Here are some pics of my 32 3 window I am building. It has been a long expensive project and I am beggining to get burnt out. I was wondering what someone may think it was worth wand what you guys opinions are. I have lots of other parts like bomber seats, bomber tanks, weld wheels, the list goes on and on
Here are some pics of my 32 3 window I am building. It has been a long expensive project and I am beggining to get burnt out. I was wondering what someone may think it was worth wand what you guys opinions are. I have lots of other parts like bomber seats, bomber tanks, weld wheels, the list goes on and on[/quote]
geez man I hope you didnt spend tooooo much I meen... you made it look like an old dirt tracker thats sat outside for 3 decades
Thats a pic of the motor when I bought it out of my brothers 32. I changed the intake to a 3 duece set up
Man, you have the worst of it behind you. Don't give up yet. Take a break for a while. Build it cheap & dirty & get it on the road where you can enjoy it. It doesn't all have to be chrome & polish straight out of the gate. JH
step back from the car awhile , eventually you will want to finish it and enjoy it.. dont give up , finish it man!
FWIW I think youve whacked the top too much, IMO its taken away the shape of the roof and made the tops of the doors kinda square looking... not keen on the wheels either.
never sell your 32!!!!!!!.... the top look`s wicked how much did you take out of it ? we need more pictures and check out this 32 site
The car is looking good! I like the chop, it's just enough. You've done all the hard work, you just need to take a break until you feel inspired to get back into it. Here's some inspiration pics...
Don't give up now!Take a brake if you have to.your passion for it will come back, go to a few car shows or some therapy.
If you're going to sell it, finish the car (chassis, electrical, etc.) to the point that it's driveable-it'll be worth a hell of a lot more than how it sits now. Try to get it drriveable w/o puting a ton of extra $$$ into it. It's worth a pretty penny as it sits, but if you can drive it (in bare metal, Weld wheels and all) to a few runs, put it on the market and take some offers. You may be able to trade for a less costly car that's finished such as an A or a Custom, etc. if that's what you're after.
Here are some more pics. I gathered up 2 old bomber tanks and made one of them into a battery box and the other my gas tank.
If you don't finish the car after all you've done so far you'll regret it until the day you die. I can't imagine the effort to get it to this point. Just close the garage and go climb a mountain or something and eventually you'll get re-inspired to finish it. Be sure to keep us updated on the progress when you get back to it. Frank