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Came close to punching out a junk collector...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Gas Giant, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. Gas Giant
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 402

    Gas Giant

    lol I hope he tries to get my stuff while I'm at work. My bro is a Marine and is staying with me while he's on leave. It would actually be funny.
  2. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    I had guys cut the cables off 100 junk keyboards just to sell 'em for copper one day!

  3. FoMoCoPower
    Joined: Feb 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,493


    I have a good friend that has been our area "junk man" for 30+ years,he respects peoples property and never makes a mess,in turn he has people calling him all of the time to come get things.It has paid for his many toys,and even helped pay off his house.

    Well,the last few years we have had a surge of illegals moving into our area and competing with,he is stopped by the police on a regular basis because these filthy fucks are tearing through peoples garbage,going up driveways,over fences,etc,etc,basically taking things however which way the can. Now he is looked down on,it`s just not right.

    I was pulling up to another friend`s house one day this summer,only to see a scrapping truck parked out front and my buddy wasn` home. (I drive a Crown Victoria ex-squad) I pull into his driveway and find a mexican dragging my buddy`s lawnmwer out from behind the house....he see`s my car and takes off running ......LEAVING HIS TRUCK!
  4. hombres ruin
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 3,320

    hombres ruin

    i would have punched the loser in his junk..assholes at every turn nowadays
  5. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Did he ever come back for it?


  6. Fidget
    Joined: Sep 10, 2004
    Posts: 1,013



    I have to second what everyone else said about keeping a close eye on your stuff since dickhead knows whats in there now.

    Metal companies around here don't give a shit. It'll all be melted down in a short time, evidence gone! Dipshits here stole the aluminum benches from the Woodburn Drag Strip not to long ago. $50k to replace for the couple hundred they got for them. Another big story locally was a tweeker security guard at a local estate/landmark let her tweeker friends come in and steal the bronze statues from the grounds. They were caught, but this story was all over the news for a long time. When they turned in the bronze they had only cut the statues up in chunks, so it's not as if the metal company didn't notice bronze hands, legs, arms, and heads being turned in. It's all money for them.
  7. Camel
    Joined: Apr 9, 2008
    Posts: 83

    from oroville

    Was he named Lamont and driving a faded red 51 ford pickup? If he was you'd better watch out for his old man!
  8. Actually there was usually a morality lesson in those shows. I don't recall Fred or Lamont actually stealing, except maybe trying to get over on "The Man". Shit, Fred's "Emipre" would be in danger from thieves nowadays!
  9. Harris
    Joined: Feb 15, 2007
    Posts: 863


    A few months ago, I was two blocks from my house when I noticed a POS nissan in front of my house - guy was jacking my hubs that were on the side of the house - almost ran my wife's volvo into his truck when I skidded to a halt - he said (in spanish) that he was just trying to get the garbage away from my house. I told him if it was garbage I'd have put it on the curb - he kindly took all my items from his truck and placed them back - I did a quick inventory and one of my hubs was missing... I tell him to get it out of his truck or I'd get my gun and then call the cops... Sure enough he had hid it in a scrap fridge - fuckin asshole hasn't been back since.

    Really do need to get a gun I guess....
  10. ThatOne49
    Joined: Aug 28, 2008
    Posts: 72


    Some guy at the very first show me and my dad ever took the '35 ford to was tellin us all about this PERFECT 53 Ford that he bought at Barret Jackson for like $53k, blah blah blah and how he wanted to trade. So a few days later we go down and meet the guy n check out his Ford which has a For Sale sign in the back window for "$9,000 OBO". It was a nice car, a decent 10 foot paint job, ugly underbody and ugly under the hood. After talkin for a bit, he pulls me aside while my dad is gettin a better look and says to me "Ya know, this is worth more than your car, right?", mind you, we just spent $16k or so building the coupe which is a all steel 600hp pump gas daily driver.... yeah.. I told the guy "No thanks" and told the dad "DO NOT TRADE" and walked away while pops talked to him some more. The guy is Wyatt Earps grandson or something, idk if he thought that meant his car was worth more or somethin.

    If you want something someone is selling, dont tell them their car/item/whatever is junk or worthless.

    Be careful. Lock your shit up. One time me and my pops were workin on the '35 ford, runnin the engine and tuning it and shit. with the open headers, you cant hear much, but some mexicans (the kind that looked and sounded like they just got done hoppin the fence) had walked up asking if they could buy my '30 Bantam Roadster (ex-altered) for like $700 or $800, I told em no, it wasnt for sale and especially not for that price (i had just paid $3300 or so for it like 5 or 6 months earlier), anyways, a few weeks later our welders disappeared. Wasnt that big of a deal, they were just some cheap Harbor Freight stick and wire feed welders, I didnt exactly miss em. I figure they walked up and checked the place out, came back and took what they thought was valuable..... the harbor freight welders.

    Whoever it was, they didnt touch the tire and wheel setup on the coupe ($1500+ and was only in mock up and held up with 2 lugs), didnt touch the 4 or 5 blower setups on the shelves, didnt touch the carbs (double pumpers, holley 94's, quadrajets, etc), shocks, springs, none of the other tools.

    I was more humored than mad, but after that I got a lil more strict on the garage security.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  11. 53sled
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 5,817

    from KCMO

    Exactly. I keep mine in the back, behind a fence, in the garage whenever possible. My neighbors know the cars that belong in my driveway, and they tell me when there are strange rangers in the neighborhood.
  12. slepe67
    Joined: Jan 22, 2008
    Posts: 1,146


    kinda wierd coincidence...A guy pulled up to my neighbors last week, and noticed he had a bunch of stoves, washers, etc (he was going to make a fishing reef out of them). The guy stops by, and tells him he'll take em off his hands. My neighbor declines, so the next day, the jack hole reports him to our housing development office, and reports that his junk is an eyesore....I am the only person who can see it, and I sure as hell didn't report it! What a fuck stain...
  13. Brad54
    Joined: Apr 15, 2004
    Posts: 6,021

    from Atl Ga

    Should have called your buddy and told him to meet you at the scrap yard--some guy just dropped off a truck for you to scrap.

