I don't really know anything about Magnetos. Can someone give me the long and short of them? Post some pics of them in V8s? What are the benefits or drawbacks of one versus a distributor? I have seen a few pics and they look cool. I'm just trying to learn as much as I can. Thanks guys.
A magneto has a generator built into it, so it does not need a battery to make a spark. One drawback is that it's hard to fix one on the side of Highway 95 heading into Kingman...
I know that when your brother brings one in the house and wires it up to your bedroom door handle and hollers at you while spinning it from the other side, it really pisses you off when you answer the door.
yup good on a race car to eliminate the charging system just coolness factor on a hot rod. make sure you get one with an automotive type advance. lots of industrial ones with a impulse coupling that have fixed timing
lots of posts, best reading is the article in rodders journal on em... seriously.. had one, sold it only cause i sold the car... seriously thinkin about one for my 64 galaxie, and its a CRUISER hahhaa... anything can break, but mags are more reliable than points imho... if youre worried, carry a working dist with you as a spare..
No one mentioned how expensive they are! But , yes, cool they are. Just parts to re-build one are pretty steep.
I love them had one on my 32 pick up flathead...building a 327 for my new 32 pickup..bought it a long time ago..very expensive now...but they will really mess up a tv..guy told me he could see the blips on his tv way before I got there...I've only had vertex..tell me what you're building,because the early mags [ A model ect. did not have advance] so you timed them wide open...not good for street...
If you're gonna run one ---> make darned sure you got GOOD cranking speed on your starter!!!! They can be hard starting otherwise. Made a huge difference for me.
Ok I think I'm starting to understand. The gear turns a generator that creates the spark. Do you run a battery for the starter to get the cranking started to produce the intial spark thats needed to run?
A magneto is really just a self contained, self powered ignition system. You do start the car the normal way, with a battery powered starter. And although most magnetos use a set of points, they are substantially more reliable and longer lasting, due to the reversing current on each pulse.
You forgot to add..."ask me how I know." Magnetos definitely have the look and the punch. I was told to check the condition by spinning it, with someone holding a lead. If they crap their pants, you have a good charge. If they just piss themselves, you should get it rebuilt. Like dudley said, they give interference and will cause stuff to work erratically. No-no for EFI and problems with radios and electric-sender gauges.
Hmnnnn......I was taught a different method you can do with or without a helper. Spin the mag by hand while hanging onto a lead (or get your "closest friend") and observe the following: If "they" get zapped and simply drop the mag it was indeed in need of a rebuild. If they throw the thing across the room - it was fine and did not need rebuilt - at least prior to the landing.
Quote: Do you run a battery for the starter to get the cranking started to produce the intial spark thats needed to run?[/quote] you don't need the battery to create the spark, the magneto is self contained...you do need the battery to turn the starter...or you need a push car ..ha ha !!
Also you need to gap your spark plugs a lot closer and they can't be a resistored plug. That sometimes becomes a challenge.
"due to the reversing current on each pulse" They also fire 1/2 the plugs with reversed ground polarity. Must use very small plug gaps like .020". Excellent fouling resistance (vs. original points).
Does this mean if you run a magneto you can screw with the jackass in the next lane talking on his cell phone while driving?
you don't need the battery to create the spark, the magneto is self contained...you do need the battery to turn the starter...or you need a push car ..ha ha !![/quote] ...or a hand crank...
Gonna run one on my model a . I got 3 off them, 2 vertex, one Ronco. I have one in my BBF jetboat. Run a non resitor plug, solid core wire. I have my plus gapped at .016. I had an MSD system. Had some issues, to many components to trouble shoot. I love my Mag. Want run anything else. Some mags have an adavance built into them. Mine has a 15deg. built in.
more like will screw with the jackass in the next lane talking on his cell phone, as well as everyone that has a radio. Mags laugh at RFI suppression. It has already been mentioned that resistor plugs wont work with a mag, neither will resistor plug wire, at least not for long. Another thing to consider is that a mag adds a little more of a load to the cam and timing gears. That in of itself is not generally a problem, unless you have a worn out/loose timing chain.
Cool thread, answers some of my questions. When my father was in school getting his HD Mechanic, his instructor would use them to 'wake up' anyone caught sleeping in class. Dad said he got a 'wake up call' once, and never dared sleep in class again
I thought that'd be an easy find with every sprint car, and alot of drag cars running mags. Apparantly Google isn't my friend today. We've got alot of em in engines at our shop, I'll take some pics for you tommorow.