I'm really surprised that nobody came up with W.C. Fields comments on this : "Dogs are an antidote to an inferiorty complex" "Anybody who hates kids and dogs can't be all bad" Leave your dogs home PLEASE.
No Shit and the funniest part of it all is all the people that worry about a dog at a swap meet, Hershey is home to a lot of people for a week that live 100's to 1000's of miles away, if a dog bothers you stay home.
Its not that many of these people dont like dogs (as posted above, Im a dog lover, as well as maybe a dog hunter when Im really tired), its just not fair to the dog. I actually love seeing dogs anywhere, anytime, but seeing a dog being forced to be amongst thousands of strangers, walking all day with little rest and the possibility of dehydration often leads me to questioning the owners proper treatment of their pet.
Althogh the dog in this advert would be ok he could drive home the car you buy at the swap meet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5q5SSK7qEw
Just some food for thought for those that want to bring there dogs to shows. Not every one likes dogs I can take them or leave them but my son was bit when he was young and now fears them. This makes it real hard for me to get him to go with me to shows with me. If I get him to a show and there's dogs there its a short stay and a sad day out with my boy. We are working hard to help him with this fear but there is a time and place to deal with it but not at a car show.
People who bring dogs to car shows cruises, etc are idiots - only exception is helper or seeing eye dogs.
Welcome to the HAMB, that is a very good point about little kids & dogs. Never dawned on me years ago that little kids wouldn't like my two Labs, until I thought of the size differance. Make the Lab horse size and an adult will get a kids view of things.
Just checked back in on my post. Thanks for all of the narrow minded dumba__ responses. Actually, maybe I should have asked what policy is, not opinion. My two SMALL well bahaved dogs (better than some people I know) are treated just fine. Dehaydration isn't a problem since we carry a water container with us. We also carry bags to be used to pick up after them. Usually carry the dogs as well. They have managed quite nicely at many an antique show/exhibit witghout complaints or problems. Only coming in for the day and only plan on spending about $2500. on restoration parts. My apologies if I have wasted anyones time with their response. Guess I need to reASSES my question next time around.
They're now finding out dogs can sniff out cancer. Can you give him a big whiff of rod parts, then he points 'em out, take him. I have a dog, but too hard deal with when I'm carryin' a tri-power. Guess I shoulda' gotten a Husky...........
Surprisingly, there seems to be a large contingent of dog haters in the hot rod world. bad dogs, bad people, bad cars - commonality "bad" good dog, good people, good cars - commonality "good" Bad people seem to have bad behaving dogs and kids, and oddly, bad cars. Good people seem to have good well behaved dogs and kids, and also oddly, nicer cars. Strange how those things seem to go together. Good people seem to know how to control their dogs and kids and/or when it is best to leave them home and bad people seem not to. Along with the bad dogs and kids, it would be even nicer if the worst of the bunch, the bad adults, would stay home as well and save everyone else the trouble of the other 2 at the same time.
Yeah....ask a question, and then piss and moan when you get an honest answer. Sounds like my ex-wife.
I won't take my lab to a show, i'll just line up some old tires in a row and let him pee on them, he doesn't know the difference. a tire is a tire.
If you weren't ready for honest responses on an open forum,then why pose the question? On a serious note;most shows do not allow dogs(again unless they're "working" dogs) or for that matter pets of any kind due to their insurance policy. Should the animal feel threatened or angered and act,who stands liable for the action? If you feel the need to have your animal accompany you to a show,call the host club and ask if the animal is welcome first and save yourself some time. Funny,you never see traditional hot rods interacting at a kennel club show? One backfire and it'd be the end of that! Isn't your old vehicle a member of your family?
....and as far as being a "dog hater" goes, not liking them at swap meets doesn't translate into hating them. I don't hate my one year old nephew, but I wouldn't take him to Hershey either.
Seems EVERY dog owner says "my dog is well behaived" including me. More then one person has met my pittbull jumping towards them at the gate for me to say "shes just a lover, don't be afraid". She is. One of our friends will tell you the same about her pitt, or would anyway untill last Sat night when her pitt attacked her and she got 30+ stiches,,,,in her face. 3 weeks ago she told me, as I walked in the door, "shes a sweetheart, never bit anyone".
As the folks said: You asked and they answered. As far as "well behaved small dogs", I've seen the small yappers be a lot more of a pain in the ass to the surrounding people and other animals than a larger dog. My Aussie goes almost everywhere with me but he doesn't get to go to car shows, swapmeets or Friday night cruise night. Staying home for the day when I leave the house in fun clothes instead of "Work" clothes may tick him off but it won't hurt him and I don't have to worry about having people mad at me for him using their tire as a pisser. Unless you have to travel way too many miles and don't have a dog sitter I'd say let them stay at home for the day and they will appreciate it more than the people around you.
i set up and sell at swap meets if you bring a dog bring something to pick up after them . many times people let there dogs take a dump in front of my space then i have to smell it or some one steps in. it leave the dogs home
I'll repeat, the original question was whether they were allowed at Hershey. Nobody has yet answered that question. Guess I'm asking the wrong crowd. Thanks for your honest opinions though.
More than once I have seen inconsiderate dog owners take their dogs to the swap meets. Most dogs seem to have an uncontrollable urge to go after each other when they see each other.Even when leashed a large dog can overcome a startled owner. Fighting dogs will bite anything and anyone that gets too close....seen it happen.The rules at the gate state no pets allowed but a combination of don,t give a shit employees and don,t give a fuck dog owners allows too many animals in the meet. Just asking for a lawsuit......
Ratmotor, Thanks for the reply to my original question. That's all I wanted to know. I will find a way to make arrangements to leave them home for the day. Thanks again. Ken
I DID! You chose not to read it! If you are as smart as you think you are POST it on the AACA Forum. My two Labs stay home, so should your ankle biters.