  14. Wowcars
    Joined: May 10, 2001
    Posts: 1,027


    I made this sign for my backyard, maybe I need to make more. :D

  15. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
    Posts: 2,500

    from covina CA

    WHAT?! A texan without a gun! now ive heard everything :D
  16. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    It always kind of freaks me out when another dude looks at my "stuff"... or my "junk"...

  17. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    I spy a '59 Cadillac back there... ;)

    That's worth more to me than some of my family members, at any rate...


  18. Gas Giant
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 402

    Gas Giant

    haha I like that sign. I'd have to get it in English and Spanish for this area though.
  19. 62rebel
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
    Posts: 3,233


    it's not just wandering scroungers here in Charleston; the very people that get paid to read gas, water, and electric meters are expected to report on "inop" vehicles or "junk" of whatever type. and of course these people are exempt from trespassing laws.
    i'd be concerned that NOW this POS has a bone to pick and might be smart enough to notify the local code officer.

    some people just need killing. this was probably one of them.
  20. Gas Giant
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 402

    Gas Giant

    Hopefully not. Unless I am working on them, the cars are always in the garage out of sight. I'll have to look and see what the ordinances are on that.
  21. RancheroMan
    Joined: Mar 31, 2006
    Posts: 260


    i'd give him 2 cents and a black eye for that remark.
    you're on mark telling him to f### off!
  22. JAWS
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,848


    Sad thing is, he didn't learn a thing. He left, went and did the same thing to someone else.
  23. norms30a
    Joined: Jul 17, 2008
    Posts: 593


    I agree with breeder, watch out!
  24. BigBlockMopar
    Joined: Feb 4, 2006
    Posts: 1,361


    Damnit I hate these kinda topics that show how some 'humans' really can be when it comes to money.
    Aren't there any good 'payback-stories' about this? I want to hear sweet revenge stories. Broken jaws, black eyes, kicked in teeth, blown out brains... well, maybe not the last one, but damn, it seems like almost every f*cking metalthieve gets away with crap like this these days.
  25. bulletproof1
    Joined: Feb 23, 2004
    Posts: 2,079

    from tulsa okla

    a guy came by my grandmas place looked it over and said he would haul everything off for $150.3 complete cars over a dozen dead lawn motors, 8 or so dead motors/trannys/rearends.lots of bent sheet metal/car parts.40 years of grandpas random shit...ive taken out 3 BIG trailer loads. didnt make a dent!
  26. Every now and then I will get someone that stops infront of my driveway and asks if I have an old dead motor for scrap I just tell them no and they go away. I did give a guy some cracked 360 mopar heads once. He drove by with a load of junk from the neighbors and I flagged him down tho.

    I have this printed up and posted below the "No Soliciting" sighn on the glass/screen door...and the bastards still ignore it even tho it is right next to the doorbell.

    Before you ring the doorbell answer these questions...

    -What if the person that lives here is sleeping?

    -What if the person that lives here doesn't want me here?

    -Am I invited?

    -Do I know what the term "NO SOLICITING" means?

    -Do I like getting yelled at?

    -Do I like to waist my time?

    -Do I really like this stupid job enough to put up with this crap?

    -Do I like getting yelled at???

    If you are a little kid and are trying to sell cookies just leave a sample on the doorstep and get lost.
    If you are old enough to know better just get lost.
  27. Falcon Gasser
    Joined: Aug 29, 2007
    Posts: 940

    Falcon Gasser

    I give you alot of credit for not beating the S--- out of him. I had some guy do something like this when I had my 65 Comet, and it was in running condition. I can ignore it the first time but after that its enough. Well you are still alive so you passed your stress test for the month.

    Jon Tomkins
  28. panic
    Joined: Jan 3, 2004
    Posts: 1,450


    Great problem solving here.
    You: have a house, cars, blah but no idea who he is.
    He: has nothing, but knows where you live.

    You: think the appropriate response for someone annoying you is to beat him up.
    He: thinks the appropriate response to someone beating him up is:
    1. stab you
    2. shoot you
    3. come back in 5 minutes with 10 friends and beat you to a bloody pulp
    4. come back tonite and burn your house down

    I guess you've all been lucky so far.
  29. Brad54
    Joined: Apr 15, 2004
    Posts: 6,021

    from Atl Ga

    Not quite. After beating him up, you call the police and have the guy hauled out in cuffs, a police report taken, and the warning that if he's caught here again, this will seem like a day at the beach, followed up with the cold hard fact that if anything happens to any of the property (stolen, burned, grafitti'd, etc), he's on the short-short list of people the police will be coming to question.

    I learned my lesson by letting some bum wash the mildew off my house. I had a $200 40-foot aluminum ladder stored outside behind my house, and when I went to use it a month later, it was gone.

    I understand that certain members of society are predators and pray on the rest of us law-abiding, just-goin'-about-our-business types. What I don't understand is the tendency of some to think it's just fine and dandy for these wolves to keep picking off bits from the flock, and that it's wrong to eliminate these predators from the rest of us. A wolf is a wolf, whether it's on two legs of four, and when they can't get by without poaching us, they need to be treated like the vermin they are.

  30. LesterB
    Joined: Jul 22, 2007
    Posts: 25


    I had a guy show up at my place and offer me 200 bucks for my 54 customeline parked next to my garage. I started out my garage telling him he was gonna look funny walkin out of my yard with 200 bucks shoved up his ass.

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