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History SECRET JUNK YARD TOUR with lots of pics. Car's back to the 30's

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Joshua Shaw, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. hombres ruin
    Joined: Nov 21, 2006
    Posts: 3,314

    hombres ruin

    i dont get this secret bullshit,why is it people feel the need to hoard these cars then do absolutley nothing with them except let them rot into the ground,then tell people they are not for sale,because rotting is far more productive then letting people restore them and making some money at the same time!!Then we have the secret part which is just is plain old bullshit.Why post pics if its such a damn secret! Who wants to see pics of cars that could be saved,also knowing people are looking for projects or parts,dangeling this in peoples faces and then telling them "its a secret,dont ask,its not for sale"...WHY? In my book people who hoard stuff like this ,watch it rot,do nothing and then wont allow people to restore which is what we do, are total morons. i can never understand this mentality
  2. weldtoride
    Joined: Jun 14, 2008
    Posts: 260


    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
    Don’t write off all the tin as too rusty, look at what GaryC. has done with his renderings at the top of the last 2 Friday art show threads. Just look at them in a different light, like he has. Lots of guys think nothing of bringing back a T, A or ‘32 –‘34, Merc, and now ‘36 body in worse shape than some of those in these photos back to life, these rotten bodies are available elsewhere in the midwest, I admit they are not always for sale, but I even see them in the scrap yards occasionally, I just never saw the potential in them before.

    If the guy had moved last summer when scrap was high, he could have made a fortune on tonnage alone. I cleaned out my garage and barn here (trust me if its no good to me, its only good to a scrapper) in N. Illinois in July and with 4 heavy p/u loads made $940 bucks. I did have some al and a little copper, and the yard I use (rondout,Il) pays ok if you separate and cut the bigger pieces down to size. Heck, batteries were .10 a pound last summer. Scrap fell enormously when the market dropped.<o:p></o:p>
    It occurs to me that if he had a scale out front, he could get guys to haul it out and pay by the pound next time scrap goes up. But with current prices he's sitting on practically nothing now.<o:p></o:p>
    Joined: Oct 19, 2006
    Posts: 1,204

    from Ramona CA

    Crap like that just pisses me off.
    The owner could have made a large sum of cash on all the cars...yet he decided to hoard the cars.
    Yeah it may be his right to do so but its not right to the cars or to the people that could have saved those cars.
  4. Aman
    Joined: Dec 28, 2005
    Posts: 2,522

    from Texas

    You got to know when to fold them..and...he should have folded about 20 years ago. Looks like that yards a lost cause...cause he waited too long and now has a yard full of iron oxide. Good job idiot!
  5. 067chevy
    Joined: Sep 18, 2005
    Posts: 2,073


    Now that's some rust.
  6. Bad off as those cars seem, some could be worth trying to save, it's a shame they just sit and continue to rust.
  7. Jarred Hodges
    Joined: Jul 30, 2008
    Posts: 564

    Jarred Hodges

    It's sad to see all those cars rusting but if he did not hoard them up most of them would have been crushed. As far as selling the stuff he is probaly tired of people wanting the stuff for nothing
  8. Thanks for posting, it's always neat "visiting" another old yard.
    ...if some of you "western rust-free' guys can't see anything here woth saving, even parts; you are spoiled.
  9. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774



    That's a goddamned Eldorado!

    Just give me a few hours and a few beers with the dude... maybe there's something I can trade him for some of those bits he'll never use... like the power vent windows, power trunk pulldown, misc trim, 3x2 intake, etc. I could go on.

    My jaw hit the FLOOR.


  10. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Beat me to it, man. ;)

    Shhh! Don't let 'em all KNOW that! LOL!


  11. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    You know, that Eldorado has no cruise control... weird. I wonder if it's a rare-optioned car...

