more at if you don't get it... edit... you never really own dream cars... they own you
just got mine.......... willys my dads truck when he passed away. or my buddys t he built 20 years ago.
Agree, a few surprises showing up here. I got far too many list. However, someone say...65 A/FX. Yes pleeeease.
A Bugatti 57C or Atlantic.....they're near perfect, but channeling and sectioning would be icing on the cake.
I had to go with the coupe... Wisconsin isn't ideal roadster country that's one sexy body on that car... drop dead sexy!
The Bugatti is cool I thought it was a Talbot until I saw the grille and looked closer at it. Dreams get bigger when they are just that, under my Lister or maybe the one of one fliptop AC Cobra , number two is a stock appearing, black with red guts 59 Impala with a set of magnesium Americans, a stroked out Z-ll, Super T-10,and an Olds/Pontiac rear. The one of one bastard 57 Bonneville with the 58 clip would be in there, the 1960 X-400, Delorean's original Banshee with Pontiac's aluminum over head cam hemi headed 427 stuffed in it. Top racer pick would be a toss up between the Brutus GTO with the M/T Hemi Pontiac and Ohio Goerge's Willys... Forgot the 554 Fuel coupe I'd have to have that or Pure Hell, Its too hard to pick just one....
That says it all. I wish that was in my garage. I would need to have a 35/6 coupe chopped, low, dark GLOSS color. I would settle for a running hotrod flathead in my 32 coupe ( a close second ) And, to haul the family around , how a bout a chevelle SS
Nothing fancy here. 1957 Ford 2dr sedan. Powder blue/white with white tuck and roll. Slight lowering, www on chrome reverse. Engine doesn't matter. SOMEDAY
WEll...., I could never narrow it down to one but, this is one of my all time favorites. Came WAY close to buying one from Joe Bortz about 14 years ago. Before they went through the roof in $$$. I think it is one of the coolest looking vehicles to ever come from G.M.
If money was nothing CSX2287 would do me just fine. And, Im inpressed if anyone knows what it is and its history without looking it up!
....Good for you man !....It's cool to see someone livin' the dream....I too am knocked out with what I got, a chopped 41 coupe....but I won't be totally happy till she rides like a call girl....won't be long now.....
I have found myself lusting after this jewel on ebay.
Looks like a Shelby serial, I'd have to look it up for sure but I'd guess it would be, the fliptop, the 427 coupe, the dual paxton 427 roadster, or the first Daytona... ****Looked it up, it is the first Daytona*****
While I could lay out a long list of famous cars... it isn't even close for me. It would have been my dads 50 mercury. For me growing up... the coolest car ever made!
Over the years have owned lots of cars from various makers and countries, some great ones and some I'd rather forget I ever was foolish enough to buy. My current project pile includes a 41 Ford panel, 67 e-type jag, 56 Mark2, but the crown jewel for me is my latest find. 1957 Ford custom Business coupe. This is the car that a senior class trip in '72 to Nam prompted me to sell, and now 36 years later another one has found its way home. Its the car my wife has had to endure countless moments of raving about. 2nd best but out of my league would be the most beautiful Ford ever built a 1936 Ford Roadster.
i ,m very happy with my 50 chevy coupe would just like to redue and update the car after over 20 years of driveing it
I agree , My favorite car ever, but I would change the paint to the silver version with white scallops. Or larry watsons grapvine chevy in the second paint scheme with the scallops
like a 30 bentley speed 6 or bugatti t37 but done in todays traditional hotrod style to offend the purists. it makes me smile to think somebody out there would snarl at someone who would take something worth so much to sothebys and drive it like you stole it.
well i have almost all the cars i want. but if i could have a chance to own a car of my choice it would either be the matranga merc just because that is the coolest of them all and it is no longer with us. and if it was already taken then my second pic would be the moonglow that was a bad ass looking hardtop, that could hold it's own with the best of them. and it wasn't even built by one the greats, just a normal guy that had a great eye for style. it just hit me. there is one more but i haven't given up on that one yet. my dads 32 roadster that he built when he was a kid. he said it was the first hot rod roadster in south Tucson. he gave it to his best friend when he got married and he still has it. the dick wont sell it back. it just sits there in the dirt in Tucson AZ now he gave it to his son a fat dick who wont do nothing with it either.
Chopped 49-51 Merc,32 roadster or coupe,56 Plymouth Fury, or hell I'm not picky I'll take any one of these!
Years ago in Hot Rod there was a dark blue 40 Willys truck with a blown Ford big block,chromed suspension,gold-leafed stripes and stainless inserts in the bedsides. The guy had bought it years before and built it all himself. I wish I had a pic of's that cool! (And I'm a SBC Studebaker truck guy?!)
I wish I had the 34 chopp'd top truck that my Dad & I resto'd back in the 70's. He did offer it to me in the 80's but I was an asshole & said no. I will forever remember those times & that truck! Paco
'35 Ford Cabriolet (Dad dated mom in one in the '40s. Even though Dad is gone, mom at 83 still has it and lets it get used for parades)