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scariest rides

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by bigblock225slant6, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Come to Ok. There is no telling how many Booniefolk claim they either have or have a friend who has a 165+mph towtruck! You learn pretty quick what kind of person you are talking to when you hear that story.
  2. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    dk on this one, he said it was a tube frame with a former dragster engine in it. it sounds like a dragster with two seats is all. it's possible but i need more proof. or the speedo could have read KPH not Mph
  3. TRuss
    Joined: Jan 7, 2007
    Posts: 549


    Do golf cart stories count?
  4. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    I guess if it rolls and includes the statement "hey y'alll watch this!!" or involves beers. I had a friend of mine slide down a hill upside down in one,after the afterformentioned beers
  5. TRuss
    Joined: Jan 7, 2007
    Posts: 549


    It doesn't meet those two requirements. But how about picked locks and returning one of them with them with 4 wheels and 3 tires and leaving the other one on the golf course?
    Joined: Aug 10, 2006
    Posts: 2,259


    It would have to be my old drag baot days and the scariest ride was every time i ran the flatbottom...good times
  7. sailingengineer
    Joined: May 17, 2007
    Posts: 14

    from CT

    My brother and I both drove at one point the vehicle called "the $50 dollar truck." Can you guess how much it was bought for? It was an 85 Nissan 2wd with manual everything and a 5speed, color faded blue,rust and dents. It quickly had beer caps epoxyed to the tailgate. The drivers door wouldn't open and the ebrake didn't work so you had to use a brick(the e-brick). Soon after owning it there is video of it 15' in the air. It got flames painted on it by our buddy who did flame work on the side. After My brother was done with it I got it. Happened to be the vehicle I learned stick on. What made it hard to learn was that the carb wouldn't hold idle. Why fix it it would cost more in parts the the whole truck? So stop signs and traffic lights were a combonation of both feet working all three pedals at the same time. Made for some interesting night especially in snow storms where you didn't go straight exactly more of a constant fishtail. Oh it was a fun beater until the drivers front brake seal let go.
  8. SquashThatFly
    Joined: Nov 24, 2005
    Posts: 723


    speaking of golf carts, in high school, my idiot little brother and some friends managed to "relieve" a very high end golf course of 9 golf carts. They made it back to the house with 4 carts AND the beer cart. Where are the other 4 you ask? One didnt float, one didnt have the power to jump the fence, and the other tow apparently had head on collisions so sever they didnt make it out of the storage building. 19K in restitution later, none of them have "borrowed" anything since
  9. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    hahahahahahahahhahahaha I guess that would involve a "hey y'all watch this!! and beer
  10. TRuss
    Joined: Jan 7, 2007
    Posts: 549


  11. 1320Paul
    Joined: Apr 28, 2007
    Posts: 288


    I'm sure this thing was a scary F'ing ride....

    Attached Files:

  12. Famous last words: Hold my beer and watch this!
  13. hey im only saying what i saw, the actual speed could have been around 120 for all i know, the guy is horrible with electronics, and they usually fail spectacularly when he touches them so i havent a clue, in fact.. im glad im not sure.
  14. str8Pipe65's
    Joined: Oct 10, 2007
    Posts: 272


  15. I am hoping and waiting for someone to post a tail that involves speeds to surpass the 250 MPH claim. Why question this speed, ....I want more scary stories!


  16. Hmmmm.... strange, unsafe and stupid.... and I wouldn't ride any of 'em! :D:D:D

    Strange = Bjork

    Unsafe = Courtney Love

    Stupid = Paris Hilton (One of the few non-skanky pictures of Paris Hilton,
    pictured with her intellectually superior dog courtesy of


    I also had a deathtrap 1969 Camaro in 1986 that had always been in Wisconsin. The salt destroyed the suspension mounts and I was constantly shoring up the front rear spring mounts with 2x4s and baling wire. I was 16 & still pretty dumb. I never wrecked the car, but spent plenty of time on the side of the road with it.

    I also had some scary towing experiences including having a 1953 Chevy pickup come off my tow dolly in an intersection. Ahhh... youth!

