 29, 2006
    Posts: 633

    Paul Y

    It is the same here. Brands Hatch has been a motor racing circuit for over 60 years. They built a housing estate their about 10 years ago and we now get complaints from the neigbours about the tyre squeal.....

    What the hell are these people doing home during the day and if they dont like the noise why the hell did they buy a house next to a motor racing circuit??

    Hate them nearly as much as tree huggers....

    We live in the middle of a farm, the smell and noise are just part and parcel of the benfits of living in an area of outstanding natural beauty...

    Kudos to the farmer.

  21. hotrod40coupe
    Joined: Apr 8, 2007
    Posts: 2,561


    The greatest dragstrip ever built, Lions, fell victim to this kind of bullshit. When they built Lions, it was in the middle of nowhere. The closest housing were some tenaments that used to be Navy housing during WWII. It opened in 1955 and the last drag race was 1972. The really sad part is; the strip is still there, they just tore up the entrance and stacked up a bunch of huge pipes so you can't get in. The only sounds I ever heard from there was music to my ears.
  22. zzford
    Joined: May 5, 2005
    Posts: 1,822


    My cousin owns a home with his commercal welding shop next door. The house and the shop were built by his and my dads, 53 years ago. It is in a beautiful area in central Massachusetts. This was in the middle of New England farm country. Sure enough, as soon as the farm next door was sold and subdivided into home lots, the new neighbors began to complain about the welding shop. Fortunately, they can't do a thing as the shop has been there so long. I, too, cannot understand how these assbags expect that just because they moved in, the world should change to suit them. Assholes!
  23. I have never understood why someone would move away from some place because they did not like it there. Then as soon as they land in the new place they try to change it to be like where they just came from. We have gotten a lot of that in the Ozarks in the last decade. OldWolf
  24. I would imagine every HAMBer has their own story like this. I know I have a few. I checked all my local laws, and I'm getting back at my neighbors by painting my house wacky colors and covering the lawn with giant robots made out of pieces of junk. Actually, even if I didn't get any complaints, that's what I was gonna do anyway. Fuck 'em if they have no sense of humor.
    I never understood the whole complaining neighbor thing. When will these people learn that being wound-up and pissed off will just make themselves more miserable and give 'em stress-related heart attacks and high blood pressure? I think people would be a lot healthier if they would just leave other people alone and let some things roll off their backs.
    Seems like the most miserable people live in giant McMansions, all with the same tan-colored siding, all driving the same lame SUVs and minivans, all with the same dull, boring, 9-to-5 jobs. They think all this shit is their key to happiness, but then they can't be happy unless they're bitching about something.
    Meanwhile, the guy living in the little weird cottage, with all the krazy lawn ornaments, driving the old jalopy, HE'S the one that's happiest, and he's the one who's gonna grow nice and old with his giant beard and live a good life. You know the type. Every town has one, and I hope to someday be that guy.
  25. 31whitey
    Joined: Jan 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,214


    I knew a guy once

    got sick of the neighbors cop calln

    painted in HUGE black letters" FUCK OFF"

    on the side of his own house

    the location was directly facing his ass wipe neighbors bay window

    those curtains never were opened again

    told the cops it was vandals...left it up for months

    neighbor moved
  26. flatblackindustries
    Joined: Oct 7, 2006
    Posts: 645

    from Ogden, UT

    "Good fences make good neighbors"

    Almost makes me miss Utah.
  27. NYfatboy
    Joined: Oct 5, 2005
    Posts: 247


    Talking about airports,Howard Beach was a real cheap place to buy a home in the '40's & '50's because of Idlewild airport. Now airport is known as Kennedy,and Howard beach is one of the more expensive places in NYC.The people wanted the flight paths changed so as not to disturb them. I dont know how it ended up,I moved away.Took my shit upstate,and where I moved, one side is a biker,and the other side the guy likes later model cars.I'm in heaven(for now!)
  28. TP
    Joined: Dec 13, 2001
    Posts: 2,023

    from conroe tx

    I am a superintendant for a foundation company. My day starts at 3:00 in the morning. I pour in all of the high dollar sub divisions around Houston. I will go in and pour every house in the sub division at times. I am now in one that the 1 million dollar duplexes are beginning to have home owners in them. Last week I had a pour set up for 7:00 o'clock. I brought my pump in and at 6:45 started setting it up to pump the house. An older[older then me anyway}English gentleman came running outside in his $500.00 house coat and told me I could not pour that house because his wife was sleeping. I explained to him that I didn't have the luxuery of sleeping in that I had that house[6,000 s.f.} and two more to pour before I quit for the day. Things went down hill quick and I told him to get his old ass in the house and leave my guys alone. I explained it was the same situation when I poured his house. He called the law and wanted to file on me for using abusive language. The officer ask if he could have one of the doughnuts from the box that I had brought for my hands. I told him sure. He proceded to tell the old guy that by law I could and most likely would start my next pour at 5:00. He was living in a construction zone . Officer told him if he called again he would site him for false police report. No more problems . Today started another week though and it'll be some other idiot. can't wait to retire and move to the farm.
  29. Brodie Smith
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 27

    Brodie Smith

    The same thing happened to Fremont Drag strip, and Sacramento is still there but it's fighting the same problem right now
  30. Good point.

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