Just got it in today from New York. Not sure what we are going to do with it yet But we will do something with it. Not sure what we do with it yet
bring it over to my house and "store" it in my garage.. ill leave the door open for ya thats what you can do with it.. lol
What you could do with it is put it in back of your truck and haul it 2 hours north of you and drop it off in my garage . Very cool find !!
I never relax with a hemi until I get the heads off. Then it's either a score, or a disaster. Rust is evil...
Cool find !!! #1 rechrome valve covers. #2 take the mag out and have a friend hold a plug wire while you spin it. Friend jumps , mag good. #3 put it on a run in standand check it over. #4 fire it up and make some heat. Super roadster engine, is it a 392 or 354 ? Never saw a water outlet like that on the top. Keep us posted on your progress. Thanks for the pics.
Brother SJ....I'm coming by tomorrow to see that beast. I still say find some way to procure a rail job. Ditch the gas leakers, add a blower, mech. injection, and zoomies...plus a lumpy cam. add to a rail job, season with pie-crust whitewall slicks(steelies or 5-spoke mags), spokes up front, add candy-flake paint to taste. serve warm...tire-smokin' warm!!
Looks like it was a beast in it's day. What's going on with the water crossover? Was it in a boat or a non-radiator dragster?
.....um how about a total restoration ....Pics and a write up. DAMN!!!!!!!!! Some people have all the luck.
man can you gear those carbs sucking air????? what c.i. is that motor? sorry if that is a dumb question
This is a 392, not sure if it has been bored out or anything. It came out of some kind of drag car up in the New York arae. This guy plan on restoring the car which was a 383 bbmopar. Our thoughts right now might be a 72 Cuda Flopper. I will keep everyone posted on this project after we decide what we are going to do with it!
Yeah damn it, what he said!!! It's better back here anyway, then I can put it , well somewhere anyhow