Guys, The Lamplighter was a Black Body with 283 fuelie and my uncles (John & Vito Caruso) were out of East Orange NJ....Joe
The car has been verified by VIN that it is one of the original 6 coupes built by the factory. The original alum front clip is in the hands of another collector. I don't know about the Union Park car pictured above, but This ebay car is REAL. The original SD cars were Lemans 326 cars (badging, trim, etc) THey were supposedly all white with blue interiors. IT's one of the most significant finds in years. It had the original stainless exhaust manifolds, etc in the trunk. Verne
The appeal as I see it is anyone in your street if they had the inclination could have a go. There's was a satisfaction to getting a car to really sing. And the class thing made for a good competition. On Saturday afternoons as kids we'd hang out on our pushbikes and wait for the local racer to bring his G.T. Falcon ( wild little bull of a car) into the street for another 'let's see'.
Damn, that is a great find! Reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend about a month ago. We were talking 60's cars and he told me a story about a guy that lives 30 miles from me that owns a 62 Super Duty Catalina. The car was purchased by a man for his son. I don't remember the story, but the son dies or something and the family just kept it in the garage for about thirty years. The present owner bought it cheap and has been offered $100,000 for it, but won't sell. He does drive it on occasion, but it still has low miles. Sure would like to talk him out of that one! Hell, I'd be happy just to see it.
This talk of Pontiac's reminds me, wasn't there a guy named Max Sterling that drove a 62 Pontiac called White Lightning?
... "wasn't there a guy named Max Sterling that drove a 62 Pontiac called White Lightning?"<!-- / message --> Yes, you're right! I'd forgotten that car ... I recall him as a 'regular' at Capitol -- late 60s! Gee-eesss! That '63 is up to $45,100 now!
That 421 emblem is an add-on. I used to have Harold Ramsey's 62 Catalina S.D. Talk about a heartbreaker having to let it go.
*Drag-car image from '65deluxe' Way 'ahead of its time' 'frumpy-looking' early compact was not uncommon on the dirt tracks, but seldom-seen at the Drag Strip! * Engine image from * Round-track race-car image from
"65Deluxe" and "56 Pontiac I/SA", Great submissions! The top Hudson Jet drag car picture had Ike Smith behind the wheel, infamous in the lower stock classes. This particular Jet has a Ford hood scoop on it. Here's a link to a July 1965 Hot Rod Magazine article that not only talks about this Jet and what's under the hood that made it so successful, but also mentions legends Jack Clifford, Ike Smith and Chuck Parcell.
Does anyone know of a James Capelli who used to run out of South Jersey? And if so, would you know how to contact him? Thanks Verne
Hubert Platt had a 1962 iscayne two door sedan for a while. The color is right. Do you have another shot of the car ? Being able to read the lettering wouls really help.
i think bob harrop had that car new before he went with the "flying carpet" dodges I remember seeing it at atco almost every weekend.later matt
If you blow up the photo, it looks like a cartoon character on the door holding a golf club with the word "KICK" under it. I can't make out any of the other lettering., other than the obvious Dyno Tuned on the quarter. Verne
How many of these cars are still around? I am getting a real kick seeing all these cars,and learning a lot!
john mackey - pat riccardi is one of my best friends, and godfather to my son, he, his wife, and 3 boys are still in south plainfield, n.j. - he's still the lead counter guy at one of the best parts stores in the area - just turned 60 two weeks ago - his nephew Sean, who is also a great bowler, runs a buick regal with a SBC, and is a terror at englishtown - the pafoo drag-on has gone through many hands, including john hoffman of hoffman machine, it now resides in staten island with a 454/turbo and a glass nose, the guy barely races it and pat would like it back - still hoping someone will put up pics as either a L/S, F/MP or G/MP