  17. Justin B
    Joined: Oct 11, 2003
    Posts: 2,276

    Justin B

    scariest ride i ever had was in a street sweeper, not one of those new ones but those big 70's mobile tanks. when i was 16 i worked for this comany that had several sweepers, they had the transmission rebuilt in one and needed someone to drive it back to the shop, so the owner and i head down there he drops me off and i head out in the sweeper. everythings going fine, on the freeway about 60mph real light drizzle not alot of traffic till i just get over the top of this hill and about 200yards ahead it's dead stopped and down to one lane for a construction zone. i let of the gas and nothing happens, shit, reach down and try to pull the pedal back but it won't move, shit, these things are around 6 tons and have a hydroboost setup for the power steering and brakes you can't even turn the steering wheel in them without the engine running so i can't shut it off, shit, try to get it into nuetral won't go, shit, yank on the emergency brake, mother fucker, shit, son of a bitch, the whole cab fills with smoke truck slides around 180 going backwards and kinda bounces off the concrete devider and comes to a stop.

    turns out the place that rebuilt the trans didn't put the bolts in the mount so the whole thing kinda moved around and the cable shift linkage got kinked. the trucks have the e-brake on the very front of the driveshaft and they hadn't put the boot back on the shifter so when i pulled the brake the smoke just kinda filled the cab. i sat in the cab for a couple minutes, some of the people behind me stopped to make sure i was ok, borrowed one of their cell phones called the boss and said i quit your sweepers on the side of the freeway and had a friend pick me up off the next exit.

    i've had some other pretty scarry rides but i thought that was going to be it for me and probably the people in the other cars if i had hit anyone. good thing the upholstry was brown or i probably would have gotten a bill to replace the seat.
  18. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    well i saw one today,guy had a tractor on a flatbed behind a pickup, hauled ass making a right turn into traffic, and the tractor slid OFF the edge of the flatbed. OH!! thats what those chains were for.
  19. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    well one time i was in a v8 powered golf cart and i hit the nitrous and got it up to 275, then a golf club got stuck under the gas pedal,and a squirrel had chewed through the brake hose.................LOL just kidding:D
  20. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    I love threads like this where there is no way to prove any of the claims, the participants are safe in their homes and no lie detector hooked up. A quick glance at the profiles of the posters is entertainment in itself.
    I'm in no way saying that any of the claimes should be brought into question but come on guys go into the bathroom and stare directly into the mirror and restate what you've written. If you blink during the retelling or take your stare off the guy looking back at you..............................GOTCHA!!! I don't need to explain.:)

  21. oldsman71
    Joined: Apr 9, 2008
    Posts: 1,037


    i rode with my dad in someone elses car(69 gto) when i was 12!! dont let my dad drive yer car! my teen age days driving (esp. with someone elses car) oh no!! im my dad!!!
  22. 62rebel
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
    Posts: 3,233


    this story comes with a disclaimer: i plead immunity and am still gonna change some details to hide the facts that can incarcerate.
    way back when, some HS buds were out one night causing trouble and decided to B and E and score a shitload of booze and beer. the vehicle used MAY have been an SS Chevelle; it coulda been a Pinto too, John Law. anyway; with four (or maybe five) teenage guys and a trunk filled with liquor bottles and cases of beer (or it might have been Kool Aid) the car went from speed demon to dead weight and handled like a pig on roller skates past 80mph on gravel roads... the kid driving got paranoid (like all pot smokers do from time to time) and swears he saw blue lights behind us... does a freaking hard right at 65-70mph through a barbwire fence into a cowfield and never lets up on the gas.i'm in the bitch seat and all i can see is three foot tall fescue being mowed down a foot or so in front of us at any time... (not wearing seat belts, any of us) and Mario Andretti is cutting more hay than a sidecut behind a John Deere trying to find his way out of the field. finally he finds the same gap he made getting in, realizes there were no cops, and peels out into the gravel road again. he's beat the living shit out of the "Pinto" and US for that matter, so we drive no lights back to his place and walk home... the next day, his BROTHER took all the booty and sold it to some college kids... we might have gotten a beer for our trouble. or a glass of Kool Aid.
    i don't know, i was at my grandmothers' that night, and she'd swear on it.

    we passed by that field a few days later in the daylight... there were a bunch of nice big oak trees that Mario Andretti might have tagged us into....
  23. Gabby
    Joined: Apr 14, 2007
    Posts: 314


    Driving my 38 Chevy to Louisville in 92, yes the flood year. Coming down the mountian out of Beckley, West Virginia doing 65 and passing a tractor trailer rig on a curve when the left rear axle comes out. My name is Earl and i do believe in karma.
  24. henry29
    Joined: Sep 5, 2007
    Posts: 2,879


