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Features VINTAGE SPRINT CAR PIC THREAD, 1965 and older only please.

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by Joshua Shaw, Jan 17, 2008.

  1. racer5c
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 2,218


  2. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Great history Ebert!

    Post some pics of your cars.

  3. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Yeah... I'm convinced that guy wasn't wearing any belts.

    (edited on Sept 14th 2009.. I stand corrected. I have spoke with the DRIVER in that wild video, and loose belte or lack of belts WAS NOT THE CASE! Just one of them weird deals we see in racing sometimes)

    Furthermore, I apalogize for calling him a "Dumb Ass" John Kellar is his name, and he was the "Real Deal"

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  4. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,911


    Corngrower32. PLEASE what are the details and history on this car! I've seen the blower in the Fronty catalog, never seen one on a car. I think ROOF and GALIVAN also offered blowers for Model T Ford based race motors. That car is PERFECT as is, hope the current owner knows that.:)[​IMG]
  5. Ebert
    Joined: Feb 13, 2006
    Posts: 1,920

    from Keller, TX

    Josh, Hopefully Roy won't get pissed....

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  6. racer5c
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 2,218


    I don't get pissed, besides anything connected to Pop Dreyer in any way deserves to be on this thread!!! He is one of my heros, so is his son Jr.!
  7. racer5c
    Joined: Nov 30, 2002
    Posts: 2,218


    Josh, have to admit I finished second once at Fremont Ohio without my belts latched, arm restraint caught em and unhooked em. Was hoping for a yellow so I could try to latch em back but we never got one.
  8. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Josh, I agree with you. We're pretty strict with our drivers at Corbin. Fire suits in ALL divisions, and we inspect belt mounts regularly.

    I recall watching Don Branson strap in once, pulling an over-the-shoulder harness tight and then putting on an older bandolier type belt over that. I asked if he was comfortable, and he told me if you were comfortable in a race car sitting still, you weren't in the race car right.
  9. racing from the past
    Joined: Apr 13, 2007
    Posts: 32

    racing from the past

    I received this email via my website and I'm sure someone on here maybe able to help. I will forward any replies to Jason.


    I'm in the process of building a period correct 1920s dirt track
    racer and have been taking cues from the early Rajo Jack chassis
    pictured in Don Radburch's "Dirt Track Auto Racing", pages 11 & 12.
    If you are familiar with this book, you'll know that there is only so
    much that can be gleamed from those two photos found there of the
    early 1920s Rajo Jack car.

    So, I am searching for the owner of the two photos that were
    published in that book in hopes to be able to secure a much clearer,
    more detailed copy of those two photos. The photos are attributed
    to, "Herman Giles" of California. However, the only Herman Giles
    I've found, does not answer the phone and I've left several messages
    on their answering machine, with no response or luck at all. I know
    that in the book it is noted a Thank You to both Herman Giles and
    Warren Jones of California for their help with the brief history of
    Rajo Jack. Both names have turned up nothing for me, and with the
    recent passing of Mr. Don Radbruch, it seems that my quest for the
    needed info is starting to seem pretty bleak!
    I have wanted to contact Mrs. Radbruch or any other family member
    that might have access to Don's notes to see if he had kept any
    record (phone number, etc.) of Herman or Warren by chance? However,
    no phone number is listed anywhere that I can find.

    Seeing as your website is dedicated to the racing history of
    yesteryear i thought to take a chance and see if, with the many
    persons you've come across and may know if you might be of any
    assistance with this? I thank you for your time and look forward to
    hearing from you soon.

    Take care.

    Jason Shiptoski

    I found this forum where he posted the above topic
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2008
  10. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Naw, Roy will like the Quarter Midgets... as do I!!


    37Kid.. I don't know anything about it. It was E-mailed to me as an "thought you'd like this" deal.. Harley Gene sent me some more pics of it, one showing a real good shot of the blower. Maybe he'll post them. He said it was at a Model "T" show he was at.

    The car kinda looks "suspect" to me. I may be wrong, (hope I am) but If I had to guess.. The car was pretty complete when found, however.. I think the body was re-painted, lettered and "aged" (I've done a few;))

    Look at the seat. It's original and the way it should look. I think the frame is also untouched. Another wierd thing is look at the first picture, when it doesn't have the back half of the header on it.. It has a Chrome rear wishbone. In the rest of the pics, its black...?? Why?

    The grille might be new too.



