I figured things were coming along nicely Tom, haven't had a PM in a while Looking great and your work effort in your small garage at the top of the hill is paying off. You've come a long way since your request about the 3 on the tree shifting pattern. Happy holidays Jim
Too bad your first day of delivering your paper route on your bicycle was ruined by that jerk hotrodder with the loud exhaust. Boffo ride, man - very well done video also. dj
What a great way to start my day!! Very cool video, love the cat on the bike blowing by first, nice tease! Ultimate instant hot rod buzz!! Thanks!!~Sololobo~!!!Crazy about a Mercury!!!
Hope that wasn't a race....cause the bike was beating you FRENZ!!!! LOL..... Cool vid! I'm gonna make me one too....
Very Nice, man, I guess, all of us who had the same kind of dreams ever since, can share your feelings...Congrats!!!
Thanks for the kind words EVERYBODY ! I appreciate it. Jersey Jim,you can see a pic of the Merc in Bad Bob's Merc Club-post on page 9. And Bob...I'm waiting for your video dude !
Here's the only one I have right now. Taken by WiseGuy,on the way to the calendar shoot...sorry,no music!
Thanks Bloody Mary! Real nice one Bob,saw it before.I actually wanted to challenge you to come up with a new one as you said you gonna make yourself a video too.Hey...no video of Kristabelle available ?
To the Mac guys, try this plugin from Microsoft, works like a charm. Windows Media® Components for QuickTime BTW, nice ride