  12. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Now it seems like most of you are getting it. Guys will just wear you out and wanna tell you how "rough and useless" everything is while at the same time bitch cause you won't sell it to them..:rolleyes:


    ...Ever been to a Titty Bar? I bet you have.. Same thing. :D

  13. smarg
    Joined: Nov 18, 2008
    Posts: 1,068


  14. mad torquer
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
    Posts: 50

    mad torquer

    I am not pissed because he won't sell nothing or that it is too expensive; It just sucks to see the stuff sit outside and go to hell with no plans. You might as well part them out before the parts even go to hell. Maybe they are parts cars for other projects he has???
  15. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    For you guys that were "geekin" over the Caddy Quarters... They were pretty good!:D


  16. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    Excuse me, while I go say a few curse words, privately.

    Seriously. After a few beers, I'll bet I could get the guy to help me out on my '60. :)

    That car is too good to cut up, by the way... and Sienna Rose, to boot!

    Looks like it had a rare vinyl top as well... is this a Seville???? :eek:

    Snag us a pic of the cowl tag?

    And I'm wigging on the pot metal strip between the trunk lock and the bullets - those things are usually pitted as hell, but this one doesn't look half bad!


    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  17. Mopar Mama
    Joined: Nov 19, 2007
    Posts: 234

    Mopar Mama
    from Boise, ID

    I've learned so much from mine, they're my first cars and neither run nor drive yet. Personally something in that kind of shape was all I could afford at the time, and in hindsight would've done nothing different. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
  18. rebstew187
    Joined: Jan 17, 2005
    Posts: 1,491


    Thanks for posting. You should PM me. We, me and 4 or 5 other HAMB'ers are gonna hit a new yard in Ohio and then head about an hour south into Ky to another yard on the second weekend of January. You are more than welcome to tag along. New yard being one we haven't been in. It's old iron.
    And Brandon.. When do we get to see Moyers back yard????:D
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  19. 31fordV860
    Joined: Jan 22, 2007
    Posts: 864


    There has to be some psycholgical explanation of why people hoard these automobiles. Is it some widow or widower or older couple that find it too complicated to sell them? Or is it a 50 - 60 something person or persons who knows better.... but resists in doing anything about it. Who knows??

    I guess it is some strange delight in seeing people fall over themselves with interest in these.

    Either way, these cars and trucks deserve quality time and restoration.
  20. Abomination
    Joined: Oct 5, 2006
    Posts: 6,774


    I just want to talk myself into a free Cadillac. I'm quite charming. :D

  21. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
    Posts: 3,534


    There is a guy here in town that has a collection of the "performance era" cars. They too are laying outside rusting away. He is probably in his mid - late 30s!

    He bought the cars to save them from being crushed. As such he didn't pay very much for any of them. Originally he bought them for parts for projects he and his friends had. If he knew you, he would sell you something for a little more then he paid for it, through the years I bought a lot of stuff from him. So was a lot of other guys, seemed everyone always needed the good stuff. Wasn't long, several of the guys that "needed" the good parts started selling them for a lot more then they were paying him for these parts they supposedly needed. A few of the sales were pretty blaintant abuse of the guy with the parts. Before long he got pissed and started to sell these abusers the parts "they had to have" at the going free market price. Naturally, they started to complain. Things deterated from there. According to these "friends" this guy had become a rip off artest. That really hurt him.

    A few years after the big parts blow up, the guy bought a Duster race car with a roll cage, narrowed rear axle, full aluminum interior from a guy that told him he quit racing. That guy told him he "lost" the title several years before. (Don't need a title for a race car.) He sold the race car to a couple guys that intended on going racing. A few weeks after the sale I got wind of someone looking to sell a Duster. I contacted the seller, seems the boy friend of the lady who's name was on the title was working on her car and they split up. She knew some of the things done to the car, but the boy friend wouldn't tell her where the car was. Her biggest concern was the boy friend was going to do something illegal with the car and she would be responcable. I assured her the car was in safe hands and ended buying the title for $100. I took the title over to my friend and explained the situtation to him. He gladly gave me back my $100, and gave the title to the guys that were going to go racing. That was the last car or parts my friend has sold, and that had been at least 10 years ago. I presume he still has his collection, but haven't been by there in several years. Every once and a while I see him cruising around town in a rough looking prformance car, I suspect he drug form out of the collection. I still hear prople cry about all the old cars sitting on that farm and what a waste. I just smile and tell them he "restores" one every once and a while.

