I have a '52 Chrysler Saratoga that I want to do a disc brake swap on. I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with a similar era mopar (Windsor/Imperial). What spindles should I look to use, or has anyone made anything in particular work. I'd like to keep it Mopar, as I might have access to '70s Mopar parts. Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated. Thanks King Jinx http://www.myspace.com/thelonggoodbyesct
look up aaj brakes and talk to Roger. We just did a swap on my 57 plymouth and was able to use the stock spindles.
put them on my 52 useing an rustyhope kit went easy ! I up dated to a to a 97 Chry Daytona master cycl on the frame, useing a new shaft for the brake and clutch, I have an auto but couldnt give the pedel up. use a 10 pound residule on the rear brakes and a two pound on front. I can stop on a dime. looking at rear disks soon. if you want PM I can give ya the E-mail of the guy I know others here have used these kits also.
Rusty Hope and old daddy are one and the same.Charlie Akers is a 100% guy and you will love his products...........Rusty Hope.com
Try the guys at ECI, Ask for Mark or Ralph. Their stuff works. I have their kits on both of my 48's and they have saved my butt more than once. They are at "ecihotrodbrakes.com"
AA AAJ is who I used. They were so helpful and the kit went on so easy I couldn't believe it! They even encouraged me to buy the parts I could buy at my local parts store to save me the shipping. When they could have withheld the part numbers and made that money at my expense. I would recommend them to anyone!
Charleys kits are the same gives you numbers and you use a mopar rotor and GM big one pistin calabar. you use stock spindels however you have to drill the mounting hoiles to take the new parts. but can be done on the car
I went with the kit from Scarebird. No need to drill anything. Mark was extremely helpful and quick to answer questions. http://www.scarebird.com/12802/25032.html http://www.scarebird.com/12802/26232.html
I also used Scarebird on my 50 but had a couple of problems with it. they use E body calipers and it seems their are a few different sizes ! I had to hunt up the early ones as they are the ones that fit in the brackets, also the brake lines hit on the king pin boss so I had to grind some off to get clearance. other than that it was a straight forward swap. I was going to make the swap without a kit and found stock rotors that fit with only a small spacer and no sleeves for the bearings, but I ran out of time so I got the kit thinking it would be quicker but ended up spending about the same amount of time on the kit.
Did a 50 Chrysler 8 Cylinder and a 53 Plymouth myself. On the Chrysler, Used a mid 80's Ford Bronco rotor (5 on 5 1/2" pattern) with GM A body calipers, made the caliper mount out of 3/8" plate, cut out with a torch, and finished with a disc sander. On the Plymouth, I used Ford Explorer rotors (5 on 4 1/2" pattern) with the same GM calipers, its pretty simple IMHO. The kits are nice, but I like doing things myself.
Great info. I have emailed old daddy already, and his kit looks straight-forward & something that I can tackle. I have a good buddy with a lot more experience than I have, so I think I'm going to bounce a few ideas off him, but he seemed to think that the rustyhope kit from old daddy was the way to go. I've been driving with newish front brakes and none on the rear (the guy I purchased the car from was an old hot rodder & he drove it like that for two years), and am doing the rear brakes asap & figured discs on the front would have me ready for fall foliage cruising. Thanks again for the info!