I met a distant relative of my wife who told me her deceased father had an Army Navy Surplus store on Long Island. She mentioned she has a number of aero and nautical items her father got from warehouse auctions and had saved them when he closed the business. She mentioned having a few "canopies" which I presumed meant old parachutes. I got interested when she pulled out pics of a Grumman TBF Avenger and said they are Avenger cockpit canopies!. She said she also had about a dozen metal seats with camo cushions, and other cokpit items. She is actually looking for an air museum or restoration organization who would appreciate the items. I mentioned that traditional Hot Rod enthusiasts might be interested in certain aero items. She was curious but not too interested. Any specifics I can ask about the seats and what other aero items of interest?. I hope to get a better idea or pics with further conversation. < When I post to this group I check to see what I said that will cause someone more traditional , to flame me a new A-hole... > Powerband
In Detroit, we have the Yankee Air Museum that is dedicated to the old war birds. The old hangar (built WW2) burned down & they are looking to replace a lot of items that got lost. www.yankeeairmuseum.org I would also suggest that you look at the old Wendover Air Museum, near Bonneville, UT. The county is trying to upgrade the displays in thier collection after years of neglect by the city. You can get the phone # from information, ask for Karen when you call there. We have already donated a couple of things there. Larry
There is alos the Aerospace museum just outside of Omaha, They always have some kind of restoration going on.
PM Django here. he works with a group around ChoTown that plays with old Warbirds. He will at least have some solid contact #s
The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum in Reading, PA would be thrilled to have those items donated. The have been restoring a Black Widow night fighter for several years to add to their vast collection of WWII planes and artifacts....plus they are good folks and long time friends of mine.
Thanks for the info and please keep it coming... . I'm going to hand it over to her. I am curious what makes a "trad hot rod" bomber seat?.. I see repo's at some pretty high prices. Are originals unobtanium , too pricey or too sacred for us grunts?. Powerband
Tell her there's already enough stuff in air museums and hot rodders could actually USE that stuff instead of just storing it forever lettin it go to waste in an archive storage barn.
there is a museum right on Long Island in Garden City.......The Cradle of Aviation . I beleive they take donations
The EAA museum in Oshkosh, WI may have use for them, they always have some sort of resto going on: http://www.airventuremuseum.org/
She mentioned that place herself, I'd never heard of it. . I guess she donated or has some stuff there on display. I just met her and will get more info as I can. Powerband