    I could probably buy something from him if I wanted, but to nearly everyone else, nothing is for sale. He has been burnt by selling parts and he has been burnt by selling cars. Ge gets to walk around his collection any day he wants, they are all paid for, and he doesn't nedd to sell them. Should be decide he wants to work on one, he can drag it into the garage and have at it. I'm not sure I can blame him. Gene
  22. The guy can do what he wants with the cars. If he lets people in, then tells them nothing is for sale, maybe he just wants friends or "The Guy" in everyones "I know this guy..." story. I'd love to have a 3x2 for my caddy motor...which isn't going in a caddy. But I don't want to pay the crazy money everybody is asking so I'll continue to aimlessly walk the earth.
  23. bruce hylton
    Joined: Dec 12, 2008
    Posts: 194

    bruce hylton
    from toledo wa

    The cars that went to the crusher this past summer brought more for scrap than most people wanted to pay and there was no argument.
  24. vintage tin
    Joined: Jan 26, 2008
    Posts: 269

    vintage tin

    I don't even see parts cars in that group. A challenge is fine, but resurrecting one of those turds is stupid. There is a lot of metal out there still that is a whole lot better. You can have it, I won't stand in your way.
  25. 31whitey
    Joined: Jan 2, 2007
    Posts: 2,214


    Ever think that hoarding is a result of years of dealing MORON BUYERS.

    People wasting your time and energy and then come up with shit like I give 50 bucks for it.

    I'm done selling anything...Future hoarder of America....

    I'm always down for a trade though....
  26. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    Josh, thanks for posting this up. I kinda think you knew what was going to happen when you did, and there is nothing wrong with it. A study in human behaviour is always amusing and informative. You can't buy this kind of entertainment for any price. As you well know almost everyone who posted a bitch about the hording, prices, condition of this stuff would NOT buy anthing there if it was for sale, and would come away with another negative to say about the guy who has it.
    I don't know you personally (met you once at a Goodguys event) but I've gained an appreciation of you and your dad for the talent both of you have and the experiences you've had. I can only imagine the things you've heard if anyone has tried to buy any of the stash you have. It would make a good book I'm sure. Fact is, it's yours and it's no one's business what you decide to do with it.
    That said, thanks for some real entertainment on a snowy, cold mid-Michigan day.

  27. Joshua Shaw
    Joined: Feb 7, 2007
    Posts: 2,191

    Joshua Shaw

    Thanks Frank..

    Well said.
  28. hellonwheels
    Joined: Jan 16, 2007
    Posts: 777

    from Bastrop

    Its funny how these threads always go, you can tell who the idealists are who think no car should go to waste and who probably don't have much experience in what it takes to save one, and you can also pick out the jaded curmudgeons who have dealt with way too much public in their lifetimes and don't give two shits about the tin they own, other than 'someone else wants it and they can't have it'.

    And then there's everyone in between.

    I'm always compelled to read every post, VERY entertaining. A cross section of the HAMB mind for sure.
  29. kustomizingkid
    Joined: Sep 6, 2008
    Posts: 225


    That is quite a collection!

    I just love looking at old iron, doesn't matter if its rotting in a feild, or sitting restored in a museum... the only thing I don't like is seeing old stuff getting crushed and sent away.

    I just heard from a friend that a great uncle has a cabin with 60-70 cars on the land, we are going to check it out on Sunday, can't wait. Supposedly there is a T and two A's, other than that we don't know what there is.
  30. HOT40ROD
    Joined: Jun 16, 2006
    Posts: 961

    from Easton, Pa

    That 70 mustng had a factory shaker hood on it. People would kill for that hood.

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