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We're loosing the younger generation !!!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Toqwik, Sep 21, 2008.

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  1. Toqwik
    Joined: Feb 1, 2003
    Posts: 1,311


    I am sure many of you are like me and visit other boards than the HAMB. It seems lately on the other boards there are a rash of newbies talking about comming here and getting blasted. I see all this "take a kid to a car show" crap and the "how nice it was to see a younger kid interested in these old cars", but for many it is a bunch of crap. We all say we want to keep rodding alive, but many are chasing these people away. If you drive your car any at all, and it's in primer, someone, somewhere has called it a rat rod. If this happened to you at a show, a kid calls your unfinished project a rat rod, would you act the same? They don't understand that is taboo here. They only know they have an interest in these types of cars and want to learn more. We are sending these kids to sites they don't need to go to. They are trying to build suspensions from the advise of other cretins who have no business with access to computers. Those of you in business, you are telling potential customers to piss-off, you don't want their business. these might be the customers that mean the difference in you having an ok year in business or having a great year. These are potential Rodders Journal customers, these are future Alliance Members, these may be the person that has that last missing piece you need to complete your project. All I am saying is we need to give these people a break. Just because of 2 words we shouldn't riddicule them. I know, we all had it rough when we came in, I remember Germ ripped me a new one, but that is besides the point. Without the efforts of Ryan to set up this great site, and all the knowledgable people that helped me when I had no clue what I was doing, I would have never been able to pull off a build on my own. I just think we should think little when those 2 words come up.
  2. skwurl
    Joined: Aug 25, 2008
    Posts: 1,620


    Hope DOCWATSON sees this.
  3. gearsforguts
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
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    from temple,pa

  4. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    ...the sky is falling...signed...chicken little
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  5. Goztrider
    Joined: Feb 17, 2007
    Posts: 3,066

    from Tulsa, OK

    Damn... looks like I got here first!

    Yeah, there are those who bash here, but typically the bashing comes with a little bit of education - namely, read and pay attention before your post.

    My first posts weren't of the quality and camber required of the HAMB. That being said, I was 'educated' through some of the individuals here. I've been bashed, beaten, and abused. But... because I was interested in what was being offered HERE, I did what was required and have been here for a year and a half, and am MUCH MUCH MUCH more knowledgeable than I ever was before.

    Looking around here is free. Posting is free as well. Tapping into the knowledge of those OFGs here seems to be priceless, but it isn't - rather, it comes with the price of intelligence and knowing when to keep your mouth shut and pay attention.

    I'll throw a case in point at you. I like to think that I am one of those lucky individuals in this world to call 3wLarry a friend. He's always lurking here on the board, but he doesn't post just to post. He's far from an elitist, but he'll offer advice and opinions as he sees fit. When he comments on a build or thread, it's golden.

    Another worthy individual here is the great squirrel. Jim is a great guy, and has given me up some wonderful money saving advice before, and I've even had the pleasure of grilling burgers for he and his lovely wife. Now, one of our cats was molesting her foot, and I hope she wasn't completley motified, but what can I do?

    Bruce Lancaster is another guy I hope to have the pleasure of meeting one day. He's a wealth of knowledge, and I believe truly enjoys the opportunities to share it with all of us. He's offered me manuals to help adapt my M-26 Pershing Tank carbs to work on my 350 chevy engine. The only 'fee' (if you can call it that) he's asked for is knowing it worked!

    These are just a mere FEW of those here who'll help. I missed getting to see and/or meet Germ here, but I'm sure I'da enjoyed him as well. Thing is, there is a pennance for being here, and that is sitting down, shutting your mouth, and paying attention. AND.... and... this must be done for longer than it takes to play a video game.
  6. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    If this is true, how do you explain the rapid growth of members here? It's up to 54,000 or something, right? All of us old farts? No new young guys?
  7. Goztrider
    Joined: Feb 17, 2007
    Posts: 3,066

    from Tulsa, OK

    Figures I talk about him and he beats me to the punch!
  8. cfish50chevy
    Joined: Aug 31, 2005
    Posts: 579


    WOW...havent read o post like this in a while but strangly enough I met a 17 year old kid the other day at a local show who knows that hot rodding will always be a huge part in his life and he has a strong passion for it...said he doesnt come here because he asked a question 1 time and got smart ass remark so he went elsewhere to get his problem fixed(flathead related..nothing O/T)...I told him to come back and try again so I hope i encouraged his return? That pissed me off that I had to defend the HAMB in that regard...this place is great for teaching people who want to learn...please keep that in mind while replying to FNG's!

