I like HRD, the historical content is awesome and the articles are well written, great photography yadda yadda yadda I hope it sticks around...but if it doesn't, I'll always have TRK and thats fine by me cause I effin' love TRK
I've changed my view point A LOT in the last few years- but I suppose having your favorite print magazine let you go because someone else can do it cheaper will do that to you
Where's Bill Burke when you really need him? You're right about the ad sales, the ad guys that called on me when I owned an agency were enthusiasts as well as scam artists when it came to promoting parts from my clients for their personal rides! Quick story; Bill Burke was whining that his wife really needed a car. So we did a deal with Nickey Chevrolet and Bill got a new six cylinder Camaro on a swinging deal. However, he threw in a BBC and ran it a Bonneville instead of letting his wife use it as a grocery getter! Bill made more money selling ads at Petersen than anyone else except Pete.
You are CORRECT!- I mean to tell you I quite often agree with you too Brandon- and am totally jealous of you Barris dune buggies! Good work man! Jim
Bless you. I'm sure the data and all the variables have been gone over thoroughly by Ryan. If he says so, it must be so.
Yeah, I was in the building when they were putting the first issue together and I was not "cool enough" either. Even my long term friendship with the Choppers car club and their request to have me write the story on them could not get the hipsters to take the story away from the "cooler" dude who ordered pencils and paper and answered the phone for Hot Rod- he was not even on the staff of ANY magazine. And he DID NOT want to write the story and was NOT into cars PERIOD! They did ask me to look at a couple of the cover proposals for the second issue and that was all I heard about it. From what I knew Lasky was only the ad sales guy and went nuts for it pretty much after the title was already dead. I know the people that put together the magazine- and it wasn't him.
It's hard to beat Traditional Rod and Kulture, well photgraphed and a quality rag. They seem more particular than most in which cars they choose.
I'm a natural skeptic when it comes to new magazines. OSR was kinda cool for the first 3-4 issues, then really went to hell. That said, the new HRD is an outstanding mag to me for a few reasons. The first being the feature cars are super cool, traditional rods. The photography is excellent. The articles are well written. Finally, it is one of the few "traditionally" minded mags that I get good technical info out of. Last issues article on 6 pin Chevs was a real winner. The latest issues Flathead build was a home run too. Traditional rods and customs will always be where my heart is, but as a gearhead I like to gain as much technical info as I can, which is one of the reasons I still read Hot Rod and Car Craft. HRD puts the two together for me. I will miss it if it goes away
I like HRD for the mere fact that they actually cover cars, I mean, big pics of them, tech articles, stuff from the way back machines and so on. Really tired of bullshit tiny photo collages of car shows that do not show anything and some of the so called "Art" features really suck. I know they try to cover the "Lifestyle" but who's lifestyle? Car guys? I don't think so. Shit, might as well bring back Autobuff! And do I really need to see a pic of someone pin striping a fucking tool box or something in every issue? I sure hope HRD and TR&K stick around. But what do I know, I still buy $20 dollar Japanese car mags! Color Me Gone!
I like the mag. It is great with cool historical references. I am friends with the editors brother(jerry pitt) and he (the editor) is very passionate about the quality and the direction of the mag. I really hope to see have a successful future. And they are looking to do more car features, I have been approached to have one of my cars shot for the mag, they are just looking for new stuff that has not been published in any of the "other" rags.
I love it. It's not Blacktop Graffiti but... Serioulsy Trad Rod and Kulture is damn fine. Some compared my first issue with Trad and I took it as a compliment. And Hot Rod deluxe is damn cool. I actually reread both of those titles. As for too many ads in 'zines? Check BG out! We hardly have any! Maybe 'cause I suck at selling ads more than anything. So that job is still open! Ha ha! Of course I will buy just about anything with a hot rod in it. If you don't believe me look in my basement.
Thanks JimA.. I appreciate it... I know we are on the same page most of the time... I don't know what'll happen with the buggies but I wish we got there a day earlier. FWIW, I think HRD is a decent magazine, but I think it's a little late... there are already too many magazines covering the traditional stuff. Everyone and their mother has a magazine with whitewalls and flatheads in it. Funny how the one who was basically there first has to be the last to the party ten years later. Rod & Custom is already doing a fine job. They could absorb HRD and nobody would know... just run the cool archives stuff from Hot Rod. The only boon to HRD is their distribution ability and I hope it sways the OSR readers into getting a little more appreciative of the traditional stuff and away from the rat rods and 70% cars. Education is the key.... Lasky was in to the "scene" as it was, and he viewed the cars like most of us viewed the music... a sideshow. Thankfully the others, (Zombie, Shag, and Galo) were gearheads and we have TR&K today... hot rodding does look good at the moment.
I can relate to that ,Jim. I find it ironic that "the Kulture" has developed a serious attitude towards anyone that doesn't look the part no matter how traditional their ride.It's becoming as snobbish as the gold chainers that they originally detested.
I think it's both sides of the fence. The "kulture" included cars but was made up of much more... the "cars" included the kulture but was made up of much more... the overlap was where things became problematic. Many hot rodders have the right car and the wrong hair, and many scenesters have the right hair and no car at all. Some have no hair and no car and some have the hair and the car.. it depends on where you stand as to which direction your rocks are being thrown. A good car speaks for itself. Period.
Dude, it's time to be honest with yourself... You were caught on the receiving end of a compromising situation--had you been on the other end, you probably would have been the one who kept "his" job.
Yes, and my friend Street Rodders didn't get my car at all in 1991 built from all that "old junk". At the time I was 25 and it would be another 10 years before I would find the HAMB that would be followed by all the "scene-zines". If I had built my car 10 years later I could have been a lifestyle hero- but by 2001 I was over black primer and red wheels and couldn't afford to build a car like it if I tried.
Yeah ... I mentioned it a few weeks ago ... thread got nuked! Dunno why, I started it, went to work, got home, it was gone.
Originally Posted by Sam F. i think they should change the name to OZ mag,,,, OZ is to TRK as Bo Huff is to OSR. so, do you think r&k should pass up on some of the oz features? personally, i feel the 63 t-bird, the 50 merc, and the 47 caddy were great features, and i would love to see as much from oz's shop as i can. everything out of the shop is way traditional and top quality. zombie