I dont own a RPU yet but I figure I could scrape enough parts to make me a model A RPU some day. I like them a lot and since they were really only made for a few years I was wondering who one and what they had done to it. The RPU owned by dirtbag13 looks tidy unit on his avatar which got me kinda thinking about this body style. They dont just have to be Fords but I doubt there is much else out there!
Hmmm, Its stalled at the moment. Not by choice but I'll be back at it as soon as I can. Summer is nearly here.
thanks fiftyv8, i will try to get to my shop this week & take some pics to post on here with some info !
Work in progress is fine by me, they could be helpful to folks like me who would like to put one together some day.
No. Absolutely no relevance here at all Thanks. Well you know in 6 months we're gonna be reading about you guys ramping up again and we'll be getting depressed all over again. I don't actually mind the way we are opposite. In the summer we can read about all the cool work happening in your garages and in the winter we can watch all your cool event coverage and look forward to our own summer again. Pete
Started with a rough '33-'34 style Mopar cowl(actually an early '35 truck cowl). Added patch panels, built the rear of the body and floor, and hung some doors. This is where I stopped before robbing the chassis and bed for the Ugly Truck('41 dodge cab in the background). Build thread: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=145423 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=155872
Here's a cheap but cool build ,no box but the used a Toyota Previa floor pan for the "modified" roadsters back panel clicka da link : http://www.canadianrodder.com/Spotlight/2005/poncho/poncho.htm
Heres my '29 "Six Pack To Go", just sold it...doesnt look like this anymore...the bed is made from a 1940's trailer....~E
I was gonna' post pics of my old RPU, and my current RPU, but, somehow, I don't think they're the style you are looking for.
WRONG!!!!! There is no "better" style than your pickups Dean. In style FOREVER- while I could post examples from each of the last decades since you started of things that were "hotter" ('70s, '80s, '90s) but we wouldn't want to revisit any of those today. Stay timeless Dean- your a hero to many of us. And go ahead and post them pictures!
Here's one I did for a guy a couple of years back. They picked it up like this and finished it. It's flattie powered. Started with some rusty cowl parts and a repro bed.