  9. Yep... GOLDEN. :D:D:D:D:D:D

    I think we should build a HAMB spanking machine and if you can last 5 minutes in it you can stay.

  10. SlowandLow63
    Joined: Sep 18, 2004
    Posts: 5,958

    from Central NJ

    This is going to get ugly. All I can say is, you need to put in your time. If your first post is how to patina my paint job, then ya, your gonna get killed. But for every FNG that has posted a thread like that, there is the same number or more that have posted about "Look at my project, please help me" and gotten great advice. The first one I think of when it comes to mind is Solo909. He asked the dumbest questions about his Merc. But every one of them got answered with a little flaming mixed in and he didn't run home to mommy.
  11. Maybe some younger folk should learn a golden rule, said many different ways.

    You have 2 ears and one mouth, listen twice as much as you talk.

    Better to have people think you are a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

    Why speak, when you can listen?

    If the noobs would read the SIMPLE outlines at the top of each forum rather then instantly jump in with complete disregard to standards,,,, the board would work a lot smoother.
  12. Saxon
    Joined: Aug 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,155

    from MN

    What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Can't put a square peg in a round hole.

    I joined and didn't really post for about 6 months. I have made some gratuitous posts... like this one.

    I actually joined a "R" word site first, but found that a lot of the hardcore guys turned to this site for the real-deal info. So really, I was directed here from a "R-word" site. Since I have bought a few things from members here.
  13. BinderRod
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,737


    It is no differant than some of the old guys asking what color to paint there wheels or what color of flake should I use. The old guys don't get jumped like the FNGs. If we all built our cars the same it would be like driving around in yello taxi cabs.

    I have my blind fold on and a smoke lit. So bash away
  14. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    Some of those so called young kids are actually trolls. If you actually lurked on some of the other boards they gain great pleasure in coming over here and post using the term "Rat Rod" just to still up stit. They go back to their boards, post the link, and everyone laughs about it.

    If a true newbie kids lurks around here first, like the rest of us did, you can pick up pretty quickly what terms are "taboo".......posting questions and comments here on the HAMB isn't rocket science....even a teenager can do it successfully when they apply themselves.:rolleyes:
  15. Well , I'll say this, my son David has a great interest in all things hot rod. He comes with me to almost all the shows and cruise nites I attend and really pays attention to everything. His biggest interest lies in fenderless Model A's but he is happy that he is the new owner of my old 36 chevy truck. He has met a lot of the South West Chicago HAMB and EGGERS , LOVES the Hunnert Car Pile-UP and at this time he is trying to come up with his own HAMB handle. He is only 15 but he cant wait till he has his OWN hot rod on the road so he can go to the hot rod events and park next to his old man. Maybe he is an exception because he isnt interested in newer cars but I believe there are alot of other youngersters out just like him , and they deserve the chance to evolve into US. Hell, my Dad taught me all he knew about working on cars and didnt once belittle me or make me feel stupid , why should we treat the younger generation this way? If they ask if your unfinished car is a rat rod, why not just calmly explain to them our hobby. Its not really their fault that the media has come up with ignorant and derrrogatory terms like rat rod and pushed them off on the noncar people. These kids just need our leadership to learn the way. Its our duty as HOT RODDERS! Mike
  16. dagenesta
    Joined: Feb 26, 2008
    Posts: 42


    FNG here. This place has a rep of being rude to FNG's. SO, I hesitate to post anything.

    I have learned a ton from reading stuff here. I just don't ask any questions cuz I know I'll get blasted for asking a dumb question and being an FNG.

    BTW, I'm 28.
  17. I concure. I am 23 and have been following the H.A.M.B. since I was in the Veedub crowd in H.S. I actually found the H.A.M.B. through and came on here to scope out all the cool history and technical articles everyone has posted over the years. I am a Fucking New Guy/but not really. Because I have been checking this site for a long time. This is the only forum I have ever joined and I am amazed at the number of traditional rodder guys we have in Bako who have never heard of the H.A.M.B.

    I agree with the r-word junk I hate it. I feel it is associated with a silly stereo type of a rust bucket piece that is finished. Its like trying to explain the whole a muscle car was after 1964 thing, a hot rod is an older car built along traditionalism i.e. flathead or pre 60's engines/parts, and a street rod is a IFS, 9 inch, tubbed, monster motored non street friendly car that gets drivin' only occasionally. There are many other classifications for all the types of styles out there. I won't even touch talk about (K)ustums. We all like what we like.