    The other day I was driving my bone stock 60 horse vw beetle down the highway towards town when the guy who lives down the street from me pulls up beside me with his twin turbo 1,200 horse sallen s7. I look over and and see him laughing at me as we pull up to a red light.
    Well I dont like being laughed at when I'm driving my bug,
    so when the light turns green I floor it and dump the clucth, the wheels come off the ground about a foot and a half while I bang through the first three gears, I can hear him pulling hard behind me in fourth.
    Well I turn around and watch him for a few seconds and notice somthing moving in front of me out of the corner of my eye. I turn to look and see this Rolls Royce pull right out in front of me.
    I think for a second knowing I can't stop, when I see a roll back on the side of the road stopped to pick up a stalled late model buick.
    I swerved hard hit the ramp on the roll back, and ramped completly over this small two bedroom house that was for rent.
    When I landed I seen the highway had turned slightly and was now in front of me, so I floored it again and slid sidways right out on the highway in front of the sallen s7.
    The guy in the saleen was so upset he just got beat by a bug he wouldn't even pull up beside me at the next light. Oh yeah and I was doing 251 mph.
  25. bellydraggin63
    Joined: Sep 3, 2008
    Posts: 75


    id believe it!!!!
  26. harpboys4
    Joined: Jun 7, 2008
    Posts: 608

    from So Cal

    well there was this baldheaded hocker from eastbay.......wait not that kinda ride
  27. Pir8Darryl
    Joined: Jan 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,487


    LOL Some good oned here, but the BS is starting to get a little deep.

    I got one more for you... Not the scariest ride I ever had, but it puckerd up my but-hole pretty good.

    About 15 years ago I was helping a friend of mine move. The move was only about 2 miles down a heavily used city street [4 lanes]. At the time, I had an Isuzu 4 cyl pup truck as my daily. He had a Ford 250 and used it to pull a big "u-haul" type trailer to the new house. We went back for the last bit of stuff to load into my truck. Got everything except the car trailer. Planed to un-hook the ford and come back for it.

    Long story short, the wife and kids were unloading the trailer and had all the shit piled in the driveway, so there was no way to get the ford out. It was sunday, and it was getting late, so we made a last minute decision to use my pup-truck to haul the car trailer....

    Oh, the car trailer... Had a car already on it. A 1959 Chrysler Imperial. Also there were TONS of car parts piled on the trailer, including 3 early hemi's, which are close to 1000 lbs EACH! And this was one of the HEAVY DUTY 3 axle trailers. In all, probably 12,000 lbs of total weight.

    Yea, yea,,,, we all know it's too much weight... But it's only 2 miles of simple straight level road... We will just keep it at about 20 mph with the blinkers on... No problem... [yea, right] :rolleyes:

    So we hook up and head out. Nice and slow. It's one hell of a load, and 20 mph is about all it's capable of doing, but were almost there, when the light about 50 yards in front of me changes to red.

    Ok, hit the brakes.... Nothing happens... Stand on the brake pedal. All 4 wheels on the Isuzu lock up, but were still going forward at 20 mph... Just screeching along towards the red light at a leisurely 20 mph with all 4 tires on my 'pup screaming for their lives.

    Just as we got to the innersection, still going about 12-15 mph, the entire rig jack-knives, and spins to a stop dead center in the innersection..... Ok, deep breath... No damage done, didn't hit anything and nothing hit us... Let's get outa here! Hit the gas, and nothing happens, the motor just revs??? :confused:

    Got out and discovered that when it jack-knived, the rear bumper of my pup had ridden up and over the frame rail of the trailer, and the pass rear wheel was an inch off the ground. The "incident" had pushed the trailer's tongue down to the pavement.... Hmmmmm... What to do????

    We un-hooked the trailer from my bumper, and there was a tremendous "POP" as the weight unloaded. The back of my 'pup jumped about a foot in the air!

    Drove it off, backed it up, re-hooked, and continued the final 1/2 mile at about 2 mph. :D

    'Last mini-truck I'll ever own!
  28. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    that was good.
  29. Koz
    Joined: May 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,762


    I bought a 48 Ford coupe from some guy in New York a few years ago and went with my brother in law to pick it up. The guy told us we could flat tow it the 200+ miles home, no problem. He forgot to tell me there was no steering wheel and very bad brakes. My only alternative at 9:00 p.m. was to steer home with a pair of vice grips on the shaft. Interesting at least!

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