I don't think have ever seen a dash used more than the 1940 Ford car dash in so many different cars. From 32's to 36's, VW's to customs. In my opinion it has to be the best looking factory dash ever. It is so popular that Bob Drake started reproducing them a few years back. Let's see yours, here's mine that I'm putting in a 40 Ford pickup project. I also cleaned up a 40 column and had it chromed to use in the truck. I will also use the 40 car wheel to set it off. My thought is that I'm so used to seeing it in my 40 Coupe that I will feel at home in the pickup.
I got one in my 40 pick-up for over 10 years now. never understood why more people didn't do it. plus I installed my fuse box behind the speaker grill. screw that laying on your back under a dash.
I agree on the 40 dash being one of the best. Second choice is the 50 Ford dash, which I am using on my Tudor.
since the dash in the auto is a bolt in and the pickup is welded in, did you cut the pickup dash out? how did you mount the auto dash? pics pls. thanks
I did cut the old dash out. In the one picture you can see where I had marked my cut line. The new one pretty much bolts as it did in the cars, with a few tweaks here and there. I had to extend the firewall bracket to the bottom of the dash where the cowl vent mechanism bolts in for support.
40 car dash in my 40 pick-up not HAMB friendly, aluminum gauge cluster (VDO gauges) but it's been there for over 10 years now and yes I cut the old dash out and bolted in the car dash looking for ash trays
No picture, but back in the 70's a friend had one in a metalflake blue 32 5w. With that dash and blue plexiglass windows I thought that thing was the coolest. I bought a 40 dash a good 15 years ago with plans to someday put it in a 32 myself.
what is the cluster out of?? (the speedo) the look of your dash might completely change my opinion of standard instrument clusters.. as for the chrome column.. I have column envy
The gauge cluster is of my own design. I have sold a couple of them on Ebay. United Speedometer will refurnish an original for about $1900. Ouch! There is another company that will build a set also but they aren't cheap either.
wingnutz, I see you bought one of the gauge kits off ebay for your roadster. What do you think of it? Dash looks good!
here are two in 40 coupes--orig. looking one has converted gauges-have a bunch of 40 dashes and cluster/clocks--collected them over the years--make cool wall hangers
Thanks!!! I actually like the wrinkle finish with the Machine turned bezel edges! Dennis is a "Super Guy" to deal with and offers a high quality piece! And I see that I'm not the only guy... da34guy's looks great with shiney paint I was able to get all the VDO's from a streetrodder for $25 with the all the senders so I really don't have much more than the cost of the kit in the whole dash!
Let's see, I have a '40 pickup and I sold my only spare '40 passcar dash to Sawzall. Time to beat the bushes and find another. That installation looks SWEET !!!!! Oh yeah, almost forgot. The dash to the door pillar gap looks perfect to accomodate the windlacing trim. Ya' don't have that a stock '40.
I wish I had photos of my old dash. I used just the eyebrow part of 1959 Chevy pods. Center one for the speedo, two smaller ones to each side and down below two eyebrows facing upward with gauges. I got the idea from an old custom I saw in a Car Craft or something back in the early 60's.