    In all reality the youth need the older guys to learn from and I feel the bashing on here is bad/good. We need to be told "thats not right. Want to know how I would do it?" By the older guys because that helps us progress. On the other end of the spectrum I like to hear when an ol' rodder comes up and says, "Thats some nice work", "Who did it." Its positive re-inforcement when I say, "Me" and then they say something along the lines of "Cool" or "Where did you learn that?" "Well I looked and asked others how they did it and the pros and cons, then built it my way to my liking." I like the whole attitude on here. Its what makes us all individuals and the youth who care stick around through all the bull. Speak your mind that is what the forums are about. Just try to look at it a little from other peoples perception before you post.-Weeks
  18. hotroddaddy
    Joined: Jun 26, 2007
    Posts: 193

    from jax, fla

    Good topic!! Needs to be said. Just because someone is old or been on here ten years does not make them an expert! Ive taught just as many old guys tricks as old guys have taught me. Everybody should think before they speak, not just FNG`s
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2008
  19. Toqwik
    Joined: Feb 1, 2003
    Posts: 1,311


    Poverty, I'm not saying we are loosing membership, but how many of the newbies are actively posting? I'm not trying to stir shit, but I hear it quite often about here, and have also turned people onto this site and they won't return. Rat rods are doing to this generation what the traditional rod did for earlier generations. I don't believe all these people want to build what our defination is of a rat rod. I could almost guarantee that most of them want to build them as safe as possible. They use to be called jalopies, then traditional rods, maybe it is just progress. I'm just glad to see em getting away from the imports. They give up on big three stuff and some day to find a cheap sbc will be like now trying to find a 32 Coupe for $300.00
  20. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,479

    from California

    I never will understand people getting all pissy over the term RAT ROD. makes no sense whatsoever. like the post the other day some noob wanted to see pics of "rat rods and T buckets" or something like that and people acted like he took a dump on the hood of thier car.
  21. BinderRod
    Joined: Jul 9, 2006
    Posts: 1,737


    I had a neighbor years back. I would have guessed his age at 75. I was at his house helping with one of his projects. He turned to me and ask if I thought I would know more when I was older. I answered of course. He then ask me why people think old people are stupid. I just stood there thinking about what he just said.
    I told him I had never thought about it like that. That was 30 years ago and I will never forget.
    I believe that we older gents just need to help shape the next generation of rodders.
  22. In all seriousness... the HAMB won't make anyone a hot rodder.


    If some runny-nosed pussy get whipped on here or in a parking lot at the A&W, for whatever reason, and decides not to continue doing what they love... then I don't think they REALLY love it.

    I think the hobby will survive without those that don't "get it"....

    Now I'm going back to plans for my spanking machine...
    Canoe paddles... check
    Buggy springs... check
    Fly swatter... check

  23. bloodyjack
    Joined: Aug 29, 2007
    Posts: 649


    Most of the younger guys I know that are into hot rods are also into the lifestyle as well and that seems to be ridiculed here.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
    This seems wrong to me and I think people with tattoos, cuffed jeans and butter heads are just as credible as some old retired fart spending big bucks on old speed equipment for there flathead. In fact the guys that have caused the price of old stuff to rocket are just as bad as the billet checkbook guys<o:p></o:p>
    By the way here is a photo of my latest Rat Rod project!<o:p></o:p>

  24. BBobb
    Joined: Feb 5, 2007
    Posts: 1,865


    There are some really fine and solid points coming out in this thread .... I supose i will cool my role and keep reading . I am a FNG
  25. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    Well, I can understand what you are getting at. And I can't change the world, but why can't they just call them JALOPIES? After all, this is the message board of the Jalopy Journal, not "the rat rodders journal."
  26. NotNuRodz
    Joined: May 18, 2008
    Posts: 282


    I'm 15 and willing to say it is a little intimidating here when i ask questions, I think some people willnt take me seriously. I started working on my Model A in the 7th grade and i read and studied every issue of Hot Rod from the 60's i've got my hands on
    here is a picture of me in my model a (this picture was actually taken today)
  27. Saxon
    Joined: Aug 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,155

    from MN

    I remember this post, further on the post the guy said "ohhhh I get it".
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2008
  28. povertyflats
    Joined: Jan 8, 2007
    Posts: 8,283

    from Missouri

    Dude, nice JALOPY!!!
  29. injunjoes
    Joined: May 8, 2007
    Posts: 236


    don't think you guys are loosing the younger generation. I know far more people that are into old cars that are my age, that will have nothing to do with a minitruck rice rocket or what have you. Im 25 and still in college for one more semester unfortunately. And when I get out I will finish my car, its just that funds are tight with everything right now, and this is true with several of my buddies who all have projects just not the money to throw at them at the moment.
  30. Rat Rods are the new Jalopys. I have no issue with a car that's less than perfect, only a car that's not safe to drive. Outside of that, build what you like.
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