    How about it Gene?
  11. "Doc" Parsons
    Joined: Jun 26, 2005
    Posts: 342

    "Doc" Parsons

    Something about the Indian Gas car doesn't look right to me, but maybe it's just me
    "Doc" Parsons
  12. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,911


    [quote="Doc" Parsons;3281532]Something about the Indian Gas car doesn't look right to me, but maybe it's just me
    "Doc" Parsons[/quote]

    That is why I asked Corngrower32 for more info. I'd like to think it is real, but there is more that adverage lettering on the car for a 1920's dirt car. The "chrome" rear radius rod could be a reflection of the snow. The placement of the hand pump is odd IMO most were on the left side, and why place it over a lettered area? Please post the photo of the blower. :)
  13. Here are two other pictures of the Indian Gas car. These were taken at the Model T Centenial celebration this summer in Richmond, Indiana. After these photos were taken, I helped the owner push the car in the trailer. I have his business card here somewhere, but can't find it right now. I will share with you what he told me. He said it was a genuine barn find. His last name starts with an 'M' and he was from the Chicago area. The car was not running at this time. He told me he was going to get it running and bring it back to the Winchester Old Timmers. He did not make it back. He also told me he was only going to clean it up and not restore it. One other thing he told me about himself is that he was a Corvette collector.
    Guys, don't worry about making Roy mad, he's mad at me all the time, so he won't even notice you guys....:)
  14. Hmmm picture didn't come thru...we'll try it again.

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  15. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    Neat car one way or another, but that rear end sure doesn't look 1920-30 ish.
  16. Blacki-Suede
    Joined: May 19, 2008
    Posts: 202


    On the Indian Gas car, what do you think the rear end is? It looks like a later style to me. But you guys know alot more than I about old race cars.

    Blackie Suede
  17. Blacki-Suede
    Joined: May 19, 2008
    Posts: 202


    Rootie, we obviously noticed the same thing one minute apart. Great minds....

    Blackie Suede
  18. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    Well, there may have been pumkin style rears back then, but I can't say I've seen one(?) banjo types were about all I've seen.
  19. I'd love to see the hood up on this- looks like a Fronty SOHC or DOHC?...

    What you you think Bob?

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  20. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,911


    Thanks for posting the photos of the blower on the T. This is how Robert Roof mounted his.

    Attached Files:

  21. Ok, guys here is the owners name on the Indian Gas car.
    Cass Casmir, yeah I know what I said, it does have an 'M' in there somewhere.
    His email is;
    He lives in Hammond, Indiana
  22. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,911


    Looks like a stone stock T rear to me, might have a Ruxtell two speed that has a special left side housing. Photo isn't clear enough for me to tell.
  23. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
    Posts: 31,911


    Just checked my Fronty catalog and for $250.00 you could get this special rearend. That is about the cost of a new car in the day

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  24. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    Could be, but I'm not seeing it.

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  25. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    One time, years ago, I broke something during hot laps, so it became a last second thrash getting it fixed to qualify. Just as they're about to end qualifying I jump in and hit the track. As I go into the first turn on the warmup lap, I think to myself "something dont feel right" then it dawns on me I don't have my belts on. Went ahead and qualified, but I was pretty puckered up the whole time.
  26. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
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    Since we all have such a reverence for the "hills," I thought this blast from the past off another site might be appropriate. It's John Cobb going over the "hump" at Brooklands in the Napier-Railton Special. 24-litre engine according to reports, and it set the track record at over 143 mph. I have always had a healthy respect for the drivers of this day, and now I've acquired some respect for the photographers, as well as the dude sitting on the inside rail...

  27. Buildy
    Joined: Jan 29, 2008
    Posts: 1,521


    I have seven photos of a Barn find Model T racer that was found in S.Carolina,of all places. It was at the Stan Lobitz Racing movie party and Dinner in Hazelton PA on Sun Nov 9th. The body was made of old advertising signs. Inside the cowl it had been a Quaker State Sign.

    The cool thing to me is the Model A and vintage type trailer showing how they towed these cars to the tracks.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  28. Bill Van Dyke
    Joined: May 21, 2008
    Posts: 810

    Bill Van Dyke

    Rootie, know how you I was taxing in from a low level/air to ground gunnery flight in my trusty F-100,went to put the ejection seat pins back in and discovered I'd flown the whole fight with them in! Some days dumb takes on a whole new meaning!!
  29. Rootie Kazoootie
    Joined: Nov 27, 2006
    Posts: 8,130

    Rootie Kazoootie
    from Colorado

    Ain't that the truth, with visions of a stuck throttle in my head I pussy footed around on my qualifying laps and ended up starting back of the pack. Which is where I would have started anyway if I would have just pulled off and not qualified. Seesh:eek:
  30. jimg12
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 307


    Welcome aboard.
    The Drag strip in Muncie, was ther a high banked 1/4 paved oval there also? In 1967 I drove a USAC midget on the oval, also in 1972? drove an UMRA TQ there. Is it the same place?
    I ran a trophy dash one night with my seat belts undone- most people do a few dumb things in their life.
    I thought someone wanted to know about the F-800 car too, one reason I ask John to put it on here.
    Jim Graybeal

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