Yes, I agree Bob. Alas, it was bound to happen -- the images where what sustained it. And they can't just keep on coming -- endlessly! Would have been nice to have a 'bit of banter' about 'why' these car FLEW ... you know, the 'tricks'! The Dykes (and 'skinny') rings, the rate-of-lift cams, the grooved bearings ... etc. etc. Well ... So It Goes! Here's our little 'list' ... one more time ... *'The List' *Racers and their cars that were part of the NHRA Junior Stock community from 1962 to 1971 Bill Abraham (65 Pont) Joe Allread (57 Chev) Fred Anderson (57 Chev) Ken Andrews (69 Chev) John Archambault (57 Chev) Bob Bales (57 Ford) John Barkley (57 Chev) Johnny Bartlett (53 Buick) LaVerne Benner (55 Chev) Keith Berg (50 Olds) Ed Beyer (56 Pont) Tim Bishop (57 Chev) Dave Boertman (59 Chev) Bob Burch (55 Chev) Burkhardt, Obert & Graham (61 Plymouth) John Burkholder (55 Chev) Bob Burkitt (62 Dodge) Hubert Buttry (62 Chev) Jon Calander (59 Chev) Gene Calhoun (60 Pont) Callahan & Sulc (62 Dodge) Caruso Brothers (57 Chev) John Cesareo (57 Chev) Richard Charboneau (67 Ford) Phil Chishoms (62 Chev) Coletti Chry-Ply (71 Plymouth) Terry Clark (67 Chev) Dave Conners (67 Chev) Bill Cornelius (58 Vette) George Cureton (56 Chev) Lou Cuvilleo (57 Chev) Garley Daniels (57 Chev) Joe Delorenzo (57 Chev) Troy Dennis (56 Chev) John Dianna (56 Chev) Jack "Doc" Doughtery (57 Chev) Bob Dwyer (55 Studebaker) Tom Elk/Elk’s Head Service (68 Chev) Ronnie Evans (62 Chev) Everett & Tindall (55 Chev) Jim Fagan (57 Chev) John Feistritzer (57 Ford) John Frith (57 Ford) Burl Froelich (56 Chev) Norm Fryer (66 Chev) Ron Garey (68 Olds) Frank Good (57 Chev) Goodson Bros (57 Ford) Gunning Bros. (57 Chev) Max Hall (57 Chev) Ed Hamberger (56 Pont) Jay Hamilton (58 Pont) Charlie Hampp (55 Chev) Ted Harbit (52 Studebaker) Dempsey Hardy (55 Studebaker) Don Harris (56 Chev) Val Hedworth (56 Chev) Keith Hodge (52 Olds) John Hoffman (61 Chev) Dennis Hogue (55 Chev) Tommy Howes (66 Chev) Frank Iaconio (57 Chev) Bill Izykowski (66 Chev) John James (66 Chev) Alex Jarrell (56 Chev) Wayne Jesel (56 Chev) Dallas Kelly (67 Ford) Andy Kish (57 Chev) Jim Kronenbetter/Bare & Kronenbetter (60 Chev) Krutz & Calderhead (57 Chev) Dan Kyle (69 Chev) Bob Lambeck (57 Chev) Dave LeBrun (69 Camero) Gary Ledbedder (56 Pont) Lischke & Ballinger (57 Chev) Tom Longnecker (57 Chev) Ramon Lowe/Lowe & Easley (58 Pont) Bob Luck (57 Chev) Lumley & Sanders (61 Pont) John Mackey (57 Chev) Malone, Rodiquez & Kennedy (57 Chev) Marshall (57 Chev) Jack Martin (57 Chev) Matthews & Bender (57 Chev) Paul Mayo (71 Olds) Ed McGlawhorn (56 Chev) McMasters & Gunning (57 Chev) Doug Mentzer (57 Chev) Merowchek & Shirley (55 Chev) Cal Method (57 Chev) Jack Mullins (52 Olds) Harry Neide (57 Chev) Tom Neja/Neja & Disette (57 Chev) Tim Neja (55 Chevy) Jim Nelson/Brock & Nelson (55 Chev) Gene Norris (50 Olds) Al Olster (63 Plymouth) Parham, Payne & McDaniels (57 Ford) The Patrick Bros. (57 Chev) Perrault & Stevenson (56 Pont) Pat Riccardi (57 Chev) Joe Righthouse (69 Chev) Marv Ripes (57 Chev) Fred Robinson (53 Studebaker) Jack "Doc" Robinson (71 Olds) Carmine Rotundo (55 Chev) Bud Rowe (57 Chev) Santangelo (57 Chev) Ojars Smiltnieks/Racing Head Service (50 Olds) Ivars Smiltnieks/ Racing Head Service (52 Olds) Bill “Spider” Spanakos (55 Chev) Jere Stahl (57 Chev) Jerry Stein (63 Plymouth) Stensland (57 Ford) Don Stephenson (57 Chev) Sam Stockwell (50 Olds) Fred “Wingnut” Suloff (55 Chev) John Thropp (56 Chev) Tinsley & Culley (56 Chev) Ann Towes/LAW Automotive (58 Chev) Tritak &Morgan (62 Dodge) John Troxel (56 Chev) Ralph Truppi/Truppi & Kling (57 Chev) Turner (57 Ford) Arlen Vanke (65 Pont) Lamar Vaubel (55 Chev) Jim Waibel (57 Chev) Larry Walker (57 Ford) Wayne Walker (57 Chev) Warren & Register (57 Chev) Westburg & Westfall (55 Chev) Jay Wheatley/Wheatley Bros (57 Chev) Ron Whitney/Price & Whitney (57 Chev) Gordon Williams (62 Studebaker) Jim Waibel (57 Chev) Worrel Bros (50 Olds) Ed Wright (56 Chev) Joe Wright (57 Chev)
Well, here's another one that I can't remember if I posted or not. Don't know whose car it was but it was a supercharged 312. Mr. Dedman also took a picture of the engine. Bill Dedman photo.
First off, I never thought when I first started this thread on my favorite subject of Junior/Stockers that it would last 32 pages. Thanks to everyone who contributed. Here's a Junior Stock legend from up here in Canuckistan. Bob Burch from Sarnia Ontario was one of our country's most successful junior stock builders and was a carburetor expert. Even the Grump made mention of Bob in a late 60's Car Craft article. Here's Bob's beautiful 55 sponsored by Park Lane Chevrolet.
"Bob Burch from Sarnia Ontario ... ... Here's Bob's beautiful '55 sponsored by Park Lane Chevrolet." A really-fine example of exactly what the Junior Stock phenomena was 'all about! ... and Thank YOU 'colsey' for starting this thread!