OK, first of all what's it called? I only know because I stumbled upon it. I'd never seen or heard of one before. Second, what the hell do they do? I have no freakin' idea. I have a guess, but I'm definitely not sure. I searched and I still don't know.
some kinda oil injector for a supercharger ? or some real bizzare distributer advance or a windshield wiper whooie
Isn't that what the doctor ued to put Bugs Bunny's brain into a chicken? Sorry. Just had a hard day at work and the mind is in bad shape.
I dunno but it took a week to get the smile off the last owners face, hope you washed it well..........
looks like an injection device. the part that has the copper line run to it looks like a regulator from a high pressure source. I'm thinking the other end clamped to the top of a two barrel carb and injected oxygen, nitrous, propane etc. into the motor?? either that or it was some strange vacuum operated water/methanol injection unit.
My first thought was some kinda fuel pump, after looking closer I´d say it´s a fuel metering device with a venturi , injector, carb...kind of thingy
I'm thinking I've seen it advertised in old hot rod mags, but cannot remember the name but I think it was for better fuel mileage, I don't recall ever seeing a picture of it.
Shot in the dim here... Vacuum operated fuel shutoff? Needs to sense vacuum to allow fuel to flow to the carb or injection. Seen somehting similar for propane, but never vacuum operated for gasoline
It looks like some sort of gas (propane or something) regulator. There do not appear to be any mechanical means of opening or anything so I would guess the bells contain some type of constant flow regulation. Fourties version of nitrous injection?
When i was just a wee lad, the old timers used to tell me to call the parts store and ask for a "Carburetor Percolator" (along with muffler bearings), they never had one. Now I finally get to see one